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Spielberg Musikfestival - Austriaby Diatonic News |
24. bis 28. August 2016: Spielberg Musikfestival geht in die vierte Saison – Open Air am Red Bull-Ring: Hubert von Goisern, LaBrassBanda, Herbert Pixner-Projekt, Folkshilfe – Hochkarätige Künstler bieten grenzenlosen Musikgenuss – Jetzt Tickets sichern . Mit Hubert von Goisern, Meister der Weltmusik und Volksmusikerneuerer, „Entstauber“ und Individualist, wird das Open Air am Red Bull Ring – übrigens eines seiner wenigen Konzerte 2016 – im kommenden Jahr zum ganz besonderen Hörerlebnis. Der musikalische Botschafter Österreichs bietet Alpenrock vom Feinsten – von der druckvollen Rocknummer über den schwungvollen Countrysong bis hin zur herzschweren Ballade. Er fordert sein Publikum heraus, voller Ideen und Energie – eben „alles Goisern“. „LaBrassBanda“, die Live-Sensation aus dem Chiemgau, sind keine Neulinge beim Spielberg Musikfestival. Bereits 2015 begeisterte die etwas andere Blasmusikkapelle die Besucher mit musikalischer Energie. Festival-Intendant Herbert Pixner wird wie in den Vorjahren mit seinem „Herbert Pixner Projekt“ auf der Bühne stehen. Die vier Vollblutmusiker überraschen immer wieder mit außergewöhnlichen Eigenkompositionen und atemberaubenden Improvisationen. Das Trio der „Folkshilfe“ versteht es, mit seiner Musik Menschen aller Altersgruppen in seinen Bann zu ziehen. Bei ihren Live-Auftritten muss getanzt, geschwitzt und mitgesungen werden. Eröffnet wird das Open Air am Red Bull Ring wieder von den Gewinnern des „MyStage Bandcontest“. Fünf Tage Musikerlebnis Das Spielberg Musikfestival am Red Bull Ring zelebriert – ganz nach dem Motto „Laut & Leise“ – auch 2016 wieder eine außergewöhnliche kulturelle Bandbreite. Modern inszenierte Volksmusik bringt traditionelle Elemente und Zeitgeist zusammen: Bei Workshops erhalten die Teilnehmer von Mittwoch bis Freitag wertvolle Tipps von namhaften Referenten. Im Rahmen des „Erlebnis Volksmusik“ wird am Freitag in verschiedenen Häusern des Projekt Spielberg ein Abend mit Musik und Tanz geboten. Am Samstag, beim Open Air am Red Bull Ring, das von den „MyStage Bandcontest“-Gewinnern eröffnet wird, kommen Liebhaber der alpenländischen Volksmusik voll auf ihre Kosten. Der beliebte Familiensonntag, der mit einer Feldmesse eröffnet wird, rundet das Festival für Musikfreunde ab: Zahlreiche Musikgruppen sorgen für gute Stimmung, regionale Aussteller und Handwerker geben Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und präsentieren ihre Werke. Bei Oldtimer-Fahrten begeben sich die Besucher auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit. Die kleinen Gäste können sich bei unterschiedlichsten Attraktionen vergnügen, spielen und sich austoben. Gemeinsam mit ihren Eltern genießen sie zudem hervorragende Musik und herzhafte Schmankerl – ein Familientag, bei dem Jung und Alt voll auf ihre Kosten kommen. „MyStage Bandcontest“: Einmalige Chance für Nachwuchstalente. Von Beginn an sieht sich das Spielberg Musikfestival als Förderer und Plattform für aufstrebende junge Talente. Aufgrund der äußerst positiven Resonanz findet 2016 zum zweiten Mal der „MyStage Bandcontest“ statt. Nachwuchskünstler haben die Möglichkeit, sich mit Hörproben oder Videos zu bewerben. Eine Vorauswahl wird die Fachjury unter der Leitung des Festivalintendanten Herbert Pixner treffen. Anschließend wird das Publikum per Online-Voting entscheiden, wer das Open Air am Red Bull Ring am Samstag, 27. August 2016, eröffnen wird. https://www.projekt-spielberg.com/ |
Accordionist Cody McSherry is a Finalist in Lancaster's Got Talent– Please vote!by Joan & Dan Grauman |
Cody McSherry, age 13, is moving on to the final round of Lancaster's Got Talent. Cody will be playing his piano accordion and competing against nine vocalists. The finalists will perform live at the Lancaster Newspapers studio in Lancaster, Pennsylvania at 7:PM on Friday, August 5, 2016. The performances will be livestreamed via the Lancaster Online website: http://lancasteronline.com/lancastersgottalent/. The public is invited to vote online for their choice during the livestream, and the winner of the voting will receive $250. Three studio judges will also select a winner for the grand prize of $750. You can view videos of the finalists via the website link. Please consider watching the livestream broadcast at 7 p.m. on August 5th and voting for Cody! |
6° Premio ETNIE MUSICALI / edizione 2016 - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Festival del Saltarello Concorso Internazionale di gruppi Folk sotto la guida del direttore artistico: Danilo di Paolonicola ASSOCIAZIONE INTERAMNIA WORLD MUSIC via Gelasio Adamoli, 52 – 64100 Teramo Info e-mail: festivaldelsaltarello@gmail.com Facebook/ Festival del Saltarello ell. 3475153262 - 3484718714 |
Accordion Babes 2017 Album & Pin-up Calendar, California - USAby Rob Howard |
The 2017 Accordion Babes Album & Pin-up Calendar, produced by accordionist Renee de la Prade in Oakland, California, is in production, and pre-orders are now being taken. There is a small price discount for pre-ordered copies, (more copies ordered = bigger discount) and very reasonable shipping rates to Europe for the 2017 edition. The ladies are all accordionists, not models, and the calendar comes complete with a CD featuring each of them. For further information email: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com |
Harmonika Müller & Abschlussabend - Hotel G'Schlössl Murtal/Österreichby Diatonic News |
Harmonika Müller ist Partner von „Spielberg Musikfestival“. Als führender Hersteller von qualitativ hochwertigen Harmonikas sind sie beim Harmonikatreffen vor Ort und präsentieren ihre Harmonikas, mit exklusiven Einblicken in die Handwerksarbeit. Auch beim Open Air am Red Bull Ring und am Familientag in Spielberg können Harmonikafans die Instrumente näher kennenlernen. Am Freitag, 26.08.2016 von 18.00 Uhr bis open end findet der Harmonika Müller & Abschlussabend mit einem Harmonika Workshop im Hotel G'Schlössl Murtal statt. www.harmonika.at https://www.projekt-spielberg.com/musikfestival/programm.html |
Billy McComiskey’s AFC Fellowship Award, Washington DC - USAby Harley Jones |
Video: To celebrate the AFC’s 40-year connection with Billy McComiskey, he was invited to headline a concert on June 28th featuring his sons Patrick, Sean, and Mikey, his nieces Catriona and Angela Fee, and his friends Myron Bretholz and Josh Dukes. Presented as part of the Library of Congress American Folklife Center’s Homegrown: The Music of America series. Kennedy Center, Published: Jun 28, 2016. The American Folklife Center has congratulated Billy McComiskey, one of the USA’s top button accordion players in Irish traditional music, for winning a 2016 National Heritage Fellowship award. The Fellowship is in recognition for a lifetime of excellence in a traditional art form, and is the highest honor in the folk and traditional arts in the United States. Billy McComiskey, from New York, has long been widely regarded as one of the leading Irish traditional musicians. His fame and music have been the subject of a doctoral dissertation, which is soon to be published as a book. Billy’s award is special for the AFC as he is among the people who have been associated with the Center for all 40 years of its existence. On January 2nd 1976, President Ford signed into law the American Folklife Preservation Act, which the Congress had previously passed. It established the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress with the mission to preserve and present American folklife. One of the first things the Librarian of Congress, Dr. Daniel Boorstin, did was to throw a party to celebrate the new Center, involving many leading Irish musicians, including a group called The Irish Tradition, featuring Billy McComiskey. |
Accordions "Keys & Buttons Jam Session" on Canvas - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
Wherever accordions meet ... there is COLOUR ... there is Joy! Diatonic, classic, traditional keyes and buttons .... throughout the world ... Enjoy the summer! More information regarding additional paintings contact, the Viennese artist: anneliese.amiko@gmx.at |
Accordions Around the World - Bryant Park/NY/USAby Diatonic News |
Bryant Park Presents Accordions Around the World 6:00pm – 8:00pm | Throughout the Park August 3-31, 2016 "'accordion wizards' from around the planet try to impress one another and rock the park" - TimeOut New York "No one else has hosted as diverse a range of events this summer as Bryant Park, but [Accordion Band Festival] might be the most eclectic" - Metro New York, on last year's festival "offering accordionists an opportunity to change the stodgy image of their instrument" - The New York Times Accordions Around the World is a weekly series that regularly features six accordionists as well as bandoneon/bayan/concertina/harmonium-players of different musical genres performing in various locations around Bryant Park. The series, produced with Ariana's List, represents many cultures and genres, offering audiences the chance to experience the often overlooked or little-known instrument. A weekly series featuring a total of over 75 accordionists, as well as bandoneon/bayan/concertina/harmonium-players, representing a vast spectrum of musical genres from many corners of the globe. Produced with Ariana’s List. Christina Crowder – Klezmer Gregory Grene – Irish Rock Alma Mia – Colombian Vallenato Mario Tacca – French Musette + Waltz Yuri Lemeshev – World, Classical + Jazz Brooke Watkins – French Musette + Standards For detailed schedule visit: http://www.bryantpark.org/plan-your-visit/bryantparkpresents.html |
Passing of Bud Hyrczyk - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
AWW is sorry to report the passing of the versatile polka musician Bud Hyrczyk. From the news report by Jeff Himler: From his native Yukon to California and Europe, Bud Hyrczyk's music got people dancing. A skilled player of keyboard instruments and the button box accordion from an early age, he was known for Slovenian-style polka music while leading the Yukon Button Box Club and in his recent solo recordings. Known as “Bud” since childhood, Lotsie J. Hyrczyk Jr., 67, of Russell Springs, Ky., died Friday, July 22, 2016, in Baptist Health Louisville after experiencing organ failure. According to younger brother, Mike, of Yukon in South Huntingdon, Mr. Hyrczyk picked up a love of Slovenian music from their grandparents and was playing professionally with Greensburg-area musicians in his mid-teens. As a young adult, Mr. Hyrczyk started a family band, Bud Hyrczyk and the Sounds of Time, that included his brother on strings. “Mostly we were booked for weddings because of the ethnicity of the music,” Mike Hyrczyk said. “My brother was always very sociable onstage or offstage. He kept the good times going. He knew how to reach a crowd.” In the early 1980s, Mr. Hyrczyk founded and directed the Yukon Button Box Club, whose eight members included his uncle and fellow accordionist Don Leskosek of West Newton. According to Leskosek, “The rest of us just played by ear, but Bud played by the notes. We were one of the best bands around because we had a good director.” Tours took the band to Michigan and California, and even to Slovenia and Switzerland. Leskosek recalled one of their most popular numbers was “Toot, Toot, Tootsie,” an old Al Jolson song that his nephew recast as a polka. Also an able singer, Mr. Hyrczyk went on to write, arrange and record original music. His latest album, “Livin' The Dream,” won a top award last year on a polka webcasting site. Mr. Hyrczyk's music is featured on the soundtracks of two recently produced independent films, “1/1” and “Dig Two Graves,” that were written or co-written by son Jeremy Phillips of Los Angeles. Retired as a financial planner for Prudential Insurance Company of America, Mr. Hyrczyk was a member of the National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame. A Corvette enthusiast, he loved to cook Italian dishes. In addition to his brother, Mike, survivors include his wife, Sandra; four children, Amy Busch and her husband, Regis, of Jeannette; Jeremy Phillips and wife, Jen, of Los Angeles; Jennifer Bloom and husband, Corby, of Texas; and Sabrina Barnett and husband, Mark, of Russell Springs; and six grandchildren. A memorial service was held on July 30, 2016 Saturday at the Harrold Zion Lutheran Church, Greensburg. Interment was private. Bernard Funeral Home, 367 Main St., Russell Springs, was in charge of arrangements. |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Campionati diatonic Accordion/Organetto - Bologna/Italiaby Diatonic News |
21° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica – Bologna – dal 26-28 agosto 2016 Per info/schede di partecipazioni scrivere al: roncogia@alice.it |
folk on stage - Gooik/Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
21-25.08.2016 in Gooik zomerse concerten en folkbals à volonté Tijdens de Stage voor Traditionele Volksmuziek kan je ’s avonds genieten van prachtige concerten van (inter)nationale muzikanten in een uniek kader, de Sint-Niklaaskerk in Gooik. Daarna barst elke avond een folkbal met live muziek los tot in de vroege uurtjes. Kom gerust een tovercirkel, jig, polka, scottish en mazurka dansen op folkmuziek uit Vlaanderen of verre oorden. Of neem nadien je instrument vast en speel mee in één van de spontane jamsessies die ’s nachts ontstaan. Laat je dit jaar onder andere onderdompelen in de muziek van onze ‘artists in residence’: een fijnzinnig duet van harp en tapdans met Maeve Gilchrist en Nic Gareiss (GB/VS) en de Scandinavische power folk van het Erlend Viken trio (NO). Of geniet van de frisse uitvoering van oude tunes gebracht door WÖR en de prachtige symbiose tussen de chromatisch accordeon van Gwen Cresens en diatonisch accordeon van Anne Niepold in hun duo Monochromatic. Info: http://stagegooik.be/folkonstage/ |
Cotati Accordion Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
The annual multi-cultural, multi-generational, nonprofit Cotati Accordion Festival will be taking place August 20 & 21, 2016 in La Plaza Park in downtown Cotati, CA. Accordion virtuoso, veteran instructor, and West Coast pioneer of the electronic accordion, Lou Jacklich, has been selected to be the Honorary Director of the 2016 Cotati Accordion Festival (CAF). Mr. Jacklich’s outstanding full-time career as an accordionist spans over 70 years…and still counting! The considerable history of Lou including an eTracks mp3 album is online at: Lou Jacklich The festival will also include many accordion acts, including zydeco, klezmer, polka, tango, Latino, rock and much more, along with the polka tent, the jam tent the zydeco dance party, food vendors, arts and crafts, beer and wine. Other featured performers include: The Doo-Wah Riders,Michael Bridge,Cory Pesaturo, Debra Peters and the Love Saints, Jelena Milojevic - Croatia/Serbia/Canada,Jianan Tian - China, Vivii Maria Saarenkylä - Finland, The Vivants, Future Accordion Stars, Sourdough Slim & Robert Armstrong, Those Darn Accordions (TDA), The Steve Balich Polka Band, Jim Gilman, Dan "Daddy Squeeze" Newton, Skyler Fell, The Mad Maggies, The Great Morgani, Haute Flash Quartet, The Golden State Accordion Club Band, De Colores, MotorDude Zydeco, Mark St. Mary, The Wild Catahoulas, Lou Jacklich and many others more, once confirmed! For all details view: http://www.cotatifest.com/index.php |
Harmonika Workshop in Spielberg - Austriaby Diatonic News |
Harmonika Workshop im G'Schlössl Murtal Von Mittwoch, 24.08., bis Freitag, 26.08.2016 Im Hotel G’Schlössl Murtal Es wird harmonisch. Egal ob Sie Ihr Repertoire erweitern oder das harmonische Zusammenspiel erlernen möchten – unsere namhaften Referenten aus dem Alpenraum stehen Ihnen mit geballtem Wissen und Spielerfahrung zur Verfügung. Beim Harmonika-Workshop im Hotel G'Schlössl Murtal, einem Hotel mit einzigartigem Ambiente und Wohlfühlgarantie, erhalten die TeilnehmerInnen hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks rund ums Musizieren mit der Harmonika. Der Abschlussabend mit Harmonika Müller wird nicht nur ein Klang-Erlebnis sein, sondern dient auch dem gegenseitigen Erfahrungsaustausch. Achtung: Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist begrenzt! Anmeldeschluss: 15. August 2016 Referenten Ewald Kienzl Hat am Konservatorium in Graz die Ausbildung zum Musiklehrer für Steirische Harmonika absolviert und ist gefragter Referent bei diversen Seminaren für Steirische Harmonika im In - und Ausland. Harald Trippl Ist Studienrichtung-Lehrer für Volksmusikinstrumente am J.-J.-Fux Konservatorium in Graz und unterrichtet zudem an der Musikschule Kapfenberg, Steiermark. Heimo Platzner Ist Harmonika & Schlagzeuglehrer am Modern Music College in Villach. Legt den Fokus beim Harmonika-Workshop unter anderem auf Oberkrainermelodien und alpenländische Volksmusik. Loui Herinx Der Holländer startete mit acht Jahren seine musikalische Laufbahn. Zu Beginn spielte er Akkordeon und Keyboard. Kurz darauf folgte die Steirische Harmonika, nun sein absolutes Lieblingsinstrument. 2008 gewann er beim Akkordeonfestival in Limburg (NL) den Nachwuchsförderpreis. Manuel Šavron Der Slowene wurde als Solist mehrmals zum Akkordeon Festival von Castelfidardo, dem weltweit wichtigsten Festival dieses Genres, eingeladen. Studierte Saxofon in Triest und aktuell diatonisches Akkordeon in Wien. |
Festival del Saltarello - Italiaby Diatonic News |
3er FESTIVAL PANCHE DE ACORDEONES - Colombiaby Diatonic News |
Alcaldía Municipal De Nocaima http://www.nocaima-cundinamarca.gov.co/index.shtml#8 |
Joe Derrane (1930-2016), Massachessetts - USAby Harley Jones |
Video: Excerpt from "As Played by Joe Derrane (1995)", a documentary about accordion player Joe Derrane of Randolph, MA. Produced by Frank Ferrel. Edited by Julie Eddy. Part of the Massachusetts Folk Arts Archive. Joe Derrane, the son of Irish immigrants, is widely regarded as one of the greats of Irish traditional music. Born and raised in Boston, Massachessetts, his father played the button accordion and his mother the fiddle, and at the age of 10, young Joe began playing a one-row diatonic button accordion, taught by Jerry O'Brien, an immigrant from County Cork, Ireland. By the age of 14 Derrane was performing at house parties on the thriving Boston Irish scene. He switched to a 2-row D/C# accordion, and soon became a leading musician in the Irish dance halls, which in the late 1940s led him to playing on radio broadcasts and making records. He was much admired for his lively, accurate and highly ornamented playing. By the late 1950s the Irish dance halls locally were closing down, so Derrane switched to piano accordion and formed a band to play for weddings and functions, moving away from Irish music and instead playing popular selections as well as Italian and Jewish traditional music. In the mid-1970s Derrane moved to playing the electronic organ. He retired from music in 1990. In 1993 Rego Records reissued some of Joe Derrane’s original 78 rpm recordings from the 1940s on a CD, ‘Irish Accordion’. These recordings generated considerable interest, and Derrane began playing the button accordion again and was invited to perform as a special guest at the 1994 Irish Folk Festival in Washington, D.C. His virtuosic performances (accompanied by Felix Dolan on piano) were greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm and acclaim, and Joe Derrane embarked on a second career as a button accordionist. He subsequently recorded two solo albums, ‘Give Us Another’ (1994) and ‘Grove Lane’ (2010), and four collaboration albums with other players, appeared on radio and TV many times, including ‘The Pure Drop’ on Irish TV RTE. He was the subject of a documentary by Frank Ferrel, ‘As Played By Joe Derrane’, and on another broadcast by Irish-language station TG4 as part of its ‘Sé mo laoch’ series. Joe toured Canada, Switzerland and the Netherlands, and appeared with The Chieftains at the Boston Symphony Hall. In 1998 Joe Derrane was inducted into the Hall of Fame of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann for his contribution to Irish traditional music. Joe Derrane, married with grandchildren, died on July 22nd 2016 in Randolf, Massachessetts, at the age of 86. |
Internationales Harmonika Festival Anholter-Schweiz - Deutschland/Schweiz/Hollandby Diatonic News |
Als ein Publikumsmagnet hat sich das Internationale Harmonikafestival in der Anholter Schweiz in den vergangenen Jahren erwiesen. Am Samstag, 13. August 2016, gibt’s im Biotopwildpark wieder die Melange aus Flora, Fauna und zünftigen Klängen Die schöne Kulisse des nachgebauten Vierwaldstätter Sees in der Anholter Schweiz mit einem historischen Musikpavillon bilden eine herrliche Kulisse für das Harmonikafestival und sorgen für eine einzigartige Atmosphäre. Der Musiktag wird gemeinsam von der Gruppe De Spölluu aus dem niederländischen Dinxperlo, den Original Surkse Wielbachburen vom Heimatverein Suderwick sowie vom Biotopwildpark organisiert Mehr auf: http://www.anholter-schweiz.de |
Mundharmonika for everybody @ Fùrsteneck - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
Für Einsteiger/innen und Interessierte mit Vorkenntnissen 09. September 2016 18.30 Uhr bis 11. September 2016 13.00 Uhr Kursgebühren: 265 - 315 € (inkl. 125,00 € Ü/VP), 165 € Ermäßigter Preis Die Kursgebühr gilt grundsätzlich für Doppelzimmerbelegung. weitere Infos zu den Kursgebühren Kursbeschreibung: Die Mundharmonika ist ein relativ preiswertes Instrument, in der Hosentasche zu transportieren und leicht zu erlernen. Wer vielleicht nie die Möglichkeit hatte, ein Instrument zu erlernen, wer keine Notenkenntnisse mitbringt, wer Blues, Country, Rock‘n‘ Roll oder Volkslieder nicht nur von der Platte, CD oder Kassette abspielen lassen, sondern sie selbst auf der Mundharmonika interpretieren will und wer die verschiedenen Techniken erlernen möchte - der ist in diesem Kurs richtig! Das Repertoire im Kurs wird vor allem aus deutschen und amerikanischen „Volksliedern“ und Blues bestehen. Kursleiter: Dale King Mundharmonikaspieler und -lehrer, Gitarrist, Sänger und Songwriter. Auftritte mit zahlreichen Bands und als Solist. Er wurde in Los Angeles geboren und lebt seit 1976 in Deutschland. http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/mundharmonika_for_everybody/16-35202/ |
2016 Fleadh Cheoil, Ennis - Irlandby Rob Howard |
Das 2016 All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil, organisiert von Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), findet in der Stadt Ennis in der Grafschaft Clare, vom 14. bis 22. August statt. Die Fleadh Cheoil - der All Ireland Festival - ist ein riesiges Wettbewerbs Festival der irischen Musik mit Gesang und Tanz, mit rund 10.000 Teilnehmern und Künstlern, einschließlich einer großen Zahlen von Akkordeonisten, Melodeonisten, Konzertina und Mundharmonika-Spielern, sowie viele Ceili Bands , Akkordeon und Blaskapellen. Über 400.000 Menschen aus der ganzen Welt werden zu diesem jährelichen Fest der irischen Musik, Gesang und Tanz erwartet. Gastkünstler Akkordeonisten denen gehören die Damen Cherish The Kilfenora Ceili Band, Jackie Daly, Billy McComiskey, Noel Hill & Tony Linnane, Kila und Mànran, Stockton Flügel, und Bofin zu Burren. Spielen zum Tanzen während des Festivals sind die Tulla Céilí Band, Johnny Reidy Céilí Band, Mountain Road Céilí Band, Fünf Counties Céilí Band, Sean Norman Céilí Band, Four Courts Céilí Band, Schwalbenschwanz Céilí Band, Fodhla Céilí Band, Striolán Céilí Band, star of Munster Céilí Band, Abbey Céilí Band und dem Matt Cunningham Céilí Band. Die Toyota Céilí Band, aus Japan machen in diesem Jahr ihren ersten Auftritt. Unterricht (für alle Altersgruppen und Levels in traditioneller irischer Musik) für Piano Akkordeon, Diatonisches Knopfakkordeon, Anglo Concertina und viele andere Instrumente in der irischen traditionellen Musik - Die erste Hälfte des Festivals wird von Scoil Eigse aufgenommen. Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: info@fleadhcheoil.ie |
4° FESTinVAL | Radici | 4—8 agosto 2016 - Italiaby Harley Jones |
cos’è — cinque giorni dedicati alla musica, alla danza e al canto tradizionali con un contorno incredibilmente ricco di eventi collaterali quali laboratori artistici, spettacoli, escursioni, attività per i più piccoli, incontri, bancarelle artigianali e proposte gastronomiche. dov’è — nella verdissima e incontaminata Val Tramontina, dove è possibile visitare gli antichi borghi abbandonati, tuffarsi nelle pozze smeraldine, stare a contatto con la natura, degustare prodotti locali come la ricotta fresca e il pane. tema — radici ovvero radici culturali, mitologiche, antropologiche, naturali. La ricerca di quanto di più profondo c’è in noi, in un percorso multiculturale di incontro, dialogo, contaminazione con le radici altrui. Per un futuro che include. Concerti e Stage con: ANDREA CAPEZZUOLI e COMPAGNIA (Lombardia) ORQUESTRINA TRAMA (Spagna) http://www.protramontidisotto.it/ |
Busy Aug/Schedule for Alex Meixner - USAby Diatonic News |
MON 8 AUG WISCONSIN STATE FAIR - BANK MUTUAL AMPITHEATER 640 S. 84th St. West Allis, WI 53214Wisconsin State Fair Park TUE 9 AUG WISCONSIN STATE FAIR - BANK MUTUAL AMPITHEATER 640 S. 84th St. West Allis, WI 53214Wisconsin State Fair Park THU 11 AUG POTTS BANQUET HALL 41 South Rossler Ave (Valu Plaza), Cheektowaga, New York 14206Potts Banquet Hall FRI 12 AUG WOLFF'S BEIRGARTEN - SYRACUSE 106 Montgomery St, Syracuse, NY 13202Wolff's Biergarten Syracuse SAT 13 AUG HUNTER MOUNTAIN - GERMAN ALPS FESTIVAL 64 Klein Ave Hunter , NY 12442Hunter Mountain Resort SUN 14 AUG MUSIKFEST FESTPLATZ STAGE 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem, PA 18015ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks TUE 16 AUG WOLFF'S BIERGARTEN SCHENECTADY 165 Erie Boulevard, Schenectady, NY 12305Wolff's Biergarten - Schenectady WED 17 AUG LAKE GEORGE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES 250 Canada Street, Lake George, NYShepard Park THU 18 AUG BIERHAUS PATCHOGUE 32 W Main St, Patchogue, NY 11772Bierhaus Patchogue FRI 19 AUG EVERGREEN GERMAN CLUB 415 Hartz Road, Fleetwood, PAEvergreen German Club SAT 20 AUG THE ALPINE WURST & MEAT HOUSE 1106 Texas Palmyra Highway Honesdale, PA 18431The Alpine Wurst & Meat House SUN 21 AUG YARNICK'S FARM - SWEET CORN FESTIVAL 155 Thomas Covered Bridge Rd Indiana, PA 15701Yarnick's Farm http://alexmeixner.com/ |
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Lasse Pihlajamaa (1916-2007) - Finlandby Harley Jones |
Video 1: Historical video clip. Features an excellent performance, Finnish folk instrument, at the beginning. Video 2: One of his famous compositions Nuoruusmuistoja. The 100th anniversary of the birth of Lasse Pihlajamaa (1916-2007) is celebrated in Finland in several concerts, exhibitions and events. Lasse Pihlajamaa (1916-2007) was a Finnish accordionist, composer-arranger, teacher, entertainer and world-class accordion comedian and father of a range of accordion models. He was born on the 1st August 1916 in Jämijärvi, in a small village in Western Finland. He was the pioneer of Finnish accordion music. As a composer he was searching for the musical and technical limits of the instrument as early as the 1940's, when 'The Dance of the Wind', 'The Dragonfly', 'Variations in Minor' and many other compositions were written, one generation ahead of their time. Picture left, 1942. Picture right, 1986. Teaching in his own Accordion Institute in Helsinki from 1957 to 1972, Lasse Pihlajamaa had a crucial impact in the professional pedagogy of accordion playing. Due to his work, in 1977 the accordion began being accepted in several major conservatories including the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. Lasse Pihlajamaa is described as one of the leading figures in modern Finnish (and Nordic) accordion art. Lasse Pihlajamaa passed away 14th November 2007 in Helsinki. During next days the national Finnish TV YLE presents interesting documents from 1975 and 1986. Kevin Friedrich made an interview for Accordion Worldwide: 2004 Celebrity Interview with Lasse Pihlajamaa at: http://www.accordions.com/finland/04_interview.htm Picture below: Lasse Pihlajamaa pictured with Pietro Deiro Jr, Charles Magnante and Merja Ikkelä (visiting in USA in 1968). |
Trekzakfestival Enkhuizen - Hollandby Diatonic News |
Het wordt zondag 7 augustus vanaf 13:00 uur weer een dag vol wisseltonigheid rond de oude binnenstad van Enkhuizen. In een omgeving waar de trekzak zo mooi tot haar recht komt. Helemaal ‘feng shui’, zoals de chinezen dat noemen. zondag 7 augustus 2016 Trek rond! Er is wel een dringend verzoek: blijf niet langer dan een half uur op dezelfde plek spelen: ook de omstanders en aanpalende horeca houden van variatie. Dit jaar is de ontvangst geregeld in het restaurant van het station van Enkhuizen. Het NS-station ligt aan de Oude Haven en de Buyshaven (postcode 1601 EN). Bart, de uitbater, heeft de gehele dag zijn restaurant (en terras) ter beschikking gesteld. Cat in the Corner met André Visser aan de trekzak verzorgt na de maaltijd een avondoptreden. ##Annet Visser, e-mail: a.visser9@quicknet.nl ##Annie Morrië, Venuslaan 76, 1601 RM Enkhuizen, e-mail: morrien@quicknet.nl http://www.harmonicahoek.nl/ |
Die chromatische Mundharmonika Kursleitung: Isabella Krapf Fast jede und jeder hat eine in der Lade und fast jede und jeder hat auch schon einmal versucht, darauf zu spielen. Die wenigsten wissen aber, was tatsächlich in diesem kleinen Wunderwerk steckt. Isabella wird Teilnehmer davon überzeugen, dass mit der chromatischen Mundharmonika – sie ist übrigens das einzige Ateminstrument der Welt – wirklich fast alles möglich ist. Anhand eines einfachen Zahlensystems kann man auch ohne Vorkenntnisse sofort anfangen und kommt ganz schnell in den Genuss, auch ohne Notenkenntnisse erste Melodien zu spielen. Mit der richtigen Atemtechnik ist praktisch “alles” – vom Blues über den Tango bis hin zu Westernmelodien möglich. KURSLEITUNG Isabella Krapf spielt seit ihrer Kindheit mit Leidenschaft Mundharmonika und hat sie schließlich sogar zu ihrem Beruf gemacht. Die beiden machen ganz schön viel gemeinsam: Auftritte, Unterricht, Ausstellungen zum Thema, bis hin zu Reparaturarbeiten am Instrument. Isabellas Unterrichtsmethode ist geprägt von der Vermittlung der richtigen Atemtechnik und einer unglaublich facettenreichen Tongebung. Ihre Seminar- und Konzerttätigkeit hat sie und ihre Mundharmonika sogar für mehrere Jahre bis nach Nordkorea geführt. TERMIN MO, 22. August, 19 Uhr, bis FR, 26. August 2016, 13 Uhr KURSBEITRAG 290,- TERMIN FR, 9. Dezember, 19 Uhr, bis SO, 11. Dezember 2016, 13 Uhr – anmelden KURSBEITRAG 160,- ORT Schrems, Seminarzentrum Waldviertler Schuhwerkstatt Schriftliche Anmeldung unter: http://w4tler.at/gea-akademie-anmeldung?kname=Mundharmonika%20&ktermin= |
Stage con Gambetta e Lucanero - Italiaby Harley Jones |
Video: Roberto Lucanero - Preludio Meccanico / Valzer di Notte. Preludio Meccanico (R. Lucanero), Valzer di Notte (R. Lucanero), Roberto Lucanero: organetto, Francesco Tesei: contrabbasso, Bolvir, Catalunya. VENERDÌ 5 AGOSTO - STAGE 10,30/12,30 organetto con Filippo Gambetta – Casa Conoscenza SABATO 6 AGOSTO -STAGE 10,30/12,30 organetto con Roberto Lucanero – Casa Conoscenza Info: http://www.protramontidisotto.it/prossimi-eventi/ |
Stage organetto con Raffaele Antoniotti - Italiaby Diatonic News |
DOMENICA 7 AGOSTO ⁄ DA UN CURTÎF A CHEL ÂTRI Per tutto il giorno i cortili si trasformeranno in chioschi gastronomici dove si potranno gustare le specialità locali. Piazzette e vie del centro ospiteranno spettacoli, concerti e un ricco mercatino artigianale. STAGE 10,30/12,30 organetto con Raffaele Antoniotti – Casa Conoscenza http://www.protramontidisotto.it/prossimi-eventi/ |
Bud Hyrczyk (1949 - 2016)by Harley Jones |
Versatile polka musician toured in U.S., Europe by Jeff Himler, Trib Live, Friday, July 29, 2016, From his native Yukon to California and Europe, Bud Hyrczyk's music got people dancing, A skilled player of keyboard instruments and the button box accordion from an early age, he was known for Slovenian-style polka music while leading the Yukon Button Box Club and in his recent solo recordings. Known as “Bud” since childhood, Lotsie J. Hyrczyk Jr., 67, of Russell Springs, Ky., died Friday, July 22, 2016, in Baptist Health Louisville after experiencing organ failure. According to younger brother, Mike, of Yukon in South Huntingdon, Mr. Hyrczyk picked up a love of Slovenian music from their grandparents and was playing professionally with Greensburg-area musicians in his mid-teens. As a young adult, Mr. Hyrczyk started a family band, Bud Hyrczyk and the Sounds of Time, that included his brother on strings. “Mostly we were booked for weddings because of the ethnicity of the music,” Mike Hyrczyk said. “My brother was always very sociable onstage or offstage. He kept the good times going. He knew how to reach a crowd.” In the early 1980s, Mr. Hyrczyk founded and directed the Yukon Button Box Club, whose eight members included his uncle and fellow accordionist Don Leskosek of West Newton. According to Leskosek, “The rest of us just played by ear, but Bud played by the notes. We were one of the best bands around because we had a good director.” Tours took the band to Michigan and California, and even to Slovenia and Switzerland. Leskosek recalled one of their most popular numbers was “Toot, Toot, Tootsie,” an old Al Jolson song that his nephew recast as a polka. Also an able singer, Mr. Hyrczyk went on to write, arrange and record original music. His latest album, “Livin' The Dream,” won a top award last year on a polka webcasting site. Mr. Hyrczyk's music is featured on the soundtracks of two recently produced independent films, “1/1” and “Dig Two Graves,” that were written or co-written by son Jeremy Phillips of Los Angeles. Retired as a financial planner for Prudential Insurance Company of America, Mr. Hyrczyk was a member of the National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame. A Corvette enthusiast, he loved to cook Italian dishes. In addition to his brother, Mike, survivors include his wife, Sandra; four children, Amy Busch and her husband, Regis, of Jeannette; Jeremy Phillips and wife, Jen, of Los Angeles; Jennifer Bloom and husband, Corby, of Texas; and Sabrina Barnett and husband, Mark, of Russell Springs; and six grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in Harrold Zion Lutheran Church, Greensburg. Interment will be private. |
http://www.festivalbolivarense.com.co/ |
Festival Nuit Cajun de Saulieu - Franceby Diatonic News |
Les Nuits Cajun 2016 23 ème NUITS CAJUN DE SAULIEU (21) du 4 au 7 août 2016 3 jours et 4 nuits consacrés à la culture de la Louisiane musique, danses, gastronomie, cinéma LES GROUPES INVITES : RUSTY METOYER & THE ZYDECO KRUSH (USA) TON TON GRIS GRIS (F) PRAIRIE RONDE (F) BAL DE MAISON (F) BLUE BAYOU (F) BELISAIRE (F) Tél : mail : bayouprod@aol.com http://bayouprod.com/fr/nuits-cajun-de-saulieu/programme-festival-musique.html |
Park Fest / Einhoven - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
12-13-14 augustus 2016 Philips de Jonghpark - Eindhoven Zo'n 30 optredens op 3 podia; lekker eten; drinken uit glas; fijne sfeer in een schitterende omgeving; mooie muziek uit binnen- en buitenland, van ver en uit de regio, met o.a. singer-songwriter - traditionele folk - americana - balfolk op dansvloer - blue grass - powerfolk; ruime terrassen; festival- en instrumentenmarkt; eigen camping met warme douches; kinderactiviteiten; workshops en danslessen; wifi; geheel rolstoeltoegankelijk terrein; nachtterras; sessie spelen; ... Een heel weekend weg in eigen land! . Mischa Macpherson Trio (UK) – Kadril (BE) – LQR . WÖR (BE) – Sarah McQuaid (UK) – JW Roy & band . Faran Flad (BE) – Chardon – Tip Jar – Aldo-Forgette (FR) . Brabantlied – De Schepper-Sanczuk (BE) – Geronimo (BE) . Wouter en de Draak – La Forcelle (FR) – AOIL . LyraDanz (IT) en vele anderen … http://parkfest.nl/ |
Trekzakfestival Veldhoven - Hollandby Diatonic News |
Trekzak- & Mondharmonicafestival Veldhoven28 augustus 2016 – 13.00 uur tot 18.30 uurMuseum ’t Oude SlotEntree: € 5,- / met trekzak of mondharmonica gratis entree - Workshops, ontmoeten, open podium, samenspelen, kletsen, borrelen. Het belooft weer wat op 28 augustus in Veldhoven – één van de plaatsen in de top 3 van de landelijke bijeenkomsten in het kader van de wisseltonige tong - See more at: http://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2016/2016_08_28/#sthash.KG8Zb2eU.dpuf See more at: http://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2016/2016_08_28/#sthash.KG8Zb2eU.dpuf |
Future events / Concerts |
OPEN AIR KONZERT mit Hubert von Goisern - Austriaby Diatonic News |
Samstag, 27.08.2016 / Ort: Red Bull Ring Open Air Konzert / Uhrzeit: ab 17 Uhr Spielberg bei Knittlfeld Hubert von Goisern hat den Blues. Hubert von Goisern hat auch: die Vielfarbigkeit und die flirrende Energie von New Orleans. Dieses spezielle Südstaatengefühl. Und das alles balanciert er auf der Basis seiner eigenen Tradition, die zwar geografisch aus den Alpen kommt, faktisch aber die ganze Welt in einer musikalischen Idee ist. Goisern war auf Musiksuche im Süden der USA. Und das, was er mitgebracht hat, ist stimmig, von der druckvollen Rocknummer über den schwungvollen Countrysong bis hin zur herzensschweren Ballade. PedalSteel und Stromgitarre, Cajun und Ziehharmonika. Alles ist Goisern. F.Infos und Ticketbestellung: https://www.projekt-spielberg.com/musikfestival/hubert-von-goisern.html „Federn“ ist ein leichtes Spiel. Denn die Rhythmen der Country- und Bluegrassmusik müssen nicht mit heißer Nadel an die österreichische Klangbasis gestrickt werden. Sie passen einfach – als wäre es nie anders gewesen. Seltsam, wie Hubert von Goisern das immer wieder fertig bringt: man fühlt sich in der Welt zu Hause. Zum Künstler Hubert von Goisern ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren auf den Bühnen Europas unterwegs – als musikalischer Botschafter Österreichs, als Volksmusikerneuerer, als Entstauber und Individualist. Ganz einfach: als er selbst. Hubert von Goisern hat nie das gemacht, was von ihm erwartet wurde, und war damit konsequent erfolgreich. Von den Anfängen als Alpenrocker mit dem „Hiatamadl“ über seine Expeditionen nach Tibet und Afrika, die Linz-Europa-Tour auf einem umgebauten Lastschiff bis zum bahnbrechenden Erfolg von „Brenna tuats guat“. Noch immer steckt Hubert von Goisern voller Ideen und Energie, er bleibt neugierig und fordert sein Publikum heraus. Jedes Mal aufs Neue. Das ist wahrhaftig. Das begeistert. |
August mit Zydeco Annie & Swamp Cats - Deutschland/Schweizby Diatonic News |
05. Aug 20:30 Blues & Jazz Nacht 49716 Meppen, Kirchstr. 28 - Eintritt frei - www.bluesundjazznacht.de 10. Aug 19:30 Summertime 2016 67560 Eschborn, Montgeronplatz -49 6173 - 6 69 99 www.eschborn.de 12. Aug 21:30 Jazztage Lichtensteig Postplace - (CH) 9620 Lichtensteig, +41 900 - 32 53 25 http://www.jazztage-lichtensteig.ch/ 13. Aug 21:30 Jazztage Lichtensteig Postplace - (CH) 9620 Lichtensteig, +41 900 - 32 53 25 http://www.jazztage-lichtensteig.ch/ 14. Aug 11:45 Jazztage Lichtensteig Postplace - (CH) 9620 Lichtensteig, +41 900 - 32 53 25 http://www.jazztage-lichtensteig.ch/ 20. Aug 19:00 Wittenberger Erlebnis Nacht 06886 Wittenberg +49 3491 - 41 92 60 Info: http://www.zydecoannie.de/ontour.htm |
MotorDude Zydeco @ FRIAR TUCK'S CLUB IN COTATI - USAby Diatonic News |
Perforing: PERFORMING AT THE 2016 CAF AT FRIAR TUCK'S CLUB IN COTATI / 8201 Redwood Hwy. SUNDAY AUGUST 21, 2016 1:00-5:00 h Born in Oakland California, MotorDude Zydeco plays the music of South Louisiana with soul, grit, and Funky-in-your-face style Zydeco music. Named after a racehorse owned by zydeco legend Bozoo Chavis MotorDude brings the real deal to the dance hall, Festival stage, or any event large or small For over 15 years, founding members Billy Wilson (accordion/vocals), Lloyd Meadows (RubBoard/Vocals) Dennis Calloway (Bass)Willy Jordan (Drums/Vocals) and new addition Ian Lamson (Guitar), have been entertaining the Bay Area Zydeco scene. Picture/Left to right: Willy Jordan, Lloyd Meadows, Billy Wilson, Dennis Calloway Ian Lamson. Info: http://www.cotatifest.com/index.php/schedule-performers/2013-schedule-of-events/2015-caf-sunday-schedule |
Concert/Filippo Gambetta & Emilyn Stam - Italia/Canadaby Diatonic News |
Festival Tramonti di Sotto 04/08/2016 21:00 - 22:30 http://www.protramontidisotto.it/prossimi-eventi/ |
Rusty Metoyer invité d'Nuits Cajun de Saulieu - Franceby Diatonic News |
Friday 5 August / Saturday 6 August 20:00 - 02:00 First time in France for this young band who have quickly become The Big Thing in Louisiana these last months. Not to be missed !20:00 - 02:00 : dance at Espace Jean Bertin http://bayouprod.com/en/saulieu-cajun-and-zydeco-festival/music-festival-gb.html |
August Performances with The Buffalo Concertina All Stars - USAby Diatonic News |
The Concertina All Stars were organized in October 1997 as a “Club” with the unique sound of 8 concertinas, drums, trumpet and bass, consisting of all Buffalo, NY musicians. In 2004, the All Stars moved from club to band, featuring the old time sound of 3 concertinas, accordion, trumpet, clarinet & sax, drums and bass. Since then, they have enjoyed playing numerous festivals throughout the country, and even traveling abroad to perform in Europe. They feature their own style of honky music played from the heart and their enjoyment is shown on stage as they entertain polka music lovers ►Greg Chwojdak - Concertina & Vocals ►Joe Ryndak - Concertina ►Bob Zielinski - Concertina & Vocals ►Art Gayler - Accordion & Vocals ►Ray Barsukiewicz - Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet & Vocals ►Dale Wojdyla- Trumpet ►Dennis Miesowicz - Drums Come and see/listen to them in: Saturday, August 6, 2016 in Bavarian Fun Fest - Sharon/PA from 12pm-6pm Friday, August 19, 2016 in Erie County Fair - Slade Park, Hamburg/NY from 1pm-4pm Sunday, August 28, 2016 in OLC Church, N.Tonawanda from 1pm-4pm http://www.concertinaallstars.com/home.html |
Meet Filippo Gambetta in August - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Video: Indifference Waltz performed by Filippo Gambetta and Claudio De Angeli, published 21 March 2015. 01/08/2016 Filippo Gambetta - Otto Baffi (feat. E.Stam / S.Caputo) Bordighera 21:00 / Filippo Gambetta, Emilyn Stam e Sergio Caputo presentano Otto Baffi 02/08/2016 Filippo Gambetta & Emilyn Stam Sant'Olcese 20:00 / Filippo Gambetta & Emilyn Stam a Sant’Olcese (GE) presentano Otto Baffi Presso l’Agriturismo E Reixe 04/08/2016 Filippo Gambetta & Emilyn Stam Tramonti di Sotto 21:00 / 07/08/2016 Liguriani Alto 17:00 / Liguriani in concerto 08/08/2016 Liguriani Sestri Levante 21:00 / Festival Paganiniano di Carro 09/08/2016 F.Gambetta / F.Rinaudo / F.Biale Albenga 21:00 / Una notte al museo, una storia in musica 13/08/2016 ChocoChoro Camogli 21:00 / Concerti all’Abbazia di San Fruttuoso 21/08/2016 Souffleurs de Rêves Castelnuovo Magra 21:00 / Filippo Gambetta, Claudio de Angeli, Fabio Rinaudo, Laura Torterolo Repertorio tradizionale francese 25/08/2016 ChocoChoro Borghetto Santo Spirito 21:00 / 27/08/2016 Marco Cambri Trio Calvari 21:00 / Expo della Valle Fontanabuona – Calvari M.Cambri / M.Cravero / F.Gambetta 28/08/2016 ChocoChoro a Stresa Stresa 17:00 / ChocoChoro in concerto presso la Sala Tiffany dell’Hotel Regina Palace (Corso Umberto I, 33 – Stresa – VB) For more: http://www.filippogambetta.com/agenda/ |
GlamourTango performing in Argentinaby Diatonic News |
GlamourTango, a group showcasing female artists in Tango, will perform on August, 2016 Shinjoo Cho is the group's bandoneonist. She is also a pianist and accordionist and a versatile solo and ensemble musician embodying many musical traditions. Her musical path began with piano in her native Korea at the age of five. After immigrating to the US in 1991, she continued her study with Peter Coraggio in Hawaii and later with Ingrid Clarfield in Princeton, New Jersey, where she studied piano performance and pedagogy at the Westminster Choir College. During this time, she won numerous scholarships and competition prizes and performed at the Carnegie Hall. Shinjoo traveled to Serbia for an immersion in Balkan music and studied bandoneón in Argentina. She has collaborated with international music, dance, and film artists in multidisciplinary projects. Equally at home with classical music, she participated in the Marlboro Music Festival under the direction of Leon Fleisher and performed with the Cleveland Orchestra in 2012 at the Severance Hall. Currently, Shinjoo splits her time between Buenos Aires, Argentina and the US, performing extensively as a bandoneonist and pianist. She is a principal bandoneonist and assistant director of Orquesta Tipica La Hannibal and in May 2015, she performed as a solo pianist at the inauguration of Centro Cultural Kirchner, which was broadcast live on Argentine national television. For more information email: carlos.grynfeld@conciertosgrapa.com http://www.glamourtango.com/04-schedule.html |
Konzerte/August mit Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic - Austriaby Diatonic News |
Mit Musik ihres letzten Albums "Timeless Suite" - Akkordeon trifft auf Cello. So selten die Besetzung, so ungewöhnlich sind auch die Klänge, die das Duo Klaus Paier und Asja Valcic auszeichnet. Ist es Jazz, Klassik oder WeltmusiK? Alt? Neu? Crossover? „Timeless Suite“ verbindet vergangene Epochen mit der Gegenwart in einer unverwechselbaren Sprache. Ein aufregender Tanz, von dem man hofft, dass er nie zu Ende geht. 04/08/16 A Lustenau Musik- und Theaterzelt Freudenhaus, Millennium Park 20:30 Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic (Timeless Suite) 05/08/16 A Bad Eisenkappel Galerie Vorspann, Vernissage Giselbert Hoke 19:30 Klaus Paier Solo 12/08/16 A Graz Murszene, Weltmusik am Mariahilferplatz 20:00 Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic (Timeless Suite) 19/08/16 A St. Pölten Jazz im Hof 19:30 Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic (Timeless Suite) Info: http://www.klauspaier.com/live2016.html |
Comme chaque année, la Mairie de St-Affrique vous invite à venir écouter les concerts des vendredis, tout au long de la saison estivale 2016, vous pourrez découvrir une palette musicale diverse et variée. Coordonnées GPS lat. 43° 57' 29" - long. 2° 53' 12" Ouverture ◾Le 05 août 2016 - Ouverture (21h) Lieu : Place de la Mairie 12400 St-Affrique Information/renseignement : Mairie 12400 St-Affrique 33 (0)5 65 98 29 00 http://www.ville-saint-affrique.fr |
The Wild Catahoulas performing at the Cotati Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
PERFORMING AT THE 2016 CAF/Cotati SATURDAY AUGUST 20, 2016 5:30-7:00 at the Polka Tent The Wild Catahoulas is that unique Cajun/ Zydeco band in the North Bay, merging traditional Cajun French two-steps and waltzes from Southwestern Louisiana with contemporary Zydeco and New Orleans sounds. In other words, a GREAT dance band. Joining us in Cotati will be guest accordion master Andrew Carriere, of the legendary Carriere Family of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Andrew adds real Cajun flavor to the mix of fine musicians: Gus Garelick on fiddle (an original member of Jim Boggio’s Sonoma Swamp Dogs), Allegra Broughton and Sam Page, vocals, guitar and bass (best known from their group Solid Air), and Don Connolly on drums (a member of the Sonoma County Love Choir). Great players, great music! Laissez les bon temps roulez! *The Catahoula is the official state dog of Louisiana: hard-working and bi-lingual Booking and information; (707) 526-7763 e-mail: fiddler @sonic.net |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Video-DVD "LIVE IN EUROPE" Zydeco Annie + Swamp Cats - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
SET LIST 01 - Sweet Joline 02 - 41 Days 03 - La Valse Des Chère Bébé 04 - 'Tite Fille 05 - Shake It, Shake It 06 - Louisiana 07 - Baldhead 08 - Bosco Stomp 09 - I'm Coming Home 10 - Conja 11 - Zydeco Gris Gris 12 - Going Back To Big Mamou 13 - Jambalaya - Iko Iko - Oh When... SPECIALS Fotoshow "Blues Festival Basel" Roadmovie "Unterwegs" Fanvideo "Zydeco Zity" All other information you can find on: http://www.zydecoannie.de |
New CD "TANGO" by Victor Hugo Villena and Kay Sleking - France/Argentineby Diatonic News |
In July Victor has presented his first CD with traditional tango music recorded during the Festival of Chaillol. He says: it was time to record some music, that were part of my childhood in Argentina and other pieces, that I have discovered years later. Instruments: Bandoneon, two guitars and bass. Info: http://www.victorvillena.fr |
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