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Diatonic News - Jun-2011
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Voci Armoniche


Harmonika Meister- und Weltmeisterschaft/Inzell - Deutschland/Austria
15° Campionato Organetto/Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia
Stets ein Hit: Die Steirische Harmonika - Österreich
Musik Kreuzfahrt 2011 - Europa
Tango Jordan Milonga in Amman - Jordan
Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival Entries Close, Florida - USA
Guglielmi Brothers - enchant audience wherever they play - Italy
Michael Rettig zu Gast auf der Harmonika Weltmeisterschaft - Deutschland

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Sata-Häme Soi Festival/Competition/Ikaalinen – Finland
AVIS DE TEMPS FORT Festival - France
Opelousas Spice and Music Festival / Opelousas Louisiana - USA
5° Accordion Festiva/Pinet - Italia
Fremar Foundation Presents ‘Music & Merlot’ Concert, Kansas City – USA
Airs d'Accordéon en Vallenciennois - France
32nd Annual Sea Music Festival - USA
Großes Oberkrainer Festival Bernau/Felden - Deutschland
National Button Accordion Festival, Pennsylvania – USA
'House' star Hugh Laurie's CD Band Features David Hidalgo, Los Angeles - USA
10th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival - New Zeland
17. Fürstenecker Folkwerkstatt - Deutschland
Flogging Molly Sells Out the Knitting Factory Concert House in Reno - USA
Vincitori del 7° Festival dell'Adriatico/Organetto/Offida - Italia
Polka Dan CD Release Party in Anchorage, Alaska - USA
Cape Town Tango Ensemble live at MTN SA Music Awards - South Africa
15th Annual Cajun / Zydeco Festival - CT/USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Raul Jaurena Trio / Tango-Nacht mit Workshop und Milonga - Deutschland
Festival "Viaggio nelle Tradizioni" / Padova- Italia
Brian Peters in June - USA/UK
2° Festival in Alatri - Italia
Tom Kestle on tour - USA
Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo features Danilo Di Paolonicola - Italy
Beinasco Folk / Giugno - Italia
Hector Saldaña: Future face of Tejano
BandAdriatica 2011 - La vita che danza, il tour - Italia
CAJUN ROOSTERS Events - Deutschland
'Tune in the Church' at St. Nicholas' offers Alternative to Pub - Ireland

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Titano Accordions


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Harmonika Meister- und Weltmeisterschaft/Inzell - Deutschland/Austria

by Werner Weibert
Die nationale und internationale Harmonika Meister/Weltmeisterschaften wurden in der neu erbauten MAX AICHER ARENA in Inzell/Deutschland vom 2-5. Juni 2011 durchgeführt. Organisiert wurden diese vom Team des HVÖ unter der Leitung von Werner Weibert.
Insgesamt haben 176 Teilnehmer mitgemacht. 24 Teilnehmer in 3 Kategorien (Junioren 14-20 Jahre, Weltmeisterklasse 21-31 Jahre, Senioren ab 32) aus Österreich, Slowenien, Italien, Deutschland.
Beim österreichischen Wettbewerb waren es 118 Kandidaten und beim bayerischen Wettbewerb 34.

Während der Abendvorstellungen gab es absolute Highlights und standing ovations für das weltbekannte HERBERT-PIXNER-TRIO, sowie für die Unterhaltung der lokalen Künstler von klein bis gross mit Tanzeinlagen und künstlerischer Teilnahme des Bürgermeisters Martin Hobmaier und Vizebürgermeisters Hans Egger.

Die 4 ehemaligen Weltmeister (Foto oben von links Robert Goter, Michael Rettig, Herman Huber und Denis Novato) rissen das begeisterte Publikum zu rauschendem Beifall hin.

Die Aussteller HDS Music, Beltuna, Stoaberger, Haglmo und Puschtra Harmonikas offerierten ihre neuesten Modelle.

Zur Abendgala mit Siegerehrung wurde der Künstler Kogler Rene für die nächsten 2 Jahre zum Harmonika Weltmeister gekürt. Bitte konsultieren Sie die www.accordions.com/diatonic Webseite um detaillierte Information über alle Sieger in allen Kategorien nachzulesen. Ausserdem ist ein ausführlicher Fotoreport online.

Während des Abschlusskonzertes wurde Mag. Johann Murg für seine lange Tätigkeit als Fachvorstand für die Steirische Harmonika, vom HVÖ geehrt. Er übergab sein Amt mit Anfang 2011 an BA Gottfried Hubmann.

Der nächste Event ist für 2013 in Mayrhofen/Zillertal vom 30.Mai bis 2. Juni geplant.

Für weitere Information Tägliche Berichte - 2011 Harmonika WM - Österreich

Harmonica Championships and World Cup / Inzell - Germany

The national and international harmonica champion / world championships were held in the newly built MAX AICHER ARENA in Inzell, Germany from 2-5. June 2011 and were organized by the team of HVÖ under the direction of Werner Weibert.

A total of 176 participants took part. 24 participants in 3 categories (juniors 14-20 years, world champion class 21-31 years, senior category more than 32) from Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Germany.
At the Austrian competition 118 candidates and at the Bavarian competition 34 candidates took part.

During the evening performances the absolute highlight was the world famous HERBERT Pixner-TRIO being award with several standing ovations for their magnificent performance just as well as the local artists from small kids to adults with dancers and artistic participation of the Mayor Martin Hobmaier and Vice Mayor Hans Egger.

The former 4 Harmonica Champions (photo above from left: Robert Goter, Michael Rettig, Herman Huber und Denis Novato) led an enthusiastic audience jump up from their seats

Exhibitors HDS Music, Beltuna, Stoaberg, Haglmo and Puschtra harmonicas and offered their latest models and innovations to the public.

At the evening gala awards ceremony, the artist Rene Kogler was crowned harmonica world champion for the next 2 years. Please consult the www.accordions.com / diatonic website to read detailed Information about all the winners in each category. An extensive photo report is online and will give you a view of this big event .

During the final concert Mag Johann Murg was honored by the HVÖ awarded for his professional expertise and contribution to the Styrian harmonica. During this occasion Prof. Murg handed over his office duty to BA Gottfried Hubmann.

The 2013 event is planned in Mayrhofen / Zillertal from 30 May to 2 June.

For more information visit Daily Reports - 2011 Harmonika WM - Austria

Online translation !

Voci Armoniche

15° Campionato Organetto/Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
1) L’Associazione “JI Sonatori Aquilani” di Coppito (AQ) in collaborazione con
l’A.M.I.S.A.D. (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di
Maiolati Spontini (AN) e il Comune di Tornimparte (AQ) indice ed organizza nei giorni
22-23-24 luglio 2011 la 15° Edizione del Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di
Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi.
2) Alla manifestazione vi potranno prendere parte i candidati di nazionalità italiana (e/o
selezionati nei vari concorsi provinciali, regionali e in altre manifestazioni indette
dall’A.M.I.S.A.D o in collaborazione con la stessa Associazione), con strumenti
diatonici di qualsiasi tipo.
3) Il campionato, che si svolgerà a Tornimparte (AQ) presso il Ristorante La Cascina, si
articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie:
strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi)
Cat. A fino a 10 anni (nati dal 2001 in poi)
Cat. B fino a 12 anni (nati dal 1999 in poi)
Cat. C fino a 15 anni (nati dal 1996 in poi)
Cat. D fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1993 in poi)
Cat. E senza limiti di età
strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre)
Cat. A fino a 12 anni (nati dal 1999 in poi)
Cat. B fino a 15 anni (nati dal 1996 in poi)
Cat. C fino a 18 anni (nati dal 1993 in poi)
Cat. D senza limiti di età

- A.M.I.S.A.D. tel.328.0193689 roncogia@libero.it
- ASS. “JI SONATORI AQUILANI” tel. 0862 311469 costantino@aliucci.191.it
Cinzia 3336826588 - Costantino 3468050394 - 3476655019 - Max 3479413875

Sounding Out the Accordion

Stets ein Hit: Die Steirische Harmonika - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Die Harmonika begeistert beim größten steirischen volkskulturellen Schul- und Kindergartenprojekt „einfach lebendig“

Von Eva Gürtl-Kriegseisen

Wie alles begann…
Im Jahre 2005 ins Leben gerufen, blickt das Projekt „einfach lebendig“ auf eine bereits mehrjährige erfolgreiche Projektdauer zurück. Gestartet als Impuls zur zeitgemäßen und lebendigen Vermittlung volkskultureller Inhalte liegen die Schwerpunkte auf einer lustbetonten Vermittlung von traditionellen Liedern und Tänzen. Bereits über 100.000 steirische Kinder erlernten mit „einfach lebendig“ Jodler, Lieder, Kinderreime, Tänze und traditionelle Spiele. Mit viel Engagement und Begeisterung wecken speziell ausgebildete ReferentInnen bis heute mit Harmonika, Geige, Schwegel, ihrer Stimme und vielem mehr die Freude der Kinder an Tanz, Musik und Bewegung. Durch ihr lebendiges Auftreten zeigen sie den Kindern wie auch PädagogInnen, wie bereichernd gemeinsames Singen, Tanzen und Spielen sein kann und dass Perfektion nicht immer das Maß aller Dinge sein muss. Dank der finanziellen Unterstützung des Volkskulturressorts unter der Leitung von Landeshauptmann-Stv. Hermann Schützenhöfer konnten steiermarkweit bislang hunderte Volksschulen und in weiterer Folge auch Kindergärten in den Genuss dieser Projektstunden kommen.

Ungebrochenes Interesse bis heute…
Das Interesse der Volksschulen und Kindergärten an „einfach lebendig“ -Impulsstunden ist unverändert groß. So wurden bereits drei weitere Module in den „einfach lebendig- Stundenplan“ aufgenommen. Die Spezialmodule „Erzherzog Johann und seine Zeit“ und „Froschgoscherl und Kittblech – das steirische G´wand“, das den Kindern Wesen und Herkunft steirischer Trachten nahe bringt. Auf speziellen Wunsch der PädagogInnen bietet die Volkskultur Steiermark GmbH nun auch Jahresprojekte für Volksschulen und Kindergärten an. Und so hat zwar die Anmeldefrist für das kommende Schuljahr noch gar nicht begonnen, doch Voranmeldungen für die begehrten Projektstunden liegen trotzdem bereits vor…

Weitere Informationen:

Online translation !


Musik Kreuzfahrt 2011 - Europa

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Fahren Sie mit...Details auf dem Flyer!

Voci Armoniche

Tango Jordan Milonga in Amman - Jordan

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
The summer is back and the outdoor TANGO JORDAN MILONGA is back with it..

An outdoor lounging at the Kempinski pool, with an authentic theme inspired by Argentine Tango.

a unique night of open-air dancing & Tango shows in contrasting yet spectacular settings - the chic surroundings of H2O Pool + Lounge and the lush grounds of Kempinski Hotel.

Sunday 5th June / 21.30
Every first Sunday of the month for the rest of the summer..
No entrance fee.
Time: 9:00 PM
End Time: 12:30 AM
Dress Code: Tango

Don't miss if in the area!
+962 79 59 88 117

Friedrich Lips Book

Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival Entries Close, Florida - USA

by Steven Albini, Roland Corporation U.S.
Roland US Festival 2011 banner
Entries close for the Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival auditions is now extended from June 1st to June 6th.

The Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival‏ takes place at the Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel 5445 Forbes Place, Orlando, Florida 32812 on July 29th.

There are three categories Junior (17 and under), Senior (18 and over) and Diatonic (18 and over). This is the first year for the diatonic category. Five contestants from each category will be chosen as finalists. The finalists will be flown to Orlando, Florida to compete on July 29th.

The winners of all Roland-USA categories will receive a V-Accordion (Senior - FR-7X, Junior - FR-3X and Diatonic - FR-18D).

Diatonic performances will be featuring seven-time diatonic accordion champion Danilo Di Paolonicola from Italy. Other performances will feature accordion artist Sergio Scappini (Italy), 2010 Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival winner Chris Gorton, father-and-son artists Alex and Peter Chudolij, Grammy nominee Alex Meixner, and Steve Albini of Roland-USA.

For further information email: Virginia@RolandUS.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Guglielmi Brothers - enchant audience wherever they play - Italy

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Alessandro and Gabriel Guglielmi (diatonic accordionists) assisted by sponsor Master MIDI Production of Castelfidardo, made a spectacular debut at the Frankfurt Musikmesse. Since then, the two exceptional talents of just eight years age are already highly requested and have a season full of concerts. On Saturday, 14 May in Paola (CS) they gave a performance before a large audience and were honored with several standing ovations.

Sabato 14 maggio ITALIA - Ennesima Grande Performance di Alessandro e Gabriele Guglielmi (Fisarmonica Diatonica) in arte (Guglielmi Brothers) endorser Master MIDI Production di Castelfidardo, dopo il loro spettacolare esordio alla Musikmesse di Francoforte i due grandi talenti a soli otto anni sono già richiestissimi e si affacciano a una stagione ricca di concerti con il loro progetto in duo di fisarmonica diatonica. Sabato 14 maggio nella città di Paola (CS) hanno regalato uno spettacolo senza precedenti, ad applaudirli un numerosissimo pubblico che alla fine della performance li ha omaggiati con una standing ovations.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
EURO TOUR 2011 "-TANGO CONTAMINADO" - Alemania, Francia, España - Escocia-Inglaterra

Quinteto Negro La Boca esta integrado por:
2 bandoneones • Guitarra acústica • Piano • Contrabajo • Cantor

2 de junio Stepping Out Milonga
The royal British Legion, Grove avenue / Wilmslow, Chesire

3 de junio Negracha tango Club
4 Wild Court WC2B 4AU / Londres

11 de junio Lo de Laura
Bereiteranger 15 Rgb in der Au 8154



Michael Rettig zu Gast auf der Harmonika Weltmeisterschaft - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
CD Notenheft mit Michael Rettig/Hubert KlausnerMit sieben Jahren hält Michael das erste Akkordeon in Händen und sehr schnell ist seine aussergewöhnliche Musikalität erkennbar. Die musikalische Ausbildung beginnt auf dem klassischen Tastenakkordeon. Nach kürzester Zeit erspielt er sich erste Erfolge bei regionalen Wettbewerben und wird zu ersten Musikfesten und Musikantentreffen eingeladen….seither hat er viele Titel gewonnen und...
....er ist zu sehen und zu hòren:

MAX-AICHER-ARENA in Inzell - der große Festabend zur Harmonika-WM 2011 am 3. Juni 2011

ST.BENNOFEST in Bodenmais 19. Juni 2011
St. Bennofest im Festzelt am Sportplatz, Jahnstrasse, 94249 Bodenmais ab 15.00 Uhr

Mit ihm gibt es - neuestes Notenheft:
Michael Rettig / Hubert Klausner
Harmonika Weltmeister Band 1
Griffschriftheft für die Steirische Harmonika

Und seine neueste CD „Quickly Fingers“

F. Info: http://www.michael-rettig.de
e-mail: management@michael-rettig.de

Titano Accordions

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accordion Jazz Chord

Sata-Häme Soi Festival/Competition/Ikaalinen – Finland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
The idyllic centre of Old Town Ikaalinen is filled with musicians and friends of accordion music summer after summer. Who would have guessed that the accordion would develop into such a fascinating and versatile instrument over time when the first accordion was patented in Vienna in 1829. There are no linguistic or cultural barriers when friends of accordion music from all around the world come together. Music is in the air in the Festival Park and in the concert venues for a week. Both amateurs and world class musicians perform at Ikaalinen – providing the festival audience with an astonishing variety of musical styles.

The accordion is the mirror of the Finnish soul - creating happiness, joy, and good ambiance. We welcome you to this unique midsummer event with a special flavour.

The Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championship 2011
Competition for diatonic accordions

Traditional Accordion music, such as the polka, mazurka, jenka and waltz, played by musicians of all ages. There are separate competitions for chromatic accordions, as well as for diatonic instruments in different age groups respectively.

For more information contact the Festival Office
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival
PL 33, Valtakatu 7
39501 Ikaalinen, Finland
email: juhlat(at)satahamesoi.fi, tickets(at)satahamesoi.fi
tel. +358 3 440 0224
fax. +358 3 450 1264

Gary Dahl Arrangements

AVIS DE TEMPS FORT Festival - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Avis de Temps Fort soufflera ses dix bougies au mois de juin prochain. Drôle d’anniversaire : le lieu de naissance est plutôt vaste : la rive gauche de la rade de Lorient, la date n’est jamais la même mais toujours le week-end de l’Ascension et les parents, déjà nombreux au départ, ont changé en cours de route : Port Louis, Gâvres, Locmiquélic et désormais Riantec ! Ce sont sans doute ces conditions de conception un peu étrange qui font toute la fantaisie de ce festival qui attire chaque année un public fidèle et grandissant. Cette année, toujours les démonstrations d’amateurs conçus avec des professionnels, encore les spectacles de compagnies venues de partout et cette année, en inauguration du festival, des danseurs professionnels présenteront, avec des amateurs des quatre communes, une chorégraphie travaillée dans l’année. Un joli point d’orgue pour ce dixième festival qui

Départ pour Locmiquélic :
13h30 : Embarquement quai des Indes à Lorient pour le port de Sainte-Catherine à Locmiquélic en passant à 14h par Port-Louis, port de la Pointe.

À Locmiquélic, sur le port de Sainte-Catherine :
14h15 : DANSE : « Les 4 éléments » : Représentation chorégraphique des élèves de CE1 de l’école Georgeault.
15h : THÉÂTRE : « Le conte abracadabrant » par la compagnie Les Batteurs de pavés.
16h : Départ du port de Sainte-Catherine pour le port de Locmalo à Port-Louis.
À Port-Louis, sur le port de Locmalo :
16h30 : DANSE EN DÉAMBULATION : Création collective et participative « On vous a pas dit ! » par la compagnie de danse Pied en sol. Création pour la dixième édition d’Avis de Temps Fort.
17h30 : Moment inaugural.
18h30 : Départ du port de Locmalo pour le port de Gâvres.
À Gâvres, sur le port :
19h : THÉÂTRE : « L’histoire de la Princesse courage » par la compagnie Les Batteurs de pavés.
20h15 : Retour pour Lorient en passant par Port-Louis puis Locmiquélic.


Départ pour Port-Louis :
13h30 : Embarquement quai des Indes à Lorient pour Port-Louis en passant à 13h45 par Locmiquélic, port de Sainte-Catherine en présence de la fanfare Mandibul’Orchestra.
À Port-Louis :
14h30 : THÉÂTRE : à l’entrée de la Grande Rue, « On passe à table » par la compagnie Kitschnette (un diner presque parfait !).
15h30 : THÉÂTRE D’OBJETS : au parc à boulets, «La succulente histoire de Thomas Farcy » par la compagnie Thé à la Rue.
17h15 : spectacle musical et jonglage : au jardin de l’hôpital, « Duo 2 » par la compagnie Micro Focus
18h15 : Rendez-vous au Port de Locmalo, la fanfare Mandibul’Orchestra vous attend pour une balade pédestre et musicale jusqu’au Chel à Riantec.
Riantec : le Chel
18h45 : CIRQUE : « Up above » par la compagnie Tumble circus, avec la complicité du Centre National des Arts de la Rue de Brest.
20h : Repas sous chapiteaux : petite restauration par l’association Skaozell.
22h : Rendez vous au port de la Pointe à Port-Louis pour un retour à Lorient en passant par Locmiquélic. Le bateau attendra les passagers.

À Port-Louis :
14h30 : CIRQUE : Sur le parvis de l’Église Notre-Dame, « Mélimélo » par l’atelier cirque enfants animé par Élisabeth Le Roy.
15h30 : DANSE CELTIQUE : à la place des Victoires, «Div c’hoar hag ar biniaour milliget» ou « Les deux sœurs et le sonneur maudit » nouvelle création par le groupe Eor accompagné par le cercle celtique An Drouz Vor.
16h30 : DANSE sur ring de boxe : au Parc à boulets, « 1er round » par la compagnie Tango Sumo.
18h15 : CIRQUE : au stade des Pâtis, « Complètement swing ! » par la compagnie Cirque Exalté.

2 juin

Ronan Robert –accordéon diatonique et chant
C’est en suivant les conseils avertis d’Alain Pennec et de Marc Perrone que Ronan apprend l’accordéon. Il obtient son Diplôme d’état de professeur de musique traditionnelle et devient musicien professionnel au sein du groupe Carré Manchot. Cofondateur de Cocktail diatonique, Vertigo, Burn’s duo, Tourmenté d’Amour, Morwenna, il accompagne la conteuse Gigi Bigot.
Sa curiosité et son ouverture vers différentes influences musicales l’amènent au fil de ses rencontres à créer en 1993 « Les trois saisons », en 1996 « Ronan Robert Réunion », en 2002 « Airs ». Aujourd’ hui il travaille avec la compagnie de danse Pied en Sol et joue avec Ronan Le Gourierec et Raphaël Chevalier dans Bivoac.

e-mail: serviceculturel.portlouis@wanadoo.fr

Opelousas Spice and Music Festival / Opelousas Louisiana - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Charnwood Music Publishing

5° Accordion Festiva/Pinet - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
ACCORDIONARTFESTIVAL giunge quest'anno alla 5° edizione. Dopo il grande successo dello scorso anno la manifestazione si svolgerà quest'anno a Pineto (Teramo, Italia) l'11, 12 giugno 2011.
All'interno i seguenti CONCORSI:
• ITALIA AWARD (Concorso internazionale per fisarmonica, tastiere, canto, chitarra, pianoforte, jazz, composizione, fisarmonica elettronica, organetto, gruppi)
• ORPHEUS AWARD 2010 (Oscar della fisarmonica per CD e MP3 del 2009 diviso in classico, jazz, world music)
• SELEZIONI NAZIONALI CMA (per il Trofeo Mondiale - Italia 2011)
I regolamenti dei tre concorsi si possono scaricare da www.accordionartfestival.com

Direttore artistico manifestazione: Renzo Ruggieri
Direttore artistico Orpheus Award: Fabio Ciminiera
Presidente: Salvatore Cauteruccio
Segretario: Claudio Azzaro
informazioni: www.accordionartfestival.com - info@accordionartfestival.com

Voci Armoniche

Fremar Foundation Presents ‘Music & Merlot’ Concert, Kansas City – USA

by Karen Fremar
“Music & Merlot,” banner
Don LipovacThe Fremar Foundation for Accordion Arts offered its inaugural event, “Music & Merlot,” on May 14th in Kansas City, Missouri. The concert featuring popular Kansas City ensemble Vivant! and popular accordionist Don Lipovac (picture left) was a resounding success.

Attendees enjoyed a wine bar reception and then were treated to a variety concert. Don Lipovac performed Romanian and Slovenian works and gave informative discussions about the origins of the works and his button-box instrument. Vivant! tour members Julie Silfverberg, Dee Sligar, Karen Fremar, Gail Overly and Sarah Cantrell, performed a portion of the program that they will perform on their upcoming concert tour of Wisconsin.

The Fremar Foundation, Dr. Karen Fremar, Chairman of the Board, was formed in May 2010 to support outstanding artists and artistic contributions to the accordion field. The foundation’s board is comprised of knowledgeable individuals from the legal, corporate and music communities in Kansas City.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Fremar Foundation seeks to educate and inform the public about the unique musical qualities of the accordion, its music and musicians, and its history. The foundation received a significant grant from the Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust, Mr. Daniel C Weary and Bank of America, trustees.

The Fremar Foundation will continue to present events in the future featuring accordion artists and works for accordion.

For further information email: kfremar@att.net


Airs d'Accordéon en Vallenciennois - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Dimanche 12 et lundi 13 juin 2011
à Hergnies, au Festival
"Airs d'Accordéon en Valenciennois"

Deux jours de musique, de nature et de convivialité
Qualité et convivialité dans un cadre champêtre

Chaque année durant le week-end de la Pentecôte, le Festival "Airs d'Accordéon en Valenciennois" prend ses quartiers sur la magnifique place enherbée d’Hergnie
Tout au Nord de la France, en plein coeur du Valenciennois et du Parc naturel régional Scarpe-Escaut, à la frontière belge, dans une ambiance festive et champêtre, Hergnies accueille de nombreux groupes musicaux dont l’un des points communs est... l’accordéon !

Dimanche et lundi... Deux jours durant, les accordéons de France et de Navarre rythment les activités et animations du village... fête champêtre, marché du terroir, produits biologiques, brocante, jeux traditionnels...

Artistes musiciens, spectateurs, bénévoles, artisans, producteurs... N'hésitez pas à venir nous rejoindre dans cette belle, musicale et conviviale aventure qu'est le Festival « Airs d'Accordéon en Valenciennois » !

Info: http://www.valaccordeon.com/

32nd Annual Sea Music Festival - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
June 9-12, 2011
32nd Annual Sea Music Festival
June 9-12, 2011
Mystic Seaport wil host its 32nd annual Sea Music Festival, one of the world’s premier sea music events. More than 5,000 people gather each year to hear Mystic Seaport's Chantey Staff along with a solid core of performers carry on classic musical traditions of the golden age of sail. We have featured music from maritime cultures around the world, including the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Australia, Iceland, Poland, Netherlands, France, Canada and Africa, as well as native peoples within the United States.

32nd Annual Sea Music Festival Performance Schedule
Thursday, June 9
7:00 pm
"Fitting Out" Concert at the Boat Shed 15
Featuring: Bonnie & Dan Milner (MCs), ARRR, Current MS Chantey Staff (Mike Bartels, Denise Cannella, Craig Edwards, Geoff Kaufman, Barry Keenan, Chris Koldewey, Don Sineti), Tom Kastle, Roll & Go, Rick Spencer, Caryl P. Weiss.
Friday, June 10
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
"Music of the Sea" Symposium, Part 1
Officers' Club of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 15 Mohegan Avenue, New London CT. In Yeaton Hall. For directions: http://www.uscga.edu/display.aspx?id=342
7:00 pm
"Unmooring" Concert at the Boat Shed 15
Featuring: John Roberts (MC), Judy Cook, Martin & Shan Graebe, Richard Grainger, Kapriol, Northern Neck Chantey Singers, Brian Peters and Jeff Davis
Saturday, June 11
9:30 am
"Music of the Sea" Symposium, Part 2
Greenmanville Church 49
Moderator: Glenn Gordinier, Mystic Seaport Research Associate
Noon-5:00 pm
Concerts, Workshops & Demonstrations throughout the Museum

7:00 pm
"Full Sail" Concert at the Boat Shed 15
Featuring: Geoff Kaufman (MC), Celeste Bernardo & Ken Sweeney, Jack Dalton, Dan Milner and Robbie O'Connell w/friends, Raizes, Danny Spooner, Bob Webb
Sunday, June 12
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Concerts, Workshops & Demonstrations throughout the Museum

3:00 - 6:00 pm
Final Concert at the Boat Shed 15
Featuring: All Performers

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Großes Oberkrainer Festival Bernau/Felden - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
22. bis 26. Juni 2011

Mit einem absolut einmaligen, abwechslungsreichen Programm dargeboten von Top-Musikgruppen aus Deutschland, Niederlande, Österreich, Schweiz und Slowenien. Und das alles in traumhafter Kulisse der Berge rund um den Chiemsee.

Vom 22.06. bis 26.06.11 findet in Bernau, im Ortsteil Felden, das Große Oberkrainer Festival mit mehrtägigen Auftritten und Aufführungen der Top-Interpreten der Oberkrainermusik statt:

Wann? Was? Preis
22.06.2011, 19.30 Uhr Oberkrainer Weinfest
mit Oberkrainermuik made in Austria (Alpenecho, Die Hattinger Buam) VVK: € 12,-

AK: € 14,-

23.06.2011, 19.30 Uhr Internat. Oberkrainer Spektakel
mit D’Hochfellner aus Beyern, Quintett Wenzelstein aus Baden Württemberg, Bodensee Quintett aus Baden Württemberg, Horst Herrmann & Die Neuen Oberkrainer Musikanten aus den Niederlanden, KrainerTonic aus der Schweiz, Quintett Hey aus Slowenien VVK: € 12,-

AK: € 14,-

24.06.2011, 19.30 Uhr Slowenischer Abend mit die Jungen Helden (Gewinner Nachwuchsförderpreis der Oberkrainermusik 2010), Ansambel Mikola, die Jungen Original Oberkrainer VVK: € 12,-
AK: € 14,-
25.06.2011, 13.00 Uhr V-Accordion-Oberkrainer-Wettbewerb der Fa. Roland Eintritt frei
25.06.2011, 19.30 Uhr Großes Hohner Akkordeon Abend
mit "zwoa moi zwoa" aus Bayern, Salten Oberkrainer aus Südtirol. Igor und seine Oberkrainer aus Slowenien
VVK: € 12,-
AK: € 14,-
26.06.2011, 11.00 Uhr Oberkrainer Frühschoppen mit Nachwuchsförderpreis der Oberkrainermusik Zuschlag auf den Getränkepreis

Also: Ein absolutes Schmankerl für alle Fans der Oberkrainer-Musik mit einem bunten, abwechslungsreichen Programm.

Eintrittspreise je Abend:
12 € Vorverkauf ( Einlass mit Karte ab 18.15 Uhr)
14 € Abendkasse (Öffnung jeweils ab 18.30 Uhr)

Karten erhalten Sie bei:
Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourismus GmbH & Co. KG
Felden 10
83233 Bernau a. Chiemsee
Telefon +49 (0) 8051 96 55 50
Telefax +49 (0) 8051 96 55 530
E-Mail: info@chiemsee-alpenland.de
Weitere Informationen gibt es im Internet unter www.oberkrainerfestival.de oder bei KrainerStar, Tel. +49 (0) 8031 4090500, E-Mail: info@krainerstar.de

Kombipaket mit je 1 Eintrittskarte für alle vier Abendveranstaltungen vom 22. - 25.06.2011 zum Vorzugspreis von 42 € nur bei KrainerStar erhältlich

Info: http://www.oberkrainerfestival.de/
e-mail: info@krainerstar.de


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Il M° GABRIELE DI PIETRO organizza presso il locale Luna Rossa FABBRICA DI ROMA VT FABRICA DI ROMA (VT) - Ora: venerdì 3 giugno 2011 19.00.00

Saranno presenti numerosi grandi ospiti da tutta Italia.
Quota di partecipazione 15,00 euro cena compresa (menu: antipasto/primo/secondo/dolce/caffè)
E' necessario prenotare ai tel. 339.1745828-377.2345273 o per email: gabrieledipietro1955@gmail.com
indicando il numero di persone partecipanti, nome e cognome ed eventuale recapito telefonico

Titano Accordions

National Button Accordion Festival, Pennsylvania – USA

by Rob Howard
National Button Accordion Festival
The 4th National Button Accordion Festival has taken place at the Bessemer Croatian Club, Bessemer, PA, on the weekend, May 27th to 29th. This event, with no hired bands, is all about participation, and visitors were invited to bring their accordions and join in the concerts and jam sessions.

There were three fun-filled days of music, dancing, jamming and performing starting on Friday at 5 pm and ending on Sunday at 9pm. Festival enthnic attire is encouraged.

Players from many surrounding states including Canada were taking part.

For further information email: RPivovar@NationalButtonAccordionFestival.com


'House' star Hugh Laurie's CD Band Features David Hidalgo, Los Angeles - USA

by Rob Howard
David HidalgoBritish movie and TV actor Hugh Laurie, currently starring in the popular US TV medical drama ‘House’, is also an accomplished singer and musician.

On May 9th Laurie released his debut CD, 'Let Them Talk', an album of jazz and blues songs such as 'St James Infirmary', ‘After You've Gone’, and ‘It Ain't Necessarily So’.

The backing band includes David Hidalgo (picture right), of ‘Los Lobos’, and there are guest spots from Tom Jones, Dr John and Irma Thomas. Laurie sings lead vocals, and plays piano and guitar on the CD – and has admitted that he might come in for some stick for billing himself as a bluesman now.

"I was not born in Alabama in the 1890s," he acknowledged. "I've never eaten grits, cropped a share, or ridden a boxcar. I am a white, middle-class Englishman, openly trespassing on the music and myth of the American South."

The CD is available via Hugh Laurie’s website or Amazon.

Voci Armoniche

10th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival - New Zeland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Wellington, 21st - 29th June 2011.
Three days and four nights of world-class workshops, shows and milongas, plus tango ,

Info: Heidi Hughes, Director

09 8340192
021 671 584 during work hours preferably


New Zealand Tango Festival, 19 Longbush Road, Te Atatu, Auckland, New Zealand
P (+64) (0) 9 834 0192
W www.nztangofestival.co.nz
E festival@nztangofestival.co.nz

17. Fürstenecker Folkwerkstatt - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Jan BudweisOliver Stoffregen23. Juni (Fronleichnam) bis 26. Juni 2011
Diatonisches Akkordeon für Anfänger/innen mit Vorkenntnissen

mit Oliver Stoffregen (Foto rechts)
auf Anfrage auch mit Leihinstrument
(Gebühr: 25 €)
Der Kurs richtet sich an Akkordeonspieler, die zumindest mit den Grundfertigkeiten des diatonischen Instruments vertraut sind. Neben einer Festigung der Grundlagen werden Techniken zur Bearbeitung einfachster Stücke vermittelt: Melodieverzierungen, Balgarbeit und Begleitmöglichkeiten mit den Bässen. Die Stücke werden in Noten und Tabulatur ausgeteilt, es wird jedoch auch das im Folkbereich traditionelle Erlernen der Melodie nach Gehör geübt.
Oliver Stoffregen, Darmstadt, Dipl.Sozialpäd., Musiker u.a. bei "Dudlhupf" und den "FrontStreetBoys". Betreibt das Akkordeon-Fachgeschäft "Diatonie" in Darmstadt. Langjährige Unterrichtserfahrung besitzt er aus zahlreichen Workshops.

Diatonisches Akkordeon
für Fortgeschrittene Jan Budweis (Foto links)
Einfache Tanzmelodien sind oft kurz und leben durch ständige Wiederholungen. Um sie beim Aufspielen zum Tanz abwechslungsreich und spannend zu gestalten, gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, die wir in diesem Kurs erlernen wollen: z.B. rhythmische Gestaltungsvarianten der rechten und linken Hand, das Akkordspiel auf der Diskantseite und Phrasierungs- und Verzierungstechniken. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist das Erarbeiten von Variationen bis hin zu kleinen Improvisationen. Ziel des Kurses ist, dass die Teilnehmer mit den erlernten Fertigkeiten kreativ und spielerisch umgehen können, wobei sich jede/r entsprechend seiner individuellen Möglichkeiten in das Zusammenspiel integrieren kann.
Jan Budweis, Berlin, Musiker und Instrumentenbauer, Studium in Rotterdam, spielt z.Z. Bandoneon bei "Sabor a Tango" und diatonisches Akkordeon bei "Budweis-Wunderlich-Jach".

Flogging Molly Sells Out the Knitting Factory Concert House in Reno - USA

by Harley Jones
Matthew Hensley of Flogging MollyThe luck on the Irish was at The Knitting Factory Concert House in Reno on Friday May 27, 2011 as Flogging Molly played a SOLD OUT show.

Flogging Molly is a seven-piece Irish-American Celtic punk band from Los Angeles, California that is currently signed to their own record label, Borstal Beat Records.

Current members include, Dave King: Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bodhran, Dennis Casey: Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals, Matthew Hensley: Accordion, Concertina, Piano, Vocals, Nathen Maxwell: Bass Guitar, Vocals, Bridget Regan: Violin, Tin Whistle, Classical Guitar, Uilleann Pipes, Vocals, Robert Schmidt: Mandolin, Mandola, Tenor Banjo, Five String Banjo, Vocals and George Schwindt: Drums, Percussion.

The Knitting Factory was absolutely packed, the set lasted over 90 minutes and had the whole place cheering and singing along to every song, even with some of the greatest guitar players in the world playing across town at "The Experience Hendrix" show at the GSR.

Hats off to all the staff and security at The Knitting Factory for keeping everything under control. The place was rocking!

Accordion Jazz Chords

Vincitori del 7° Festival dell'Adriatico/Organetto/Offida - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Polka Dan CD Release Party in Anchorage, Alaska - USA

by Harley Jones
Polka DanMusician Dan Zantek-better known as Polka Dan has traveled the world with his concertina. He's visited more than 35 counties, he says, and wherever he goes, when he plays the concertina, "the favorite is always the Russian music. Even in Tokyo, Seoul... their favorite is the Russian music."

His experiences abroad convinced him to put together a CD entirely of Russian folk music, which has just released at Anchorage, Alaska. Polka Dan played a CD release party for his new album, Russia in Alaska, at Chilkoot Charlie's, May 15 in Anchorage.

The son of Polish immigrants, Zantek, originally from Minnesota, has been in Alaska since 1957. Zantek plays a Chemnitzer concertina, an instrument developed in Germany in the 1850s, says Zantek. Zantek traveled frequently throughout his working career, and often brought his instrument along.

He says it has become tougher to travel with the concertina. "It's just big enough you can't get it in the overhead," he explains. Though he did design a "bulletproof" case for his instrument, for Zantek, one way around the problem is just to leave instruments in places he frequents. He leaves a concertina in Poland, one in Seoul, and used to leave one in Moscow as well.

Titano Accordions

Cape Town Tango Ensemble live at MTN SA Music Awards - South Africa

by Harley Jones
The Cape Town Tango Ensemble will be live at this year’s MTN SA Music Awards nominee for The Best Instrumental Album. This performance is presented at the UJ Arts Centre on Tuesday evening, 31 May at 20:00.

Listen to the music - dream the moves, see the dance, yarn forsion...Tango Dreams.

Four musicians on stage - Bandoneon, Violin, Piano & Double Bass will hypnotize you with their desire to make music and who knows - the Music might explode into the most passionate dance called Tango.

This is Argentine Tango with a South African twist, matured and bottled in Cape Town.

Tango Dreams promises to be a display of tango virtuosity – a feast for the eyes and ears. The group has been polishing its tango shoes for over a decade and has attracted media attention and radio and television airtime throughout South Africa, and as far afield as Buenos Aires and Bulgaria.

They have been seen on stage and in concert halls throughout the country, at all the major festivals such as Aardklop, Grahamstown and Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees.

The four musicians, Stanislav Angelov ( Bandoneon), Albert Combrink (Piano), Jacek Domagala (Violin) and Charles Lazar (Double Bass), are all classically trained, but all have played in cross-over and jazz fields, making them ideal for interpreting the special Latin feel of the Tango.

15th Annual Cajun / Zydeco Festival - CT/USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Blast from the Bayou
June 9-12, 2011
42 Pierce Road - Preston, CT 06365
Local Phone: (860) 886-1944
Toll Free (888) 794-7944
Fax (860) 886-1943

On schedule:
Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie (Louisiana Zydeco/Creole)–Fri & Sat
Ryan Brunet & The Malfecteurs (Louisiana Cajun)–Sat & Sun
Cedric Watson & Bijou Creole (Louisiana Creole & Cajun)–Fri & Sat
The Savoy Family Cajun Band (Louisiana Cajun)–Thur & Fri
Li’l Wayne & Same Ol’ 2-Step (Louisiana Zydeco)–Sat & Sun
Jo Jo Reed & The Happy Hill Zydeco Band (Louisiana Zydeco)–Fri & Sat
Girl Howdy– (New England Swing & Honky-Tonk)–Saturday
Li’l Anne & Hot Cayenne (New York Zydeco)–Thurs & Fri
Planet Zydeco (New England Zydeco)–Sunday
JimmyJo & The Jumbol’ayuhs (Maine Cajun)–Fri & Sat
Slippery Sneakers (New England Zydeco/Creole)–Thursday
The Sweetback Sisters (Northeast Swing)–Sunday
C’est Bon (Northeast Cajun)–Sunday

E-mail: camp@strawberrypark.net

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Future events / Concerts

eSheet Music Titles

Raul Jaurena Trio / Tango-Nacht mit Workshop und Milonga - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Ora venerdì 10 giugno • 18.00 - 23.00
Luogo Zehntstadel Leipheim
Tango ist immer ein Versprechen: Ein Versprechen von atemberaubender Leidenschaft, durchdringender Wehmut und absoluter Hingabe an die Musik. Das Raul Jaurena Trio erfüllt alle diese Versprechen und noch
viel, viel mehr, denn es entwickelt den traditionellen Stil weiter.

Weltweit gibt es kaum einen Musiker, der das Bandoneon virtuoser spielt als Raul Jaurena. Geboren in Uruguay, nimmt ihn die Faszination, die vom Tango ausgeht, sc...hon früh gefangen. Er spielte in Cafés, Tanzhallen
und mit den großen Tangoorchestern Lateinamerikas.
Auftritte mit Künstlern wie der argentinischen Tangolegende Astor Piazzolla und dem Cellisten Yo Yo Ma haben ihn in aller Welt bekannt gemacht. 2007 erhielt er den Grammy für das beste Tango-Album.
Im Trio mit Kontrabassist Veit Hübner und Pianist Bobbi Fischer greift Jaurena auf traditionelle Tango-Vorlagen zurück, um diese als Ausgangspunkt für die Soli jedes Ensemblemitglieds zu nehmen. Fischer und Hübner, die beide ihre musikalischen Grundlagen im Jazzbereich haben, verleihen der Musik dementsprechende Impulse.
Noch ein weiteres Erlebnis verspricht das Trio für das Konzert im Zehntstadel: Rauls Tochter Carolina und ihr Partner wandeln die Musik in sinnlichen Tanz.
Tango-Workshop bereits um 18.00 Uhr.
Nach dem Konzert wird zu einem ausgelassenen Milonga gebeten.
Karten: 18 €, erm. 50 %
Reservierungen unter 08221 - 70737

Titano Accordions

Festival "Viaggio nelle Tradizioni" / Padova- Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
PADOVA 10, 11 e 12 GIUGNO 2011

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Brian Peters in June - USA/UK

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Brian is one of the English folk scene's great all-rounders: a compelling singer, a first-rate squeezebox player and a skilled guitarist.
Brian is one of the country's best anglo-concertina players and is just as good on melodeon, while also internationally-known as a singer of traditional ballads. He delivers a repertoire of startling variety. Alongside classic songs from the tradition and lively English dance tunes, you can expect to hear newer songs, his own instrumental compositions, and wild squeezebox excursions into ragtime or blues. His stage act bristles with energy and wit.
Brian has played most of the major folk festivals in Britain, as well as festivals in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, and Europe. He tours the USA several times a year to play festivals, summer schools and concerts. Brian is also in great demand as instrumental teacher and workshop leader, and has recorded several highly-acclaimed CDs.

Traditional songs and music from England with squeezeboxes and he will be in June
9-12: Mystic Seaport, Connecticut, Sea Music Festival/USA
24: Burnley Folk Club/ Cliviger, Burnley, BB10 4RG, England/UK

Info: http://www.harbourtownrecords.com/peters.html
e-mai: brian@brian-peters.co.uk

Voci Armoniche

2° Festival in Alatri - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Sounding Out the Accordion

Tom Kestle on tour - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
As part of his regular concerts and for special workshops and events, Tom also performs a vast array of traditional maritime music gathered together from archival research, books, recordings, and the repertoire of friends, who are themselves some of the finest maritime singers in the world. The songs include shanties and ballads from the Atlantic, Pacific, Caribbean, and Great Lakes, where Tom has been a professional sailor for over two decades.
Based on Tom's background in traditional music and traditional sailing, folklorist and veteran bluesman, Andy Cohen invited Tom to become part of "Folk University" and "Tradstock" at the 2009 International Folk Alliance Conference. They were joined, in Memphis, by tradition bearers such as Tracy Schwartz & Ginny Hawker and Enoch Kent.
Tom has been published on the topic of maritime music, most recently with Chris Kastle in "From Lumber Hookers to the Hooligan Fleet: A Treasury of Chicago Maritime History" published by Lake Claremont Press. He and Chris continue to perform occasionally together and are the co-directors of the Chicago Maritime Festival.

17.06.2011 - 19.06.2011 Alcester Folk Festival (with Chris Parkinson)
19.06.2011 The Falcon Mews 8.30pm ( with Chris Parkinson)
Falcon Hotel Mews
21.06.2011 In Concert Central Library 7.30pm
Middlesbrough Literary Festival
23.06.2011 Darlington Folk Club 8.30pm
Darlington Arts Centre
24.06.2011 In Concert 7.30pm
Reeth Village Hall
25.06.2011 KLondike Folk Night ' A Way with Words' 8.00pm
Cleveland Trade Unions Resource Centre
26.06.2011 Seafest Fundraising Concert
Sea Cadets Hall


Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo features Danilo Di Paolonicola - Italy

by Harley Jones
Castelfidardo Festival 2011
Castelfidardo Regulations Booklet coverThe 36th edition of the International Castelfidardo Accordion Festival will be held from September 20th to 25th 2011.

The Grand Opening Gala features the Danilo Di Paolonicola Ethnic Project with Danilo Di Paolonicola (accordion, diatonic accordion), Maurizio Rolli (electric bass), Roberto Desiderio (drums), Gionni di Clemente (guitar, oud, bouzuki), Andrea Tini (diatonic 2009 Junior World Champion).

The festival will be hosting very important guest artists as well as the 36th Castelfidardo Premio Concorso international accordion competitions. Download the Competition Regulations: 2011castelfidardo
The entry closing date is July 31st 2011.

The competitions, Category M Astor Piazzolla Music Section is for soloists (accordion and bandoneon) and bands - no age limi and no limit for the number of members.

The festival has grown steadily in recent years and is enriched by new theme events, live day and night shows as well as a Club to entertain the little ones with musical games and education. The popular Music Reality Show will again be organized for the entire week of the festival.

Download the Competition Regulations: 2011castelfidardo

Voci Armoniche

Beinasco Folk / Giugno - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Friedrich Lips Book

Hector Saldaña: Future face of Tejano

by Nicole Fruge
Hector SaldanaA news article courtesy of www.mysanantonio.com by Nicole Fruge and published 19 May 2011.

Picture left: A.J. Castillo performs during the 29th annual Tejano Music Awards.

Tejano and conjunto promoters and fans revere the genre's elders.

A great example is Robert Herzik's poster for the 30th annual Tejano Conjunto Festival that featured Al Rendon's photo of the late Narciso Martinez.

But festival producer Juan Tejeda and sponsors such as Gilberto Reyes Jr. at Hohner would be the first to say that's only half the story.

“We have reverence for the maestros,” said Reyes. “But you also have to look at the next generation that's going to be pushing the music forward.”

Austin-based AJ Castillo, 24, is one such highly touted young performer.

Castillo arrives at Graham Central Station on Friday. Also on the bill is Grupo Maldad. Music at 10 p.m. Admission costs $6.

Castillo, whose band includes his 19-year-old brother Sergio, is also front and center for a Hohner and KXTN-sponsored accordion giveaway this week.

“He's incredibly talented, and he's always played Hohner,” Reyes said. “We feel he's the kind of guy we have to (support).”

Castillo uses customized '60s- and '70s-era Hohner Corona II accordions. They are classic instruments juiced up by Kyle musician Richard Zapata. Often they are repainted (neon green was the first one) and the reeds are adjusted for a so-called jazz tuning, which means the tremolo effect is eliminated.

“It's a sax-ey sound,” said Castillo. “I have more of a jazz feel and style that people are freaking out on. I prefer the older accordions. They're broken in and they're like wine; they get better with age.”

Esteban “Steve” Jordan did the same thing to his instrument (blocks of reeds are all tuned to A-440 and the buttons are shaved down).

“It's got more (grit), more of a dry sound,” said Reyes.

Last week, Hohner delivered a new, black Esteban Jordan signature model Tex-Mex Rockordeon to Juanito Castillo for his festival debut.

“With Juanito, we realized that he was in need,” Reyes said. “But I used to have conversations with Esteban (Jordan), and you know Esteban, it was ‘Nobody can beat me.' But then he would say, ‘There's somebody that comes really close. It's Juanito.'”

It should be noted that Roland Corp. was heavily promoting its new FR-18 digital diatonic V-Accordion at the conjunto festival. “The challenge is teaching an old dog new tricks,” said Ed Diaz of Roland. “It gives the musician more tools.”

Castillo, who grew up listening to his father's and uncle's traditional Tejano band Rumores, projects a tougher, hipper street-smart image than that of the usual suspects.

“Honestly, I wasn't going for anything,” said Castillo about his latest publicity photo that might be mistaken for the Terminator. “That's just me. I showed up (with a sleeveless jacket) and that's how it came out.”

His latest release is a free download, “The Mixtape: Explotar Part 2” (the follow-up to “Who I Am” and “On My Way”) with four new songs and special DJ mixes of his hit singles.

“It's more about the fans and about the music,” Castillo explained. “And we've been blessed, man. They're playing me on every station that's Tejano.”

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

BandAdriatica 2011 - La vita che danza, il tour - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
"This is an interesting project that superbly integrates new composition with roots and demonstrates how easily music can cross national and linguistic barriers"
Micheal Hingston, Folk roots

“Frastornante, immensamente vitale l’incrocio di micidiali uptempo dispari e quattro quarti, ruggenti e precisi i fiati. Una magnifica turbolenza insomma, che si nutre, a maggior caratura, di testi ben scritti: “C’è un mare da morire, noi partiamo” Guido Festinese - Il giornale della musica (Italia)

Il nuovo concerto della Bandadriatica!
Disponibilità: Giugno - Settembre 2011

Nuovo nome e nuovo concerto per la ciurma ribelle di Claudio Prima che festeggia il quinto anno di vita e continua a infiammare le piazze d'Italia e d'Europa. Il nuovo live contiene una serie di brani inediti che confluiranno nel nuovo disco in uscita dopo l'estate e vive di un'energia trascinante. Fiati e sezione ritmica portano all'estremo le pulsazioni adriatiche mentre le voci, il violoncello e l'organetto ne esaltano le sinuose linee melodiche. Il ive è tutto da ascoltare e ballare e porta con sè il meglio della musica di confine italiana.
Negli ultimi tre anni la banda ha viaggiato e collaborato con Naat Veliov and Original Kocani Orkestra, Raiz e Radicanto, Eva Quartet (da Les mystere des voix Bulgares), Dario Marusic (Istria), Bojken Lako, Redi e Ekland Hasa (Albania), Ivo Letunic, Mateo Martinovic (Croazia) e ha reallizzato nel 2008 il progetto Rotta per Otranto - 15 musicisti, un veliero e 400 miglia in Adriatico diventato un film-documentario che racconta di uno straordinario tour di concerti e di incontri nei porti dell'Adriatico.

Info: info@adriatik.it

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

CAJUN ROOSTERS Events - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Chris Hall/ cajun and zydeco accordions - vocals - fiddle -
scrubboard - triangle
Hartmut Hegewald/ fiddle - scrubboard - vocals
Hazel Scott/vocals - guitar
Michael Bentele/bass
Sam Murra/drums - scrubboard - vocals - triangle

In June you can see and hear them:
Fr 03.06.2011 93486 Runding-Vierau, Seeweg 2, Liederbühne Robinson, www.liederbuehne.de Tel: 09971 / 4651

Sa 04.06.2011 81371 München, Schäftlarnstr. 156, im Oklahoma, 20h30,
Infos: www.oklahoma-saloon.com, 089-7234327

Attention: 17.06. - 19.06. Cajun Roosters and Steve Riley !

Fr 17.06.2011 59199 Bönen, 17h-19h Akkordion Workshop mit Steve Riley, im Musikkarrussell, Kirchplatz 12, 02383 - 50606 und 0173-2677609

Fr 17.06.2011 59199 Bönen, Zur Dorfschänke Lohmann, Cajun Roosters feat. Steve Riley, Kirchplatz 12, 20h30, Info und Karten: 02383 - 50606 und 0173-2677609

Sa 18.06.2011 53809 Ruppichteroth-Bröleck, Cajun Roosters feat. Steve Riley, Zum Brölbach, Josef's Scheune, Scheunenfest Bröleck,19h, 02295-909358 Kornbrennerei Bröleck

So 19.6.2011 53809 Ruppichteroth, 11h Brunch und unplugged Cajun Roosters feat. Steve Riley, Felderhoferbrücke 6, Kornbrennerei Bröleck, 02295-909358

'Tune in the Church' at St. Nicholas' offers Alternative to Pub - Ireland

by Harley Jones
Irish Traditional MusicWhen Cormac Ó Beaglaoich is not working on his PhD in psychology at the National University of Ireland (NUIG) in Galway, he can be found playing his concertina at sessions in Galway or further afield. He is also the organiser of Tunes in the Church, a summer series of traditional concerts in St Nicholas’ Collegiate Church in Galway City, now in its second year.

The 2011 Tunes in the Church was launched on Sunday 22nd May evening at St Nicholas and will run three times a week until September and feature some of the leading names of Irish traditional music. Most concerts, although not all, will feature a musician or two, as well as a singer and dancer.

Cormac had played concertina since he was a kid but when he was in secondary school in Kerry. In his late teens, he started play in sessions with his father and siblings and then, when he came to NUIG and got involved in the Trad Society “I started to appreciate what I’d grown up with”.

“It’s good for traditional music to have a stage there and to dispel the notion that the home of traditional music is the pub,” says Cormac, adding that the venture, which still in its infancy and is about offering visitors and fans of Irish music an opportunity to enjoy concerts away from the pub environment.

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