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Diatonic News - Dec-2019
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Voci Armoniche


Merry x-mas
Happy New 2020
"online" Konfiguration Deiner Strasser-Harmonika - Austria
Italo Connection "The Roadmovie" - Italien/Austria
Accordion Babes 2020 – Women Who Dare - worldwide
Danny Mesél proposes Accordion-Shoes - worldwide/Hungary
Ladies gifts for x-mas - Worldwide
Shiny ideas for x-mas - Worldwide
Sweet Ideas for x-mas - Worldwide
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Video - some more funny curiosity from around the WORLD
Weihnachtsideen aus der Schweiz - CH
Harmonika Müller wishes merry X-Mas to all clients

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

1° Trofeo Lucano della Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia
Steirischer Harmonika-Wettbewerb 2019 - Österreich
Geen workshop maar een binnen variant op Muzikale Ontmoetingen - Netherlands
International Meeting for Women Accordionists - Colombia
20th Fürstenecker Bordunale/Diatonic Acc.Workshop with Andrea Capezzuoli - DE/Italy
Latin Grammy for Quinteto Astor Piazzolla - USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Giuliano Gabriele Trio "concerto di Natale" - Italia (FR)
FAN-Schiffsreise mit Marc Pircher - Kreuzfahrt ab/bis Dubai - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Sharon Shannon “Celtic Christmas 2019” Tour - Japan
Sexteto Mayor @ Torquato Tasso - Buenes Aires/Argentina
2 Liguriani concerts in December - Italy/Germany
Tiger Lillies 30th Anniversary Tour - GB/GR
Antonio Grosso "Live-la festa di Natale" in Barrumba- Cervia/Italia
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2020 - Österreich
Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie - USA
Tollwood Winter Festival/Cajun&Zydeco Day - Bayern/DE
Christmas Concert - Finland
Tango Concert - Switzerland
Norberto Vogel @ Café Tortoni - Buenos Aires/Argentina
The tango trio "Los Milonguitas" in December - DE/FR/GB/NL
Norberto Vogel _" Adelante Tango" - Buenos Aires/Argentina
Folkambroeus in Dicembre - Italia
Guardia Nueva concerts in December - Finland
Silvesterparty mit dem Duo "ECHT-TIROL"/Stubaital - Austria
Concerto Fabio Furia/Alessandro Deiana - Italia
Le Réveillon de Châtillon 2019 - France

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "rosa y negro" by Los Milonguitas Tango - Argentina
CD "Hörst Du Mein Herz?" March Pircher - Österreich
CD "Devil’s Fairground" by Tiger Lillis - GB
CD "MAESTRALE" by Gambetta, Caputo, Russo - Italia
CD/DVD Das Jubiläumskonzert v. Andreas Gabalier - AUT/DE

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

Mei liabste Weis mit Franz Posch - Austria

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment

Voci Armoniche


Sounding Out the Accordion

Merry x-mas

by Diatonic News
Diatonic News from the platform Accordions Worldwide would like to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope you have enjoyed the news over the last 10 years and will continue to keep you informed about all accordion events wherever they are happening.

Please continue to inform us about your events, sending us your news at:

All the best from the team at Accordions Worldwide /Diatonic News


Happy New 2020

by Diatonic News
To all our readers, enthusiasts, clients, artists and supporters from around the world - HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the staff of DIATONIC-NEWS!

Please keep us sending your news, your events, your concert details in order that all accordion interested friends can follow you wherever you are!

Have a great and successful NEW YEAR - 2020!

Voci Armoniche

"online" Konfiguration Deiner Strasser-Harmonika - Austria

by Diatonic News
Die Firma Strasser Harmonika Erzeugung gibt jetzt allen Harmonika-Interessierten Spielern die Möglichkeit, "IHRE" Harmonika ganz nach eigenem Geschmack als Einzelanfertigung in ONLINE-Version zusammenzustellen.

Machen Sie Gebrauch davon - und erfahren Sie alles über WIE auf der übersichtlichen Strasser Harmonika Webseite.

Friedrich Lips Book

Italo Connection "The Roadmovie" - Italien/Austria

by Diatonic News
Italo Connection
Herbert PixnerChristoph Franceschini und Mauro Podini begleiteten die glorreichen Sieben mit Kamera und Mikrophon wärend der gesamten Tour 2019. Von Sterzing bis Hamburg über Rankweil und Berlin. Das Resultat ist ein packender Roadmovie über das Tourleben der sieben Musiker.

Premiere feiert der Film im Filmclub Bozen

FR. 13. Dezember 20:00 und 21:00

Mehr auf: https://www.italo-connection.com/la-famiglia/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordion Babes 2020 – Women Who Dare - worldwide

by Diatonic News
Renée de la Prade SAYS: Can feminists be sexy? We think so!

The 2020 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar offers a beautiful, sensual, and empowering way to appreciate modern accordion music. Thirteen indie musicians team up in a calendar full of sassy accordion pin-up photos; it comes with a compilation CD with one track from each artist. Together, we prove that the accordion is a mighty instrument, and that the women who play it are bold, daring, adventurous souls, making their mark on the 21st century.

With music ranging from orchestral pop-punk, to folk, blues, country, Cajun, waltzes and polka, old-school accordion fans and young neophytes all have a great album to look forward to in the 2020 Accordion Babes CD.

2020 Calendars can be pre-ordered - which is helping to cover for the print run!

$20 (USD)
Joana Reis (cover) – Portugal
LynnMarie – USA
Mishkin Fitzgerald – United Kingdom
Susan Hwang – USA
Renee de la Prade – USA/ Germany
Calvaleigh Rasmussen – USA
Debra Peters – USA
Sarah Savoy – USA/ France
Wendy Fitz – USA
Skyler Fell – USA
Aurelia Cohen – USA
Miss Natasha Enquist – Canada
Meredith Pangrace- USA

More on: https://accordionpinupcalendar.com/

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Danny Mesél proposes Accordion-Shoes - worldwide/Hungary

by Harley Jones
Why wear normal shoes when you can wear accordion shoes? 🤣🤣🤣 This is asking Danny Mesél as he is preparing for a new show with the Kaboca Puppet Theatre, in which he will be playing all kinds of homemade instruments.

He is in great hope, that he will be able to learn how to walk in time for the premiere on December 1st. 🤪

An WE hope so too and might want to sell this new shoes to the diatonic accordion community - who knows? ;-)

Ladies gifts for x-mas - Worldwide

by Diatonic News

Titano Accordions

Shiny ideas for x-mas - Worldwide

by Diatonic News

Accordion Jazz Chord

Sweet Ideas for x-mas - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Here are some of the sweet ideas !

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Video - some more funny curiosity from around the WORLD

by Harley Jones

Charnwood Music Publishing

Weihnachtsideen aus der Schweiz - CH

by Diatonic News
Möchten Sie noch Ihre Lieben mit musikalischen weihnachtlichen Harmonikageschenken gedenken - dann können Sie wählen und zwar auf:


Voci Armoniche

Harmonika Müller wishes merry X-Mas to all clients

by Diatonic News
Harmonika-Müller Staff (in part)
Part of the (40 workers) Harmonika-Müller staff (Edith Müller on the left and Janine Müller on the right) with their youngest Harmonika-Maker Anna Lena Kois (on the Steirisch harmonika) wishes all their customers a merry x-mas time and happy new 2020


Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

1° Trofeo Lucano della Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia

by Diatonic News
1° Trofeo Lucano della Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia
Domenica 1 dicembre 2019 dalle ore 09:00 alle 23:30
Hotel Santa Loja
Contrada Santa Loja, 85050 Tito (Italia)

• Concorso di Fisarmonica diatonica valido come selezione al trofeo italiano IDA 2020
• Con il patrocinio del comune di Tito (PZ) presso la sala congressi dell’hotel Santa Loja (Tito)
• Inizio iscrizioni ed audizioni ore 9:00
• Iscrizione € 25,00 (mandare modulo tramite e-mail internationaldiatonicalliance@gmail.com)
• limite partecipanti 120
• Montepremi € 500,00
• Presidente di Giuria il Maestro Riccardo Tesi

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Steirischer Harmonika-Wettbewerb 2019 - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Steirischer Harmonika-Wettbewerb 2019 - Österreich
Patrick Mandl - aus Mooslandl"Wer spielt am besten Harmonika in der Steiermark?" hieß es am Samstag, dem 9. November 2019, in der Steinhalle Lannach: Fünf junge Finalisten stellen beim 24. "Steirischen Harmonikawettbewerb" ihr außergewöhnliches Können unter Beweis.

Aus dutzenden zehn- bis vierzehnjährigen Bewerber/innen ausgewählt, werden die fünf jungen Talente Herbert Kogler, Patrick Mandl, Markus Ritzinger, Stefan Schneidl und Andreas Strassegger bei der Endrunde des traditionellen Wettbewerbs live auftreten und jeweils ein Pflicht- und ein Kür-Stück präsentieren.

Zu Gast in der Sendung war auch die Gewinnerin des "Steirischen Harmonikawettbewerbs 2018" Klara Mißebner aus Langenwang. Regie führte Robert Sturmer.

Foto/links: Sieger Patrick Mandl - aus Mooslandl

Stefan Schneidl - aus Oberzeiring
Andreas Strassegger - aus Floing
Herbert Kogler - aus St. Kathrein am Hauenstein
Markus Ritzinger - aus Eisenerz

Zum Nachlesen/schaun: https://tv.orf.at/program/orf2/20191109/894845401/


by Diatonic News
The Woodford Folk Festival, an event of international standing, is held annually over six days and six nights from Dec 27th through to January 1st. More than 2000 performers and 438 events are programmed featuring local, national and international guests. This year's festival 19/20 will be the 34th festival the 27th at Woodfordia.

The Woodford festival experience is deep, rich and colourful. It is based on a vision of inclusive and creative community, culture and tradition passed through generations, expressed through story and ceremony. The site, a former barren dairy farm, has been lovingly regenerated with over 120,000 subtropical rain forest trees, orchids, ferns and sedges, planted to create a habitat for butterflies and wildlife.

Woodfordia is transformed into a village that hosts over 25,000 daily patrons, performers, stallholders, volunteers and organisers. As many as 2,680 volunteers across 162 departments are at the heart of the organisation and contribute to the setup and day-to-day running of the festival. During the event, the festival is actually the 67th largest town in Australia.


Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
Die Schule für Steirische Harmonika von Mag. Thomas Holzer und Stefan Kern hilft allen Liebhabern der steirischen Harmonika, sich zu profilieren und viele Stücke eines zahlreichen Repertoires auswendig zu spielen.

Für Anfänger bis hin zu Fortgeschrittene - hat man die Möglichkeit alles auszuprobieren und letztendlich flott dahinzuspielen, um auf jeglicher Bühne sich professionell bewegen zu können !

Wie lernt man:
Mit der Quetschn vor dem Computer sucht man sich sein Lied aus. Das Video startet und es geht direkt los.

Vorerst wird das Stück immer im Original vorgetragen, damit jeder Schüler weiss, wie es klingen soll & welche Griffe man ungefähr braucht - ein großer Vorteil, den man mit Noten nicht hast.
Alle Griffe werden langsam & verständlich erklärt und anfangs spielt man nur mit! Zuerst immer die Melodie, danach wird der Bass dazu erklärt.

Also - auf was wird noch gewartet - einfach https://quetschn.academy konsultieren und steirische Harmonika spielen


Geen workshop maar een binnen variant op Muzikale Ontmoetingen - Netherlands

by Diatonic News

Voci Armoniche

International Meeting for Women Accordionists - Colombia

by Diatonic News
International Meeting for Women Accordionists - ColombiaThe 4th International EVAFE Women’s Vallenato meeting was held in Valledupar, Colombia from November 22nd to 24th organised by Mr. Hernando Riaño Baute.

As part of this event, the First International Meeting of Accordion Women was taking place too. Accordionists from Japan, USA, Mexico, Chile and Argentina participated.

An ensemble of 10 accordionists performed two Colombian folklore pieces directed by Maestro Lácides Romero Meza.

This concert took take place on Friday, November 22 at 7pm at the Alfonso Lopez square in Valledupar.

20th Fürstenecker Bordunale/Diatonic Acc.Workshop with Andrea Capezzuoli - DE/Italy

by Diatonic News
Andrea CapezzuoliDiatonic accordeon – Melodeon in Italian music – Andrea Capezzuoli (Italy) from a medium level
The accordion music of northern Italy is similar to the French one, but it has some differences.
The most used rhythms are 6/8 and 2/4 with which you can perform curente, gige, polka and
In particular, the repertoire of the Bolognese Apennines is very virtuosic. The common
denominator of Italian music is joy and a sense of party. But there are also romantic songs,
waltzes and mazurkas.
The workshop will therefore offer an overview of northern Italian music: Curente from
Occitania (province of Cuneo), monferrine, mazurke and waltzes from Piedmont and "dances
detached (Balli staccati)" from the Bolognese Apennines.
Required model: G/C with at least eight basses or extended models.
The language of instruction is English.


Latin Grammy for Quinteto Astor Piazzolla - USA

by Harley Jones
Latin Grammy for Quinteto Astor Piazzolla - USA
Video: Presentation of the award:
Latin GRAMMY Award for the BEST TANGO ALBUM to Quinteto Astor Piazzolla

Video: Presentation of the award: We congratulate Quinteto Piazzolla from the Astor Piazzolla Foundation, who received the award for the category ‘Best Tango Album’ at the recent 2019 Latin Grammy Edition in Las Vegas. We wish to especially thank Laura Escalada Piazzolla for trusting BM+O with the protection of the Foundation’s Intellectual Property Rights.

Album Name: Revolucionario / Label: East 54 Entertainment, Inc.

The Latin Recording Academy
The Latin Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc. is a unique, multinational membership-based association composed of music industry professionals, musicians, producers, engineers and other creative and technical recording professionals who are dedicated to improving the quality of life and the cultural condition for Latin music and its makers both inside and outside the United States. Established in 1997, The Latin Recording Academy is the first international venture launched by the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc., representing a vibrant and passionate creative community.


Accordion Jazz Chords

Future events / Concerts

Giuliano Gabriele Trio "concerto di Natale" - Italia (FR)

by Diatonic News
"La Tregua di Natale"
15 Dicembre - 18:30
Teatro comunale di Alvito(FR)

Titano Accordions

FAN-Schiffsreise mit Marc Pircher - Kreuzfahrt ab/bis Dubai - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

by Diatonic News
MARC PIRCHER UND FREUNDE laden ein zur ultimativen Fanreise mit garantiertem Urlaubs-Feeling erster Klasse!

Nun steht die nächste Traumreise an — eine Kreuzfahrt nach Dubai!

Abgesehen davon, dass man mit einem nigel-nagel-neuen Schiff der MSC—Flotte unterwegs sein werden, stimmt auch das musikalische Programm an Bord. Neben Marc Pircher und seinem Musiker Mani Wagner werden nämlich auch die ZILLERTALER MANDER wieder mit dabei sei, sowie sein langjähriger Freund aus der Schweiz STEFAN ROOS.

Auch der Hin- und Rückflug mit EMIRATES AIRLINES wird sicher ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.

Einer tollen Reise sollte also nichts im Wege stehen also - vormerken, anmelden und mit dabe seini!

Termin 2020 / 07.02. – 15.02.
9 Tage/7 Nächte - Kreuzfahrt ab/bis Dubai
Preise p.P. inkl. Flug, Transfer, Trinkgelder, exklusives Musikprogramm & Vollpension an Bord


Sharon Shannon “Celtic Christmas 2019” Tour - Japan

by Harley Jones
Sharon Shannon poster
Video: Sharon Shannon from the Irish Post Awards TG4 broadcast, 2019

Sharon Shannon will perform her “Celtic Christmas 2019” concerts in Japan from November 30th to December 7th, beginning in Fukui and finishing in Tokyo. She will play a mix of traditional Irish music with a Celtic Christmas theme.

Tour schedule:

November 30th: Harmony Hall Fukui in Fukui, phone: +353(0)776-38-8280

December 1st: Yokosuka Arts Theatre in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, phone: +353(0)46-828-1600

December 2nd: Aoyama CAY, Tokyo, Minato City, phone: +353(0)3-3498-5790

December 3rd: The Phoenix Hall, Osaka, phone: +353(0)6-6363-0311

December 5th: Bunshokan, Yamagata, phone: +353(0)23-635-5500

December 7th: Nagano City Museum of Art, Nagano, phone: +353(0)26-219-3100

December 8th: Sumida Triphony Hall, Sumida City, Tokyo, phone: +353(0)3-5608-12 12

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Sexteto Mayor @ Torquato Tasso - Buenes Aires/Argentina

by Diatonic News
Sexteto Mayor @ Torquato Tasso - Buenes Aires/Argentina
Created in 1973 by bandoneonists José «Pepe» Libertella and Luis Stazo, the Sexteto Mayor offers a repertoire of instrumental tangos from all eras, with incomparable musical arrangements and the powerful sound that characterizes it.

The Sexteto Mayor was the first Argentine group to win the Latin Grammy in 2003. Currently, it is made up of: Fulvio Giraudo on piano; Enrique Guerra on double bass; Luciano Sciarretta in bandoneon; Horacio Romo in bandoneon and direction; and the historical group, two legendary violinists in the history of tango: Mario Abramovich and Eduardo Walzack.

Opening 8:30 p.m., Show 10:00 p.m.
Advance tickets at the Tasso (Until one day before the show) $ 600.- / Tickets on the day of the Show $ 700. /
The seating is by order of arrival - without assigned places


eSheet Music Titles

2 Liguriani concerts in December - Italy/Germany

by Diatonic News
The band proposes dance music from Liguria often associated with other tunes coming from close cultural areas: mazurka’s, sbrandi and monferrine from Liguria and Piedmont tie up effortlessy with French waltzer and marurkas. The song repertoire has a strong emphasis on Ligurian dialect: traditional and popular songs are arranged by the band with creativity and flair.

Their next performances:

07/12/2019 - 20:00 /
Liguriani at KulturKirche St. Marien/Wolfsburg/DE

08/12/2019 - 20:00 /
Liguriani Bad Herrenalb/DE


Titano Accordions

Tiger Lillies 30th Anniversary Tour - GB/GR

by Diatonic News
Tiger LilliesThe world of The Tiger Lillies is dark, peculiar and varied, with moments of deep sadness, cruel black humour and immense beauty. This unique "anarchic Brechtian street opera trio" tours the world playing songs about “anything that doesn’t involve beautiful blonde girls and boys running at the meadow” to quote their founder Martyn Jacques.

Vocals, Accordion, Piano, Guitar / Martyn Jaques
Double Bass, Musical Saw, Theremin, Vocals / Adrian Stout
Drums / Jonas Golland

Previously their tour took them to: France, Austria, Germany, Czech Republique, Croatia, Italy and more!


16 dicembre 2019 20:00 London Coliseum
St Martin's Lane, London, United Kingdom

24 gennaio 2020 20:00 FIX FACTORY OF SOUND
26is Oktovriou 15, Thessaloniki, Greece

25 gennaio 2020 20:00 Fuzz Live Music Club
Patriarchou Ioakim 1, Tavros, Greece

For more view: https://www.tigerlillies.com/tour

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Antonio Grosso "Live-la festa di Natale" in Barrumba- Cervia/Italia

by Diatonic News
Antonio Grosso
Una serata, una Festa straordinaria e specialissima...al Barrumba con ANTONIO GROSSO live e la sua straordinaria musica
d'energia. Un giovedì senza precedenti al Barrumba,via emilia, 125, 48015 Cervia

espone : rosadanza di Rossella Boscaro
dalle 22.00 Milonga Tdj La Ombre
live Antonio Grosso Duo
la pasta calda per tutti
ingresso € 12,00

per info e prenotazioni
ombretta 3355427719 Bicio 3922593308

Voci Armoniche

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2020 - Österreich

by Werner Weibert

Sounding Out the Accordion

Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie - USA

by Diatonic News
Geno DelafoseIn December 2019 Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie
will be performing nearly every day - for the exact days/hours/places
pls visit his website and be ready for having a fun evening!

Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie



Tollwood Winter Festival/Cajun&Zydeco Day - Bayern/DE

by Diatonic News
Hexenkessel - Tollwood,  Cajun & Zydeco Day
drei Bands am 8.12 beim Cajun & Zydeco Day
Cajun Roosters, BayouAlligators, Johannes Epremian

von 15:30 - 22:00 h
Theresienwiese, 80336 Monaco di Baviera

Voci Armoniche

Christmas Concert - Finland

by Diatonic News

Friedrich Lips Book

Tango Concert - Switzerland

by Diatonic News
la Reum à Carlito Sunday, 1st December 2019 à Lausanne

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Norberto Vogel @ Café Tortoni - Buenos Aires/Argentina

by Diatonic News
Norberto VogelCafé Tortoni is a historic café located at 825 Avenida de Mayo in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina. It was included by UCity Guides among the ten most beautiful cafes in the world. It has been proclaimed a national monument.

On Saturday, 7th of Dicember 2019 Norberto Vogel will be in concert.
Do not miss

+54 (11) 4342-4328
Avenida de Mayo 825 (CABA)

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection


by Diatonic News
SAB, 14/12/2019 - 21:30

Il M° Franco Finocchiaro, riconosciuto musicista di tango, storico di questa cultura e da qualche tempo "pasadiscos" che si ispira all'arte del celebre e compianto Felix Picherna su cui ha scritto un importante libro, sarà il conduttore che con le sue eleganti selezioni musicali animerà l'energia della Milonga del Pueblo, organizzata presso la Scighera.

ll nome scelto per queste serate vuole sottolineare la natura del tango dove musica, poesia e ballo sono sintetizzati in una cultura che ha orgogliosamente conservato la sua nobile origine popolare, raggiungendo esiti estetici raffinatissimi e forse imprevisti anche dai suoi stessi protagonisti.
La linea di questa iniziativa è perciò impostata nel quadro della milonga tradizionale, con le classiche alternanze di tandas e cortine, mentre, dal punto di vista musicale, la guida del M° Finocchiaro sceglie con la sua approfondita conoscenza del genere di privilegiare quella linea evoluzionista del tango che, attraverso il trattamento sofisticato degli arrangiamenti, sa suscitare inesauribili emozioni ai ballerini.

per prenotazione tavoli scrivere a milongadelpueblo@libero.it

The tango trio "Los Milonguitas" in December - DE/FR/GB/NL

by Diatonic News
The musical trajectory of the members, the pianist Pablo Murgier, the bandoneonist Simone Tolomeo and de double bass player Sebastian Noya, allows them to offer interesting and innovative arrangements, influenced as much by the Argentinian popular music as by jazz or rock.
Their first album "Los Milonguitas I", released in February 2017, reflects the color the milongas porteñas they are involved in, with tandas in style and cortinas.
In April 2019 they released their second album "Rosa y Negro", which shows all its ability to offer new dance compositions and in which there is a part recorded in a typical orchestra with 12 musicians.
From March 2017, "Los Milonguitas" have realized several tours for more than 20 countries, from Russia to Europe, giving more than 100 concerts.
Next performances:
December 01, 2019 Munchen Germany
December 05, 2019 Paris La Marbrerie France
December 13, 2019 Glasgow Scotland
December 14, 2019 Bordeaux France
December 26, 2019 Utrecht Netherlands
December 28, 2019 Utrecht Netherlands


Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
ANNAMARIA MUSAJOSerata speciale alla Scighera con la consueta Milonga del Pueblo, questa volta introdotta da un concerto della cantante di tango Annamaria Musajo accompagnata dalla Orquesta Minimal Flores del Alma. Con la squisita musicalità di una voce armoniosa, Annamaria Musajo proporrà un recital con un repertorio che attraverserà le varie epoche del tango, dai primi tango cancion degli anni '20 alle straordinarie composizioni di Astor Piazzolla. Con lei una formazione ormai storica nel panorama del tango che con i suoi arrangiamenti originali ed il virtuosismo dei suoi interpreti si è distinta per uno stile originale, espresso nel più puro linguaggio di questa musica.

A seguire la Milonga del Pueblo con le vertiginosa selezione del suo pasadiscos Franco Finocchiaro.

ore 21.00: Recital di Tango
Annamaria Musajo
Orquesta Minimal Flores del Alma:

ore 22.00 - 2.00: Milonga del Pueblo
Pasadiscos, Franco Finocchiaro

Prenotazioni consigliate:
tel. 3356764620

Accordion Jazz Chord

Norberto Vogel _" Adelante Tango" - Buenos Aires/Argentina

by Diatonic News

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Folkambroeus in Dicembre - Italia

by Diatonic News
Folkambroeus è un'Associazione di Promozione Sociale che si occupa di diffondere tra gli associati la cultura e le tradizioni popolare. Folkambroeus è anche il nome dell'evento più importante dell'associazione, un festival internazionale che porta a Milano musicisti e danzatori associati di tutta Italia ed Europa, che si titne in Dicembre.



by Diatonic News
MIKE BROUSSARD & THE NU EDITION ZYDEKO (ZYDECO)When: 01-Dec-2019 - 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Where: Vermilionville

Mike Broussard & Nu Edition Zydeko (Zydeco) from Lawtell, LA. have been playing zydeco music since the age of 8.

Zydeco music has been passed down from generation to generation and learned mainly from his uncle Herbert Broussard, who was the singer/songwriter from Zydeco Force and my cousin, Jeffery Broussard, with Jeffrey Broussard & the Creole Cowboys.

In the attempt to keep zydeco music alive, he decided to start his own band in 2017 to play a mix of traditional zydeco music from artists such as Buck Wheat Zydeco, Clifton Chenier and Rockin Dopsie and new age zydeco. With the band he won the “New Artist on the Rise” award from ZBT Awards hosted in Houston, TX."


Charnwood Music Publishing

Guardia Nueva concerts in December - Finland

by Diatonic News
Guardia Nueva
Guardia Nueva – a musical cornucopia
Raimo Vertainen founded the Guardia Nueva orchestra in Kokkola in 2001. The orchestra’s musical framework consists of passionate tango and dynamic popular music, with performances of new arrangements of works by Toivo Kärki, Olavi Virta and Unto Mononen. Guardia Nueva’s arrangements of the best electrotango pieces (Gotan Project) and arrangements of Finnish popular music, international evergreens and custom-made tangos have created a brand new concept – the Guardia-like arrangement.

December 10th, 2019 tue 18:00
Guardia Nueva joulukonsertti, solistina tenori Mika Pohjonen
Kokkolan Kirkko / Ostrobotnia centrale, Finlandia

December 11th, 2019 wed 19:00
Guardia Nueva joulukonsertti, solistina tenori Mika Pohjonen

More on:http://www.guardianueva.net

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
Fabulous original Australian folk, gorgeous vocal harmonies, and enticing storytelling come together with a new ensemble of backing musicians to add an extra dimension to the magic that is Cloudstreet.

They will perform at the Woodford Folkfestival:
Fri, Dec 27 9:00AM Luna
Sat, Dec 28 7:30PM Halcyon
Sun, Dec 29 6:20PM Halcyon
Mon, Dec 30 8:50PM Bob’s Bar
Cloudstreet and the Little Cloud Orchestra sing up the New Year in a joyful concert with opportunities for you to sing along.

Wed, Jan 01 9:00AM Cirque



Silvesterparty mit dem Duo "ECHT-TIROL"/Stubaital - Austria

by Diatonic News
Echt Tirol
Silvesterparty im Hotel Mutterber
31.Dezember 2019 - Showbeginn um 21:00h
in 6167 Neustift, Mutterberg/Stubaital

Sind Sie mit dabei - am letzten Tag des Jahres 2019. Das Duo ECHT-TIROL mit Musik von "Volkstümlich bis Mordern" spielt bei den Live-Auftritten auf insgesamt 5 Instrumenten, welche je nach Lied verwendet werden. So bringt die Gruppe Echt Tirol Würze in Ihren Sound und jedes Lied klingt individuell! Ein abwechslungsreiches Programm welches über 150 Lieder beinhaltet!

Mehr über das Duo Echt-Tirol auf http://www.echttirol.com

Concerto Fabio Furia/Alessandro Deiana - Italia

by Diatonic News
Sabato 7 dicembre, ore 19:30
GONNESA, Aula Consiliare "El Dia que me Queras"
Fabio Furia (Bandoneon)
Alessandro Deiana (Chitarra)

Il suono passionale del bandoneon ed il virtuosismo della chitarra si amalgamano per raccontare il tango attraverso un repertorio che ripercorre la storia dagli anni '20 agil anni '50. Un percorso che segna l'evoluzione di questo genere musicale cosi amato, partendo da quello tradizionale, fino alle avanguardie e alla sua più alta nobilitazione.

Musiche di P.Laurenz, J.Cobian, A.Troilo, C.Gardel, A.Villoldo, A.Aieta, V.Romeo.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Le Réveillon de Châtillon 2019 - France

by Diatonic News

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Titano Accordions

CD "rosa y negro" by Los Milonguitas Tango - Argentina

by Diatonic News
The tango trio “Los Milonguitas” offer an innovative repertoire so that all the dancers fill the milonga dancefloor.

In April 2019 they released their second album "Rosa y Negro", which shows all its ability to offer new dance compositions and in which there is a part recorded in a typical orchestra with 12 musicians.

For more information and soundfiles pls view:



CD "Hörst Du Mein Herz?" March Pircher - Österreich

by Diatonic News
CD Hörst Du Mein Herz? die neueste CD von Marc Pircher wurde Ende Juli 2019 vorgestellt.

Wenn Sie noch kein passendes musikalisches Weihnachtsgeschenk haben - dann bestellen Sie schnell diese sicherlich wie immer aussergewöhnliche CD von dem beliebten Künstler.

Mehr auf seiner Webseite: https://www.marcpircher.at/shop/

Voci Armoniche

CD "Devil’s Fairground" by Tiger Lillis - GB

by Diatonic News
Genres: Cabaret, Gypsy, Alternative, Musical Theater, Blues, Folk Jazz, Obscuro, Punk Blues
Band Members: Martyn Jacques, Adrian Stout, Jonas Golland

London’s the Tiger Lillies are celebrating 30 years of their provocative brand of avant-garde punk-cabaret with their symphonic latest album, Devil’s Fairground (out 15 February). Themes of junkies, prostitutes and all forms of vice continue to make up the majority of their work, while frontman Martyn Jacques has a knack for finding beauty in the macabre and grotesque, like Poe, Lovecraft and Edward Gorey before him. The band have performed all over the world, making their way from humble beginnings busking in the streets and playing bar-rooms to performing in massive concert halls and opera houses.

Devil’s Fairground takes the listener on a tour through the sordid underbelly of post-soviet Prague, where Jacques’s eye finds poetry in legless drunks, bored hookers and fatherless children


CD "MAESTRALE" by Gambetta, Caputo, Russo - Italia

by Diatonic News
Filippo Gambetta, Carmelo Russo, Sergio Caputo
Filippo Gambetta (organetto diatonico), Sergio Caputo (violino) e Carmelo Russo (chitarra classica) presentano il nuovo progetto in trio nato nell’estate 2017. I tre artisti, accomunati dalla passione per le musiche di tradizione ma anche dalla scrittura di musiche nuove, ad esse ispirate, propongono in concerto un repertorio incentrato su melodie sia da ascoltare che da danzare. I tre musicisti creano un connubio sonoro tra temi che si rifanno agli idiomi e alle forme delle musiche tradizionali europee, in particolar modo di Italia, Francia e Irlanda, uniti a quelli della rumba gitana e delle musiche nord africane. Il trio presenta nell’estate 2019 il nuovo album Maestrale, pubblicato per Visage Music (Italia).

Per ordinare:

CD/DVD Das Jubiläumskonzert v. Andreas Gabalier - AUT/DE

by Diatonic News
CD/DVD Das Jubiläumskonzert v. Andreas Gabalier
"Best of Volks-Rock’n'Roller – Das Jubiläumskonzert live aus dem Olympiastadion in München”
(VÖ: 06.12.2019, Electrola / Stall Records / Universal Music)
(2CD+2DVD+Blu-Ray | Premium Edition)
VÖ: 06. Dezember 2019 Premium Edition Andreas Gabalier

Es gibt viele Faktoren die dazu führten, dass Andreas Gabalier eine derart steile Karriere hingelegt hat, die er dieses Jahr mit der Veröffentlichung seiner großen Best-Of-Rückschau gebührend gefeiert hat. Aber Glück ist keiner davon. Vielmehr ist sie das Ergebnis guter Songs, unbändigem Fleiß, und schier grenzenloser Belastbarkeit. Sein Jubiläumsjahr führte ihn und seine Band auf große Stadiontour die ihren absoluten Höhepunkt im von ihm als “Epizentrum des Volks-Rock’n'Roll” getauften Olympiastadion in München am 15. Juni fand.

Mehr auf: https://www.universal-music.de/andreas-gabalier

Accordion Jazz Chords

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

Mei liabste Weis mit Franz Posch - Austria

by Diatonic News
Franz Posch„Mei liabste Weis“ ist eine Rarität im Fernsehen – und das seit über 30 Jahren. Gesungen und musiziert wird ausschließlich live ganz ohne Playback. Franz Posch präsentiert die Tradition authentischer Volksmusik und mit jungen, innovativen Gruppen auch deren Zukunft. Die Sendung ist eine Produktion des ORF Tirol.

Alle Jahre wieder - auch heuer lädt Franz Posch am Heiligen Abend ins ORF Landesstudio in Innsbruck zur Weihnachtsweis. Nützen Sie Ihre Chance und gewinnen Sie bei tirol.ORF.at vier Eintrittskarten für die Live-Sendung.

Volksmusikanten versetzen am Heiligen Abend die Fernsehzuschauer in Weihnachtsstimmung. Live lassen sie vor Publikum - selbstverständlich kostenlos - ihre Instrumente und Stimmen erklingen und steuern damit auch ein Scherflein bei für „Licht ins Dunkel“. Präsentator Franz Posch greift meist auch selbst zu dem einen oder anderen Instrument, aber das bestimmen - wie bei jeder „Liabsten Weis“ - ausschließlich die Saalgäste bzw. die Anrufer.


„Mei liabste Weihnachtsweis"
24. 12. 2019, 14.00 - 15.00 Uhr
ORF 2-T und 3SAT

Via Satellit und per Live-Stream


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