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Diatonic News - Apr-2015
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Voci Armoniche


Luciano Ligabue in visita al Museo di Castelfidardo - Italia
Musikmesse 2015 Frankfurt - Germany
Travail de l'interprétation avec Didier Laloy - France
Video Excerpt from Opening Concert, VI International Festival 'Accordion Plus' - Russia
Samuele Francesco Mazza incanta "Italia's got Talent" sul suo organetto - ITALIA
Traditional Finnish accordion avec/with Markku Lepistö - France/Finland
Diatonic Accordion Online Course and Lessons - WORLDWIDE/ITALY
Stage d'initiation à la réparation d'accordéon - France
2015 EIGENE "Marc Pircher - Fanreise" - Norwegen
New Orleas Jazz & Heritage Festival - USA
"Sound of Austria" Nachwuchswettbewerbs-Finale von Harmonika Müller - Austria

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

TAG DER STEIRISCHEN HARMONIKA 2015 in Lech/Arlberg - Österreich
Master Class avec François Badeau - France
En avril, accordéons-nous ! CNIMA - France
Suonare @ Folkfest 2015 - Italia
Les principales techniques instrumentales au diatonique - France
Stage du Irish style avec/with David Munnelly - France
Video: Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Featured with Andrea Bocelli & Symphony - Turkey
Monty’s Maggot presents the 4th Euro Mutton weekend - UK
Akkordeonale 2015 - Deutschland/Austria
22e fête de l'accordéon diatonique - France
11° Festival dell'Adriatico/Gara di Organetto - Italia
Master sur Initiation avec Sylvie Frechou - France
Initiation aux musiques des Balkans avec François Heim - France
Variations mélodiques & rythmiques avec Pascale Rubens - France
Kreuzfahrt mit Andreas Gabalier - Mittelmeer
Konzertinatreffen in Wartaweil/Ammersee - Deutschland
Musique et improvisation sur films muets avec Benjamin Macke - France
Seminar auf Schloss Seggau mit Hermann Jamnik - Österreich

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Funky grooves et rythmiques syncopées au diato avec Simone Bottasso - France
Il Quartetto "Lo que Vendrà" / Aprile - Italia
Samurai en concert a Nanterre - France
DUO RUSSO/VILENSKY ”Cello meets bandoneon” - Denmark
Paolo DiNicola al Circolo Gianni Bosio/Roma - ITALIA
Jacinto Guevara’s Retirement, Texas – USA
Andy Cutting on Tour - UK
La gavotte des montagnes avec Youen Bodros - France

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Neu CD von Mario Karnahsnigg - Austria
Metodo facile per fisarmonica diatonica dal M°Giuliano Cameli - Italia
Bellowhead - Roll Alabama - Official Video
Reaction CD by Bellows & Buttons - Serbia
La BandAdriatica presenta il nuovo CD "Babilonia" - Roma/Italia
Irish Spring - Festival of Irish Folk Music on Tour 2015 Preview

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Luciano Ligabue in visita al Museo di Castelfidardo - Italia

by Diatonic News
Luciano Ligabue in giro con il suo sold out del suo “Mondovisione Tour” , è stato graditissimo ospite di Museum Castelfidardo, accolto dal sindaco Mirco Soprani e da Vincenzo Canali, fondatore del Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica.

Il rocker emiliano, ha avuto in loro due eccezionali guide per cogliere le peculiarità artistiche ed imprenditoriali del territorio nel corso di una visita strettamente privata con un’immersione nello scrigno di via Mordini che custodisce i 150 anni di storia della fisarmonica.

Per lui recentemente è stato scritto un pezzo folk per fisarmonica e la ditta Pigini (Francesca Pigini) l'ha offerto un organetto personalizzato, assicurando che nei suoi prossimi concerti lo farà conoscere al suo pubblico”.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Musikmesse 2015 Frankfurt - Germany

by Diatonic News
Frankfurt Musikmesse
2015 Frankfurt Musikmesse PosterBe there from 14th to 18th April - when the doors open for 2015 Frankfurt Musikmesse – spirit of music! The international fair for musical instruments, sheet music, music production and music business connections.

Trade visitor days: 15th to 16th April, 9 am to 6 pm
Public visitor days: 17th to 18th April, 9 am to 6 pm.

The Frankfurt Musikmesse is the world's leading trade fair for the world of music. There, you will find a complete range of products with everything required for making music, not to mention innumerable workshops, concerts, demonstrations and discussion events.

This year all "free reed instruments" will return to the beautiful Hall 3.1 and Roland will have a large accordion/diatonic display Hall 5.0 B38 - so do not miss!!!

A full report of the event will be on this news.


Travail de l'interprétation avec Didier Laloy - France

by Diatonic News
Pendant le 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Travail sur l'interprétation à partir de compositions personnelles et de répertoire traditionnel.

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

Voci Armoniche

Video Excerpt from Opening Concert, VI International Festival 'Accordion Plus' - Russia

by Harley Jones
International Music Centre Video excerpt from the Opening Concert. Details of the players names coming shortly.

The 26th to 30th March 2015 was the V International Competition and VI International Festival 'Accordion Plus'. This event is organized by the Department of Culture of Rostov-on-Don and the International Music Centre "Harmony" to packed halls.

Video of 4 major concerts and colorful posters and information is at: 2015Rostov

Friedrich Lips Book


by Harley Jones
Video: Conchita Wurst hosting TV coverage of the Amadeus - Austrian Music Awards, 29th March 2015.

Wie schon im vergangenen Jahr wurde der beliebten Künstler Andreas Gabalier mit dem 2015 Award f. den ´"besten Live-Act des Jahres" ausgezeichnet.

##Die Amadeus Austrian Music Awards 2015 wurden am 29.3. 2015 im Wiener Volkstheater verliehen.
##Preise werden nur in rein österreichischen Kategorien vergeben.
##Die österreichische U-Musiklandschaft wird in 11 allgem.Kategorien und 5 Genres aufgeteilt.
##Für jedes Genre gibt es eine fachkompetente Jury.
##Die Jurymitglieder nominieren Album, Song und Künstler mittels passwortgeschütztem Online-Nominierungssystem.
##Vier Nominierungen ergeben sich aus den gewählten Künstlern, Alben bzw. Songs der Jurymitglieder.
##Eine Nominierung erfolgt durch die Fachjury des Veranstalters.
##Das Publikum wählt aus den Nominierten mittels Online-Voting die Sieger in den einzelnen Kategorien.


Es obliegt den Genre-Jury-Mitgliedern, welchem Genre sie einen Künstler zuordnen. Dem Veranstalter obliegt die Überprüfung der formalen Voraussetzungen für die Nominierungen.

Mehr Information: http://www.amadeusawards.at/#live_act_des_jahres

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Samuele Francesco Mazza incanta "Italia's got Talent" sul suo organetto - ITALIA

by Diatonic News
Si è presentato sul palco di Italia's Got Talent emozionato e tesissimo Samuele Francesco Mazza, il ragazzo calabrese che nella puntata di giovedì ha superato le selezioni per l'ingresso nel programma targato Sky. Samuele ha 18 anni, è calabrese ma si è presentato alle selezioni di Avellino. E’ appassionato di organetto, una passione che gli è stata tramandata dal padre: "l'organetto per me è come una fidanzata". L’obiettivo di Samuele è stato quello di trasmettere il suo entusiasmo e la sua passione al pubblico.

Con la sua performance ha dimostrato di essere abilissimo nel suonare l’organetto e, senza troppi problemi, ha conquistato il sì di Claudio Bisio, Luciana Littizzetto, Frank Matano e Nina Zilli.
Info by: Massimiliano Chiaravalloti

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Traditional Finnish accordion avec/with Markku Lepistö - France/Finland

by Harley Jones
Markku LepistöVideo: Markku Lepistö Trio live at Helsinki Music Centre 26.11.2013, video published 14 December 2014.

Pendant le 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Traditional finnish accordion repertoire and some basic elements of traditional style.

Prérequis/Prerequisites :
Stage en anglais ! English spoken only!

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

Diatonic Accordion Online Course and Lessons - WORLDWIDE/ITALY

by Diatonic News
Organetto/diatonic accordion -
Have you never played and do you want to start now?

The diatonic accordion multimedia online course, designed and created by the Italian Diatonic Accordion Academy, today is recognized in Italy and worldwide among the best educational tools for learning this musical instrument.

Lessons are clear, simple and the intuitive interface
provides the absolute beginner, as well as those who already play and want to make progress, with a source of information and advice of great value to address their study in the right way so that everyone can start to play right now!

Are you already able to play but you'd like to enrich your repertoire and improve yourself under the guidance of a professional teacher? The basic course includes also lessons given to advanced techniquesThe course includes also lessons, from basic to advanced levels, for those who want to get the best possiblilities from their own instrument.
An update repertoire of pieces constantly in evolution provides students with the opportunity to choose between tunes of different difficulty.

As a result of decades of experience in teaching this instrument, the online course offers an indispensable knowledge for studying diatonic accordion. The rigour and attention to the course contents refer to the traditional teaching of the great masters of this instrument, bringing the student gradually to the knowledge of wide and varied musical repertoires.

The fundamental purpose of this course is therefore to fill an educational gap which often limits or discourages the student. Not only that. The Italian Diatonic Accordion Academy has also thought to those who, having no time or opportunity to find a good teacher of organ in their town, want to play the accordion, acquiring step by step a proper approch and a varied and amusing repertoire.

More Information: http://www.organetto.name/english_home.htm

Titano Accordions

Stage d'initiation à la réparation d'accordéon - France

by Diatonic News
Bernard LoffetDans le cadre du 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Stage « brico-diato », ou apprentissage des notions de base de réparation d'accordéon avec Bernard Loffet


Osez connaître votre accordéon intimement ! Pour savoir ce qui en fait le son, la qualité, les défauts (éventuels), identifier et comprendre une panne et pouvoir réparer les petits bobos !

Prérequis :
Votre (vos) accordéon(s), papier, crayons, appareil photo éventuellement.

Petites pinces, tournevis plats et cruciformes, colle, scotch, scotch papier, élastiques, épingles à nourrice...

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

Accordion Jazz Chord

2015 EIGENE "Marc Pircher - Fanreise" - Norwegen

by Harley Jones
Video: Marc Pircher - Frauensache, Published on Apr 14, 2014.

Anmeldung und Informationen bei Gullivers Reisen
Einkaufsquartier Döbling Q19
Grinzingerstraße 112, Top 33, 1190 Wien
Telefon: 0043 (1) 320 30 30, Fax Dw: 30
office1190@gulliversreisen.at, www.gullivers.at

Gary Dahl Arrangements

New Orleas Jazz & Heritage Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
Rosie LedetFrom the very beginning, the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival was envisioned as an important event that would have great cultural significance and popular appeal. The Festival was the culmination of years of discussions and efforts by city leaders who wanted to create an event worthy of the city’s legacy as the birthplace of jazz.
For the 2015 Edition an impressive list of artists are present - pls consult the website for when / where - your favourate artist is performing:


"Sound of Austria" Nachwuchswettbewerbs-Finale von Harmonika Müller - Austria

by Diatonic News

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Voci Armoniche

TAG DER STEIRISCHEN HARMONIKA 2015 in Lech/Arlberg - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
DER ÖSTERREICHISCHE WETTBEWERB 2015 für die Steirische Harmonika findet heuer in den schönen Bergen Vorarlbergs statt.
Vom 17.- 19. APRIL 2015 treffen sich alle österreichischen und südtiroler Harmonikaspieler in Lech am Arlberg!

Gleichzeitig werden der Volksmusik-Wettbewerb und INTERNATIONALE GÄSTEKLASSEN veranstaltet, zu denen alle Spieler aus dem umliegenden Ausland herzlich eingeladen sind!
Die Anmeldefrist ist abgelaufen.

Erleben Sie einen hochstehenden Wettbwerb von den Kleinsten bis zu den Großen.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Harmonikaverband Österreichs


Master Class avec François Badeau - France

by Diatonic News
François BadeauPendant 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015 à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

– en revue l'ensemble des bases techniques de l'accordéon diatonique et chromatique bi-sonore afin d’approfondir la polyrythmie (complémentarité main droite / main gauche), le doigté de la main gauche et l'harmonisation.
– Le développement de l'oreille mélodique, harmonique et rythmique
– La tenue de l'instrument afin d'améliorer le jeu, l'équilibre et l'endurance en toutes circonstances.

Le stage se déroulera « à l'oreille » afin de développer une autonomie musicale et technique.

Prérequis :
– accordéon Sol/Do
– travail d'oreille
– un carnet, crayons et un enregistreur (numérique, cassette…) sont fortement conseillés

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr


by Diatonic News
Scandinavian Squeeze in group from 2013
24-26 April 2015

For the 16th year in a row, squeezebox players from near and far will gather with our instruments in Skåne (southern Sweden) for another weekend of making music, sharing knowledge and skills, and general enjoyment.


Torna Hallestad is a culturally rich little village near a unique and beautiful "twisted forest", not far from Lund in Southern Sweden. There we rent the main scout house at Gamlegård, with sleeping accommodations, kitchen, and rooms where we can play, talk, and (of course) eat our meals.

As usual, it is planned to gather at a central location and then share car space to travel together to Gamlegård.

Reservations for bookings should be made latest Monday, April 6 as our deadline for booking, because it needs to plan how much food to prepare. But the sooner you can book, the better; available beds for 28 people.

Info: http://www.nonce.dk/SSI/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

En avril, accordéons-nous ! CNIMA - France

by Harley Jones
CNIMA J.Mornet at www.cnima.com

Video: In December 2014, we published a segment of this TV program. We now publishing the complete 27 minute program "Au Bonheur de Nacre" March 2014 which featured Alain Pennec interviews and performance, on the accordion TV program Au Bonheur de Nacre, with excellent presenter Pascal Savard, broadcast by LMtv Sarthe.

Suonare @ Folkfest 2015 - Italia

by Diatonic News
Andrea Del FaveroAndrea Del Favero dice:
Di palco in palco, di sala in sala, di osteria in osteria, ci siamo trovati a fare i conti con i capelli che imbiancano e a renderci conto che abbiamo visto modificarsi anche l’atteggiamento del pubblico ai concerti, con ricambi generazionali. Folkest non è un festival capace di star fermo: è curioso del mondo e delle esperienze artistiche di ogni dove, che cerca di proporre con convinzione e costanza, è un laboratorio aperto tutto l’anno che spesso si apre a collaborazioni di ampio respiro.
Vi aspettiamo!!

Requisiti dei partecipanti
Il concorso è aperto ad artisti italiani e gruppi musicali al cui interno militi almeno un componente di cittadinanza italiana. Possono partecipare gruppi o artisti che abbiano o non abbiano all’attivo album, anche con distribuzione nazionale commerciale, e siano o non siano titolari di contratto discografico. E’ vietata l’iscrizione a gruppi o artisti che abbiano già vinto un’edizione del concorso e abbiano quindi partecipato a precedenti edizioni di Folkest festival.

Per ulteriore informazioni sul regolamento consulta il sito: http://www.folkest.com/suonarefolkest/

Titano Accordions

Les principales techniques instrumentales au diatonique - France

by Diatonic News
Bruno Letronavec Bruno Le Tron
dans le cadre du 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Découverte des accords main droite, des techniques d'ornementations, au travers d'une mélodie traditionnelle ou de composition récente.
Jeu d'ensemble.

Prérequis :
Travail à l'oreille uniquement ; moyen d'enregistrement.

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr


Stage du Irish style avec/with David Munnelly - France

by Harley Jones
David MunnellyPendant le 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)


Irish style for advance. Learning tunes and talking about ornamentation and style.

Also talk about Regional styles.

Prérequis/Prerequisites :
ny kind of accordion system is okay, but with advanced skills! ;-)

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

Voci Armoniche

Video: Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Featured with Andrea Bocelli & Symphony - Turkey

by Harley Jones
Mario Stefano PietrodarchiIn 2014 Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi was performing together with Italian operatic tenor Andrea Bocelli in Ülker Sports Arena in Turkey for the 20th Anniversary of the TEMA Foundation (Turkisch Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, For Reforestation and Protection of Natural Habitats) at a concert organized by the Most Production.

Conducting was Marcello Rota with Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi as guest artist performing as soloist with the orchestra for some pieces with Andrea Bocelli.

Monty’s Maggot presents the 4th Euro Mutton weekend - UK

by Diatonic News
"The 4th French/Euro Dance Music Workshop Weekend" in The Blowzabella EuroTradition with Andy Cutting, Jo Freya and Dave Shepherd is on. This will be the last workshop at the Shoulder of Mutton!!!

 Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 April 2015.
 The Shoulder of Mutton, The Swan and Red Cross Hall, Wantage, Oxfordshire.
What to Expect: A relaxed atmosphere for all levels of musician!
The morning workshops are for ‘single instruments’ (boxes with Andy, fiddle with Dave, and ‘other instruments’ (wind, guitars, dulcimers, hurdy gurdy’s etc with Jo) and we’ll look at both tunes and technique. ‘Other instrument’ players who’d like to join one of the other morning groups may do so with the tutors’ OK, we don’t want to unbalance things!
In the afternoon we will split the group into multi-instrumental ‘bands’ to work on ‘playing for dance’ —the feel, lift and tempo for a good dance tune. Saturday afternoon starts with a short dance workshop, since to play for dance, one needs to know the dance! All participants will experience a band workshop with all 3 tutors.

Questions? Email jeremy@tozerofdevon.net or call 07717 461972 for a booking form.

Akkordeonale 2015 - Deutschland/Austria

by Diatonic News
Der Organisator Servais Haanen hat seine frühere Doppelheimat — Klassik und Folkmusik — weit hinter sich gelassen, und sich auf einen Weg gemacht, der steiniger ist als er zunächst wirken mag.

Denn er hat sich entschieden, seine musikalischen Ideen, die wie eine Mischung aus Minimal Music, Nachtbar-Jazz, Musette und der Liebe zum Empfindsamen funktionieren, auf dem diatonischen Knopfakkordeon umzusetzen.

Er sagt:
Das Image des oft belächelten und als uncool geltenden Instruments Akkordeon wurde in den letzten Jahren kräftig aufpoliert. Seine Popularität und Vielseitigkeit zeigt sich durch alle Musiksparten: nicht nur in der Volksmusik oder im Folk, auch in Rock, Pop, Klassik und Jazz ist es mittlerweile selbstverständlich zu Hause — sogar der Rap hat es für sich entdeckt.

Die Akkordeonale mischt hier kräftig mit und wirft Schlaglichter auf die musikalische Entfaltung eines Weltbürgers unter den Instrumenten quer durch sämtliche Kulturen und Stilarten.

Hier bekommt man prallen musikalischen Reichtum zu hören: von traditionell bis zeitgenössisch, folkloristisch, exotisch, jazzig, virtuos und temperamentvoll!

Zum siebten Mal hat der Niederländer Servais Haanen ein Ensemble von Musikern aus verschiedensten Ländern zusammengestellt um das Publikum in die facettenreiche Welt des Akkordeons zu entführen.

Das diesjährige Programm bietet eine Mischung aus avantgardistischem Akkordeon aus dem Kaukasus, Virtuosität mit Herz und Charme auf irischer Konzertina, feinsinnigen Akkordeon-Grooves aus den finnischen Wäldern, einem aus der Art geschlagenen deutschen Bajan und niederländischer Klangästhetik auf Ziehharmonika, garniert mit Posaune, Geige und Drehleier.

Kennzeichnend für die Akkordeonale ist nicht das Vorführen und Aneinanderreihen einzelner Akkordeon-Stile (wir sind ja nicht im Zoo) sondern die Begegnung der Musiker in einem lebendigen Wechsel aus Solos und Ensemblestücken. Im Zusammenspiel verweben sich die vielfältigen Klangmöglichkeiten. Improvisationstalent, Spontaneität und die Lust an einem schönen gemeinsamen Konzert lassen die Musiker wie von selbst zu einer Einheit werden und etwas neues, bis jetzt noch nicht gehörtes entsteht.

Ein einzigartiges Fest der Klänge, ein Ereignis der besonderen Art.

08.04.2015 in 76131 Karlsruhe, Tollhaus
 09.04.2015 in 72762 Reutlingen, franz k
 11.04.2015 in 10117 Berlin, Admiralspalast
 12.04.2015 in 29308 Winsen (Aller), Evangelische Kirche St. Johannes
 14.04.2015 in 55122 Mainz, SWR live” im SWR Foyer
 15.04.2015 in 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen, Stadthalle
 16.04.2015 in 77654 Offenburg, Reithalle
 17.04.2015 in 63303 Dreieich, Bürgerhaus Sprendlingen
 18.04.2015 in 79106 Freiburg, E-Werk
 19.04.2015 in 90530 Wendelstein, , Waldorfschule
 20.04.2015 in 01097 Dresden, , Dreikönigskirche
 21.04.2015 in 07743 Jena, Volkshaus
 23.04.2015 in A-8020 Graz, Gersthofen, , Stadthalle Gersthofen
 25.04.2015 in A-9761 Greifenburg, Kulturhaus
 26.04.2015 in 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck Veranstaltungsforum
 28.04.2015 in 53129 Bonn, Harmonie
 29.04.2015 in 50169 Kerpen, Schloss Loersfeld
 30.04.2015 in 28816 Stuhr, Gutsscheune Varrel

Alle weiteren Infos entnehmen Sie bitte der Webseite: http://www.akkordeonale.de/

Accordion Jazz Chords

22e fête de l'accordéon diatonique - France

by Diatonic News

11° Festival dell'Adriatico/Gara di Organetto - Italia

by Diatonic News
L’Associazione “Pro Chiesa San Francesco” di Acquaviva Picena (AP), con il patrocinio del Comune di Acquaviva Picena (AP) e in collaborazione con l'Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) e l'Ass.ne Musicale “Amici della Musica” di San benedetto del Tronto (AP), organizza il
Alla manifestazione che si svolgerà il giorno 25 aprile 2015 nella Sala Consiliare del Comune di Acquaviva Picena (AP) - Via San Rocco n. 9 -, vi potranno prendere parte candidati con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca..
La gara si articolerà nelle seguenti categorie:
- Cat. A fino a 12 anni (nati dal 2003 in poi)
- Cat. B fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2000 in poi)
- Cat. C fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1997 in poi)
- Cat. D senza limiti di età
- Cat. OVER ‘50
Tutti i concorrenti sono tenuti a presentare due brani a libera scelta della durata complessiva non superiore agli 6 (sei) minuti.
Il giudizio della giuria è inappellabile: essa ha la facoltà di abbreviare la durata delle esecuzioni, di richiedere eventuali riascolti, di deliberare classifiche ex-aequo e di non assegnare i premi qualora non vengano riscontrati i requisiti indispensabili.
La classifica dei concorrenti sarà stilata con la seguente valutazione:
- da 95 a 100/100 1° Premio
- da 90 a 94/100 2° Premio
- da 85 a 89/100 3° Premio
Le graduatorie saranno comunicate al termine delle audizioni di tutte le categorie.
Saranno assegnati i seguenti premi:
- Al primo assoluto di ogni categoria con punteggio più alto dei 1° Premio, se superiore a 97/100, verrà assegnato: diploma di Merito (Vincitore di Categoria), coppa o equivalente.
- Ai 1° Premio di ogni categoria verrà assegnato: Diploma di 1° Premio, coppa o equivalente.
- Ai 2° Premio e 3° Premio di ogni categoria verrà assegnato: Diploma, medaglia o equivalente.
Le domande di iscrizione, compilate sull'apposita scheda, dovranno pervenire entro e non oltre il 22 aprile 2015 e, a discrezione dell’organizzazione, accettate anche il giorno stesso del concorso, entro le ore 12.00. I concorrenti dovranno esibire un documento di identità personale ad esclusione dei Tesserati AMISAD.
Quota di iscrizione: €. 15,00
Il concorrente è tenuto a presentarsi per l’esibizione al momento della chiamata della giuria; dopo due chiamate, se risulta assente, viene escluso dalla gara.
Le spese di viaggio e di soggiorno per la suddetta gara sono a carico dei concorrenti. L'Organizzazione declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali incidenti a cose o persone, che potrebbero accadere prima, durante e dopo lo svolgimento della manifestazione.
Il concorrente, nel partecipare alla gara, dichiara:
- di aver letto il Regolamento e di approvarlo senza riserve alcuna
- di acconsentire alle Ass. “Pro Chiesa San Francesco”, A.M.I.SA.D. e “Amici della Musica” al trattamento dei suoi dati a fini di informazione e promozione (L.675/96 e successive modifiche e/o integrazioni
Per informazioni: roncogia@alice.it


ore 10:00 Iscrizioni e conferma iscrizioni
ore 10:30 Inizio audizioni ad iniziare dalla categoria. A
ore 13:00 Pausa pranzo
ore 15:00 Prosecuzione audizioni delle altre categorie sino al termine
a seguire Premiazioni.
Proclamazione dei Vincitori del 11° Festival dell'Adriatico – Gara di Organetto.

Titano Accordions

Master sur Initiation avec Sylvie Frechou - France

by Diatonic News
Silvie FrechouPendant le 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)
Deux formules : samedi après-midi seulement ou tout le week-end.

Un instrument peut être prêté pendant la durée du stage (une caution est demandée), à indiquer dans le formulaire d’inscription.

Deux jours pour découvrir l'instrument et ses possibilités.

Nous travaillerons autour d'une mélodie de quelques notes, apprise d'oreille, autour de laquelle nous expérimenterons différentes techniques de jeu.

Prérequis : AUCUN ! ;-)

Apportez votre instrument si vous en possédez un (accordéon Sol/Do), un enregistreur, ainsi que de quoi noter.

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

Initiation aux musiques des Balkans avec François Heim - France

by Diatonic News
François HeimPendant le 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Découverte des rythmiques asymétriques, travail de l'accompagnement et des ornements spécifiques à ces musiques.

Mise en pratique sur un ou 2 thèmes simples avec l'objectif de jouer ensemble en tenant compte du niveau de chacun.

Prérequis :
Ne pas être débutant complet.
Savoir jouer un morceau simple les 2 mains ensemble.

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Variations mélodiques & rythmiques avec Pascale Rubens - France

by Diatonic News
Pascale RubensPendant le 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

À partir d’une mélodie, nous allons découvrir tout ce qu’on peut rajouter à cette mélodie : variations de la mélodie, variations rythmiques de la main gauche, l’accompagnement…

La mélodie sera apprise à l’oreille mais pour ceux qui le souhaitent, il y aura des partitions.

Prérequis :
Accordéon Sol/Do.
N’oubliez pas d’emmener un enregistreur !

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

eSheet Music Titles

Kreuzfahrt mit Andreas Gabalier - Mittelmeer

by Harley Jones
Video: ZDF tivi - Heidi TV Titlesong by Andreas Gabalier, Published on Feb 10, 2015.


Titano Accordions

Konzertinatreffen in Wartaweil/Ammersee - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
1. bis 3. Mai 2015

Buntes Musizieren mit Konzertinas und anderen Instrumenten – Folk aus aller Herren Länder mit Konzertina, Akkordeon, Banjo, Flöte, Harfe, …
In der Ökostation Wartaweil am Ammersee – Musizieren mit Blick auf den See

Interessenten, die noch nicht wissen, welche Konzertina sie kaufen sollen, bilden die dritte Besuchergruppe. Hier können sie die verschiedenen Typen sehen, hören, antesten und sich beraten lassen.

Deutsche Konzertina, Anglos, Englische und Duet sind hier die gängigen Instrumente, aber auch Chemnitzer und Carlsfelder sind regelmäßig vertreten.

Einige Teilnehmer haben auch andere Instrumente dabei, was das Musizieren bereichert. Deswegen sind auch MusikerInnen mit anderen Instrumenten ausdrücklich eingeladen, obwohl es ein Konzertinatreffen ist!

Das Treffen lebt von der Musik, die die Teilnehmer mitbringen.

Der musikalische Leiter wird in diesem Jahr wieder Jochen Riemer sein, der das Treffen mitbegründet hat.

Weitere Information unter:
Klaus Wenger

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Musique et improvisation sur films muets avec Benjamin Macke - France

by Diatonic News
Benjamin MackePendant le 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)


Fort de son expérience de ciné-concertiste, Benjamin Macke a l'idée un jour d'utiliser les films muets comme outil pédagogique. L'idée est simple : travailler le son individuel et collectif en accompagnant les classiques du cinéma muet. Jouer pour un film permet "d'oublier de réfléchir", réfléchir à ses doigts, réfléchir aux notions théoriques... On cherche plutôt à se libérer, se décomplexer par rapport à l’improvisation, chacun mettant son bagage culturel et technique au service de l'image et du collectif. C'est un atelier basé essentiellement sur l’oralité !

Ainsi donc beaucoup de choses se font à partir d'improvisations. C'est un grand mot qui fait souvent peur mais c'est en fait un moyen d'expression dont chacun est capable s'il est en confiance.

Prérequis :
Tous niveaux, toutes expériences, tout savoir-faire sont les bienvenus dans cet atelier de découverte de l'improvisation en collectif.

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

Voci Armoniche

Seminar auf Schloss Seggau mit Hermann Jamnik - Österreich

by Diatonic News
von 31. Mai bis 06. Juni 2015

Der BAV (Bund Alpenländischer Volksmusikanten) ladet zum 37. Volksmusikseminar auf Schloss Seggau ein und freut sich auf ein Wiedersehen und Wiederhören, wenn es heißt:

Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt - die Volksmusik im Vordergrund!

Neben dem Einzelunterricht wird bei Bedarf auch Gruppenunterricht geboten.

Herzlich eingeladen sind auch Sängerinnen und Sänger, die in einer Gruppe singen und einen Erfahrungsaustausch wünschen. Das genaue Seminarprogramm mit den geplanten Schwerpunkten wird nach erfolgter Anmeldung in einer dafür vorgesehenen Aussendung bekannt gegeben. Wie gewohnt, beginnt das Seminar am Sonntag und endet am Samstag mit dem Mittagessen. Das Seminarprogramm, die Teilnehmer- und Referentenliste, die Quartiereinteilung und der Unterrichtsplan werden den Teilnehmern ca. 3 Wochen vor Seminarbeginn zugesandt.

Um die Organisation zu erleichtern, wird gebeten, für jeden Seminarteilnehmer bzw. für jede Begleitperson eine eigene Anmeldung (Online-Formular oder PDF-Formular) auszufüllen. Es werden nur schriftliche Anmeldungen (Online-Formular oder ausgefüllte Anmeldekarte per Post, per Fax) entgegengenommen! Unterricht auf einem Zweitinstrument ist gegen einen Aufpreis von 200 Euro möglich.

Anmeldeschluss: Montag, 20. April 2015!

Spätere Anmeldungen können leider nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden. Maßgebend für die Reihung der Anmeldungen ist das Datum der Onlineanmeldung bzw. des Poststempels.

Dein Ansprechpartner:

Hermann Jamnik
Tel. 0043 (0) 3453 4131

und Romana Weixlbaumer

Schloss Seggau
Seggauberg 1
A - 8430 Leibnitz

Sounding Out the Accordion

Future events / Concerts


Funky grooves et rythmiques syncopées au diato avec Simone Bottasso - France

by Diatonic News
Simone BottassoPendant 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015 à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

À partir de simples mélodies, on travaillera les différentes façons de les accompagner : les accords à la main droite et les possibles substitutions, les basses composées, créer un groove avec la main gauche, les nuances, les ghost notes et les différentes sonorités percussives de l'accordéon.

Prérequis :

Un accordéon à 3 rangs ou 2 rangs et demi est conseillé, mais il sera possible de suivre le stage aussi avec un 2 rangs (avec la possibilité de supprimer les tierces).

Autonomie dans l'apprentissage (connaissance du clavier ou capacité à apprendre d’oreille), un minimum de connaissance et de pratique des accords main droite.

Amener un enregistreur, du papier à musique, un métronome et un peu de curiosité rythmique !

Voci Armoniche

Il Quartetto "Lo que Vendrà" / Aprile - Italia

by Diatonic News
5 Aprile concerto al Pescara tango festival...(Lo que vendrà festeggia 10 anni)

10 Aprile concerto tributo a Piazzola a Pescara (Abruzzo) Italy

16,17 Aprile concerto Tangos en tango presso il Teatro Sloveno di Trieste (Italy)

18 aprile concerto a Torino (Italy)

Friedrich Lips Book

Samurai en concert a Nanterre - France

by Diatonic News
dans le cadre de la Fête de l’accordéon et de La Terre est à nous, la Maison de la musique de Nanterre propose

vendredi 10 avril à 20h30

Samurai avec: Didier Laloy, Bruno Le Tron, Markku Lepistö, David Munnelly

Maison de la Musique
8 rue des Anciennes Mairies, Nanterre

Information/Reservation: http://www.nanterre.fr/153-billetterie-des-spectacles.htm

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

DUO RUSSO/VILENSKY ”Cello meets bandoneon” - Denmark

by Harley Jones
Friday 24 april 2015 / 20.00h
Jazzhus Montmartre, Copenhagen
Store Regnegade 19A, DK-1110 Copenaghen

"The passionate bandoneon and the elegant cello, it would appear, have little in common. But not when the international duet of Paolo Russo and Ruslan Vilensky take to the stage. They are both virtuosos of their instruments, both extraordinarily charismatic and creative, both of their concert schedules extend across the whole world, and both of them believe that music cannot have any borders. So come ready for an energetic dialogue between the bandoneon and the cello, which won’t be short of Italian temperament, Argentinean melancholy and subdued Northern beauty." Introducing a truly international collaboration between leading Latvian cellist Ruslan Vilensky and the Copenhagen-based Italian bandoneon player, Paolo Russo. The program includes mostly original compositions by Paolo Russo as well as a taste of Astor Piazzolla's wonderful masterpieces, especially arranged for this unique ensemble.



Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Paolo DiNicola al Circolo Gianni Bosio/Roma - ITALIA

by Diatonic News
il 18-19 Aprile 2015 per un Lab e concerto con il gruppo Etnico.
Ulteriori informazioni su www.circologiannibosio.it

Jacinto Guevara’s Retirement, Texas – USA

by Diatonic News
Jacinto GuevaraJacinto Guevara diatonic accordionist Jacinto Guevara writes, “Last public performance of all time. After performing, composing, arranging and band-leading since 1976 I'll be retiring my musical career. I've performed at hundreds of private parties, original music clubs, folk festivals, theatrical plays, studio sessions with other bands, recordings for movies (three) and for dignitaries including César Chávez, Gloria Molina, Jesse Jackson and Charlie González.

I thank all the people who have performed with me in the last 38 years including Ray Symczyk and Joaquin Muerte. Thank you, Everto Ruiz at CSU Northridge for lending me the acordeón for a semester as a bribe to get me to learn and perform guitarrón in your mariachi.

Jacinto Guevara’ final gig was at Barriba Cantina, Crocket and Navarro on the Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas Sunday March 15th.

Titano Accordions

Andy Cutting on Tour - UK

by Diatonic News
see and here your musical idol Andy Cutting throughout UK during the next months...

Accordion Jazz Chord

La gavotte des montagnes avec Youen Bodros - France

by Diatonic News
Youen BodrosPendant 22e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 11 & 12 avril 2015 à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)
Travail autour de la gavotte « swing » des montagnes :

– style
– lignes de basses
– accompagnement
– harmonie

Prérequis :

– accordéon Sol/Do de préférence 12 et 18 basses
– enregistreur
– papier/crayon

01 43 07 12 48 (Christian)
06 77 60 10 70 le soir (Jean-Pierre)
http://www.diatotrad.fr/ stage@diatotrad.fr

Gary Dahl Arrangements


by Diatonic News
10/04/2015 ore 21:30
Ingresso: 15.00 € Minori di 30 anni: 8.00 €
Iinformazioni su http://www.folkclub.it/

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Charnwood Music Publishing

Neu CD von Mario Karnahsnigg - Austria

by Diatonic News
2. CD PRÄSENTATION am 25.April.2015 am Goglhof / Fügenberg !!
Mit dabei: Orig. Almrauschklang, Brugger Buam und Moderator Willi Leo !!!

Info: www.mario-k.com

Voci Armoniche

Metodo facile per fisarmonica diatonica dal M°Giuliano Cameli - Italia

by Diatonic News
Metodo facile per fisarmonica diatonica dal M°Giuliano CameliMaestro G.C. su continue richieste dai suoi ammiratori ha pubblicato con la edizione musicale Zaccaria il suo nuovo metodo facile a numeretti per fisarmonica diatonica (organetto) a 2 e 4 bassi modello GIU-CAM system.
Questo nuovo metodo è per tutti i strumentisti di organetto che non hanno la capacità di leggere correttamente la musica. Quindi si può imparare facilmente a suonare ed impressionare amici e pubblico con brani importanti e folklore in genere trascritti ed elaborati dal Maestro Giuliano Cameli.

Il metodo è corredato da un DVD con tutti i brani contenenti nella raccolta ed eseguiti dal Maestro stesso sia sull’organetto a 2 bassi e 4 bassi.

Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi a info@zaccariaeditore.it
contattare il maestro Cameli giulianocameli@libero.it


Bellowhead - Roll Alabama - Official Video

by Harley Jones
English contemporary folk band 'Bellowhead' performing "Roll Alabama" Live on the Paul O' Grady show. 'Roll Alabama' is a traditional sea shanty, the subject is the ship 'CSS Alabama' built in 1862.

Bellowhead March 2015 Newsletter
16 CROYDON Fairfield Halls - VENUE - GIGANTIC
19 TRURO Hall For Cornwall - VENUE - GIGANTIC
24 LIVERPOOL Philharmonic - SOLD OUT

Reaction CD by Bellows & Buttons - Serbia

by Harley Jones
Reaction CD Cover
Buttons & Bellows Duo of Aleksandar Nikolic & Petar Maric have released a new CD titled Tango Reaction. This CD features 11 tracks of excellent music and is available online at Cat No. beltango5

Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon and accordion) is musical director and accordion and bandoneon player of the Beltango quintet, one of the worlds best-known tango groups, which has performed more than 500 concerts in 25 different countries.

Aleksandar Nikolic is also the President of Belgrade Accordion Association and Artistic Director of the Belgrade Tango Festival.

Petar Maric (accordion) is recognised as one of the finest young accordionists having won Coupe Mondiale categories for classical, virtuoso and electronic music and is a performer of many different musical styles.

These two superbly talented players with the unique combination of bandoneon and accordion and the special collaboration between professor and student show an abundance of tango repertoire and superb musicianship.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

La BandAdriatica presenta il nuovo CD "Babilonia" - Roma/Italia

by Diatonic News
Claudio Primo della BandAdriatikAppuntamento importante con e per la BandAdriatica - il
17 aprile a Roma , Auditorium Parco della Musica dove presenteranno il loro nuovo CD "Babilonia"

La BandAdriatica è un incontro di culture e provenienze sotto il segno del Mar Adriatico. A Maggio 2008 i musicisti si imbarcano su un veliero che li conduce nei porti dell’Adriatico dove la banda incontra importanti esponenti della musica tradizionale adriatica e con i quali compone le musiche che diventano le basi di un repertorio originale. Nel 2009 il progetto diventa “Rotta per Otranto” un film nel quale si racconta questa straordinaria avventura. Da Venezia a Capodistria, da Dubrovnik a Durazzo fino a Otranto, il veliero Idea 2 trasporta dei musicisti-marinai che raccontano in musica le proprie esperienze di viaggio. La banda collabora con Boban e Marko Markovic, la Kocani Orkestar, il coro bulgaro di Eva quartet, Raiz e Radicanto. Il brano Arriva la banda è presente nella compilation Puglia sounds New in distribuzione con XL di Repubblica e il videoclip è finalista al PIVI (Premio Italiano dei Videoclip Indipendenti) e al PVI (Premio del Videoclip Italiano) i due maggiori premi italiani dedicati ai videoclip. Attualmente il gruppo è in studio per registrare il nuovo cd "Babilonia", prodotto da Finisterre, che sarà presentato ufficialmente venerdì 17 aprile all'Auditorium "Parco della Musica" di Roma.

www.adriatik.it / info@adriatik.it

Irish Spring - Festival of Irish Folk Music on Tour 2015 Preview

by Diatonic News

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