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Diatonic News - Aug-2021
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Voci Armoniche


2021 PIF Castelfidardo, Schedule, Rules and Entry Information Updated - Italy
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Harmonika-WM 2021 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austria
Online - Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School - USA
Folk on Stage - Belgique
FOLKFEST - Spilimbergo/Italia
2021 Stowe Tango Music Festival - USA
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France
5th Summer Academy of Harmonica – Slovenia
2021 World Cup on the Accordion Virtual Polka Championship - Canada
El Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbia
2021 Sidmouth Folk Festival – UK
Online: Fleadhfest Sligo 2021 - Ireland
Postponed - Festival Avsenik 2021 - Slowenien
Tango Festival Trieste - Italy
Etétrad Festival 2021 - Aosta/Italia
2021 "IN PERSON" FESTIVAL/Workshop - Vermont/USA
Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France
Stage voor traditionele volksmuziek - Belgique
40th Milwaukee Irish Fest - USA
Cancelled: 2021 Bretelles Festival - France

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Die GRABENLAND BUAM im August: Austria/Deutschland/Schweiz
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 hat jetzt ein fixes Datum - Österreich
concerto Finale della Masterclass di Bandoneon - Sardegna/Italia
Concerts sous les Arbres - Belgique
Sharon Shannon at Cropredy Convention – England
St. Bartlmäe Kirchtag und 11. Musikantentreffen - Österreich
ROBERTO POMILI TRIO concerto - Italia
DANÇAS OCULTAS performing in Selters - DE/Portugal
Fantafolk in Agosto - Sardegna/Italia
Alessandro Gaudio concert in Mons - Italy/Belgium
Die SEER spielen im August - Austria
“Poor Man’s Gambit” Performs at Musikfest 2021 - USA

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Calabria Orchestra Live" - Italia
CD "die Herzen zum Himmel" Marc Pircher - Österreich

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

2021 PIF Castelfidardo, Schedule, Rules and Entry Information Updated - Italy

by Diatonic News
The 2021 PIF Castelfidardo dates are 28 September to 02 October. The major change for 2021 is that the results, prizegiving and Premio round III will be held on Saturday 02 October changing the tradition of Sunday 4 pm schedule. Artistic Director is Antonio Spaccarotella from Calabria.

The revised schedule is online: 2021PIF-schedule
The latest update of the rules and entry information is online at:
2021PIF-en and 2021PIF-it

The closing date for entries is 31 August 2021.

There are categories for diatonic accordions, bandoneons in the following categories:

Also a concert featuring bandoneon. Picture below. Duettango featuring Silvia Mezzanotte, with Filippo Arlia (piano) and Cesare Chiacchiaretta (bandoneon). Friday, 1 October 2021, 9.30 pm at Castelfidardo, Cinema Teatro Astra. Limited capacity - until the available seats are reached (according to anti-COVID regulations)
Silvia Mezzanotte, with Filippo Arlia (piano) and Cesare Chiacchiaretta

Sounding Out the Accordion


by Werner Weibert


Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translatiion

Voci Armoniche

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Friedrich Lips Book

Harmonika-WM 2021 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Liebe Freunde der Steirischen Harmonika!

Im Jahr 2022 kann der Harmonikaverband Österreichs wieder die Harmonika-WM veranstalten, wie geplant in der “Terme Olimia” im slowenischen Podcetrtek.
Es freut uns sehr, diese Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem slowenischen Verband ZDHS an einem so schönen Ort ankündigen zu können. Die Ausschreibung erfolgt Anfang Oktober wieder in 4 Sprachen.

Wir freuen uns schon auf viele internationale Kandidaten!

Online translation

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Online - Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School - USA

by Diatonic News
Online - Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School - USAMilwaukee Irish Fest Summer School Online
August 14 - 19, 2021
An Online Celebration of Irish Music, Culture, Language, and Dance!
Building on last year's virtual event, this year's Summer School expands their offerings to six days of workshops and classes via Zoom. Stay tuned for class, instructor, and registration information.

Although the festival will be in person this year, a number of challenges still exist to bring us all together for the Summer School. You are invited to kick back and let the amazing instructors get to YOU, wherever in the world you may be!

The Irish Fest Summer School features classes that showcase the rich culture, history and traditions of Ireland and Irish America, past and present. Come learn to play the Irish fiddle, flute, tin whistle, guitar, harp, Celtic music styles, and more from master musicians. Or take a discussion class and learn about Irish history, Irish language, and culture! Our Celtic arts classes offer hands-on learning for everyone! The Milwaukee Irish Fest Summer School is part of CelticMKE.


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Folk on Stage - Belgique

by Diatonic News
zomerse concerten à volonté

Tijdens de Stage voor Traditionele Volksmuziek kan je zalig genieten van memorabele concerten in een unieke locatie, de Sint-Niklaaskerk. Vier avonden brengen (inter)nationale folkmuzikanten een prachtig optreden. Momenteel zijn we het programma nog aan het samenstellen. Van zodra de groepen gekend zijn, kan je ze hier ontdekken!

De concerten gaan door op 21, 22, 23 en 24 augustus 2021 in de Sint-Niklaaskerk, Dorpsstraat in Gooik.

De concerten zijn momenteel enkel toegankelijk voor deelnemers aan de stage, dit zit in de deelnameprijs vervat. Indien door versoepelingen meer publiek mag aanwezig zijn, kunnen er eventueel losse tickets verkocht worden.

We volgen voor, tijdens en na de concerten alle COVID-19-maatregelen die op dat moment zullen gelden. Lees meer over de specifieke voorzorgsmaatregelen. Er zullen dit jaar helaas geen folkbals zijn waar je kan dansen.


FOLKFEST - Spilimbergo/Italia

by Diatonic News
Folkest – international folk music festival | dal 5 al 23 agosto 2021


Titano Accordions

2021 Stowe Tango Music Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
Hector Del CurtoThe 2021 Stowe Tango Music Festival will be held in Stowe, Vermont, USA from August 19th to 22nd, organised by Artistic Director, Hector Del Curto (picture right).

This year’s event will feature live in-person events at Palais de Glace on August 21st, as well as online events including the premieres of tango documentaries produced by The Argentine Tango Society on August 19th, 20th and 22nd.

Schedule for August 21st live events as follows:

1:30 to 2:30pm: “Why Does It Sound So Good?" Musicality Workshop by Hector Del Curto

2:30 to 3:30pm: “Sequence in Milonguero style and salon style” Dance Workshop by Aldo & Paula

3:30 to 4:30pm: “Structure of Milonga Traspie Sequences” Dance Workshop by Aldo & Paula

7:30 to 8:15pm Festival Concert by Hector Del Curto Tango Quintet – Hector Del Curto, Gustavo Casenave, Sami Merdinian, Jisoo Ok, Pedro Giraudo, Santiago Del Curto & special guest clarinettist Eric Abramovitz

8:15pm to 12am Festival Milonga with Live Music by the Quintet and guests including the musicians of the Bandoneon Workshop and DJ by John Coppens

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com

Accordion Jazz Chord

Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France

by Diatonic News
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France
Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 August 2021!

From musette to rock'n'roll, passing through klezmer, cajun, classical, folk... the accordion is a convivial, friendly, festive instrument, full of mischief and with infinite potential! What an atmosphere!
Each year, the Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival is nearly thirty groups for three days of concerts, festivities and entertainment for all ages, as well as a great nature and health walk & run on our country roads...
The coronavirus came and spoiled the party... but giving up!? NO !!!
Do not hesitate to join this beautiful, musical and convivial adventure that is the Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival.

For more: http://www.bellesbretelles.com/

Gary Dahl Arrangements

5th Summer Academy of Harmonica – Slovenia

by Diatonic News
5th Summer Academy of Harmonica – Slovenia
The 5th Summer Academy of Harmonica will be held at the Summer International Accordion Academy (SIAA), Hostel Panorama, Portoroz, Piran, Slovenia from 18th to 22nd August, 2021.

The event is a five day accordion adventure on the Slovenian Coast organised by the Association of Slovenian Accordeonists, Director Marko Stumperger.

Tutors Prof. Ozren Stevanovic, Prof. Marjan Krajna, Prof. Zoran Lupinc, Prof. Andreas Nebl and Director Marko Stumperger, will offer Masterclasses, professional mentoring, lectures, chamber play, orchestral play, as well as “Acquainting with Literature”, an accordion exhibition and socialising & entertainment.

SIAA participants are students (aged from 7 to 18 years old) and adults without age limit, from 8 different countries.

This year's summer academy will also serve as preparation for the festival of chamber groups and diatonic accordion soloists that will take place in October at the Laško-Radece Music School in Slovenia.

For further information phone: 040 357 924

2021 World Cup on the Accordion Virtual Polka Championship - Canada

by Diatonic News
2021 World Cup on the Accordion Virtual Polka Championship - Canada
The Button Akordion Rocks Club is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the 2021 World Cup on the Accordion Virtual Polka Championship on August 1 2021.

Online con Facebook Live
Sunday 1st August 2021 from 8pm until 11 pm
Price: Free · time 3 hr

Canadian and International submissions will open soon.
Make sure to mark your calendar and save the date. You won’t want to miss this!
More details to follow: https://fb.me/e/8rYRDwJwX

Charnwood Music Publishing

El Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbia

by Diatonic News
El Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbia
atención - el festival de 2021 no se celebra en abril como todos los años, sino en agosto de 2021

El Festival Francisco el Hombre es un proyecto cultural con el cual se institucionaliza un reconocimiento anual a la música vallenata contemporánea, a través de quienes se destaquen como sus mejores intérpretes. El Festival promueve y exalta la calidad artística del vallenato actual expresado en sus distintas variantes, a saber: tradicional, nueva ola, romántico o moderno.
Promover y fomentar la calidad artística de la música vallenata contemporánea teniendo como referente el eslogan del Festival: “Nuestra tradición con nuevos aires”.
Premiar el esfuerzo de quienes se destaquen durante el año como los mejores intérpretes de la música vallenata contemporánea.
Promover el surgimiento y dar a conocer nacional e internacionalmente los nuevos talentos en los campos de la composición, el canto y la interpretación de la música vallenata contemporánea.
Promover el desarrollo cultural y turístico del Departamento de La Guajira.
Promocionar a Riohacha como destino turístico cultural.

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
Dal 25 al 28 agosto 2021, al Teatro Electra di Iglesias, riparte la Masterclass Internazionale di Bandoneón, giunta quest’anno alla VII edizione. L’evento, organizzato dall’Associazione Anton Stadler e dall’Accademia Italiana del Bandoneon, in collaborazione con il Conservatoire du Grand Avignon, il Codarts di Rotterdam e il Conservatorio G.P. da Palestrina di Cagliari, è realizzato nell’ambito della XII edizione di ARTango&jazz Festival.

Anche per questo 2021 la Masterclass ospiterà quattro docenti d’eccezione: il Maestro Juan José Mosalini, bandoneonista e compositore argentino di fama internazionale; il M° Yvonne Hahn, docente di bandoneon al Conservatoire du Grand Avignon; il M° Santiago Cimadevilla, docente di bandoneon alla Codarts University di Rotterdam e il M° Fabio Furia, docente di bandoneon presso il Conservatorio G.P. da Palestrina di Cagliari e Direttore dell’Accademia Italiana del bandoneon.

Quattro intense giornate dedicate allo studio e all’approfondimento del bandoneon per diversi livelli: base-intermedio e avanzato. Si passerà, attraverso lezioni d’orchestra e individuali, dalle tecniche base a quelle del tango, fino a laboratori di esecuzione estemporanea.

Come sempre, la Masterclass si concluderà con il concerto finale il 28 agosto!



2021 Sidmouth Folk Festival – UK

by Harley Jones
Video: Granny's Attic perform "Away To The South'ard" live at Edge Studios in December 2020.

The 2021 Sidmouth Folk Festival will be held from July 30th to August 6th as an open air event in the Blackmore Gardens in Sidmouth, Devon, England.

The event will feature all day entertainment, street theatre, stalls, food court and evening concerts.

Entertainers include Granny’s Attic (Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (melodeon), Scottish trio Talisk (which includes concertina player Mohsen Amini - picture below) and Saul Rose (melodeon - picture left).

John Kirkpatrick will conduct a Concert Band Workshop online from Monday to Friday between 9.30 and 11.00 am. Music will be available via the festival website.
John is also doing an online concert spot during the week.

For details email: info@sidmouthfolkfestival.co.uk

Online: Fleadhfest Sligo 2021 - Ireland

by Harley Jones
Video: 2016 Fleadh Finale, Ennis Co Clare, Ireland.

The 2021 Fleadhfest Sligo will take place online this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, from August 1st to 9th, 2021 in Sligo, Ireland.

Organisers plan performances by a variety of musicians, singers and bands, who will take part in concerts, sessions, competitions and many of the other elements that you’d typically enjoy at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann.

Closer to the dates they will be able to let you know whether they can welcome audience members to attend any live events. However, they look forward to bringing you the very best in traditional Irish music, song and culture this August.

For details email: info@fleadhcheoil.ie

Picture below: The 2020 event was cancelled due to Covid-19. This picture is from the 2019 event.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Postponed - Festival Avsenik 2021 - Slowenien

by Diatonic News
Festival Avsenik 2021 - Slowenien
Postponed to 26-28 August 2022 Auf 26-28 ugust 2022 verschoben

Despite the fact that preparations for the 2021 Avsenik Festival (one of the biggest events of the year in Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia), were in full swing, organisers have regrettably announced that the festival is postponed until next year: August 26th to 28th, 2022.

This is due to the uncertain situation of the Covid-19 pandemic.

For further details email: avsenik@avsenik.com

Tango Festival Trieste - Italy

by Diatonic News
Tango Festival Trieste - ItalyAlreday the 2020 Edition of the Tango Festival Trieste was postponed to 2021. Unfortunately due to the actual Covid-Situation, also this year cannot happend. The next edition witll be in September 2022.

They write:
Due to the hard period connected with the health emergency COVID-19. We think it is better to be careful and wait for better times to organize this international event that brings people from all over the world every year in the city of Trieste. That way the true essence of tango, social and multicultural dance, can be expressed in the most natural and spontaneous way.
We have been waiting as long as possible hoping that the health situation would allow us to confirm the event, but now we can’t wait any longer. We don’t want to postpone it and overlap with other tango events so we decided to cancel it. The decision was really painful, but we believe it is the most appropriate solution, and we will give our best to make the next edition even more engaging and exciting.
❤️ We thank you for the affection and patience shown, we will embrace you again next year for the VIII edition of the International Trieste Tango Festival 2022, of which we will communicate the dates as soon as possible.
A big tango hug to everyone,

Guillermo Berzins (Festival Director)

Titano Accordions

Etétrad Festival 2021 - Aosta/Italia

by Diatonic News
19-20-21 Agosto/Août/August 2021
Région Autonome Vallée d’Aoste

Musique traditionnelle du Monde en Vallée d’Aoste/Italie
Pour savoir plus: https://www.facebook.com/etetrad/



by Diatonic News
The Festival aims to make your stay safe, comfortable and full of never to be forgotten, happy experiences.
An exciting family holiday, a place to make new friends and meet up with old friends, an inclusive friendly atmosphere whether you are an experienced folkie or a complete newcomer, whether you come with friends or on your own.

As far as the music is concerned, Shrewsbury Folk Festival has a reputation for delivering the very finest acts from the UK and around the world, always searching to find new authentic artists as well as providing a platform for established performers, and never forgetting to add some fun and diversity to our concerts. The festival brings quality in depth, recognising the need to give their artists and audiences the best stages, in the best marquees, with the best sound and lighting possible.


Voci Armoniche

2021 "IN PERSON" FESTIVAL/Workshop - Vermont/USA

by Diatonic News
HECTOR DEL CURTOSaturday August 21st

1:30-2:30pm “Why Does It Sound So Good?"
Musicality Workshop by Hector Del Curto
Artistic Director & Founder

HECTOR DEL CURTO (Director and Bandoneon Faculty)

Praised by the New York Times as a "splendid player", Grammy–Award winning Argentinean bandoneonist Héctor Del Curto's career spanning for more than twenty–five years, has encompassed traditional Tango, New Tango, Jazz, Classical and World music. He has performed with world–renowned tango legends such as Astor Piazzolla and Osvaldo Pugliese, clarinetist Paquito D'Rivera, saxophonist Joe Lovano, violinist Cho–Liang Lin, pianist Pablo Ziegler, as well as with Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, St. Louis Symphony, the National Symphony Orchestra (Washington D.C.), the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, the the Buenos Aires Symphony Orchestra and among many others.


Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France

by Diatonic News
Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France
6-15 August 2021
Le Festival Interceltique de Lorient c’est :
10 jours de spectacles et divers événements début août
4500 musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs, plasticiens, universitaires, cinéastes, d’Écosse, d’Irlande, du Pays de Galles, de Cornouailles, de l’Île de Man, de Galice, des Asturies, de Bretagne, des USA, du Canada, d’Australie, etc…
Des fest noziou gratuits, des ateliers de musique, des conférences, des concerts tous les jours sur des scènes et dans les bars de la ville, des master class gratuites d’instruments celtes, des défilés journaliers, des concours de cornemuse, de gaita, d’accordéon, de harpe celtique, de batterie, de pipe-bands, un jardin des arts et des luthiers, un espace Paroles et solidaire,…


Stage voor traditionele volksmuziek - Belgique

by Diatonic News
zaterdag 21 tot woensdag 25 augustus 2021
Gejuich en gejubel. Doedelzakgeschal! Deze zomer gaat de Stage voor traditionele volksmuziek gewoonweg door. Samen spelen, zingen, jammen op een veilige manier en dat 5 dagen lang in het prachtige Gooik. Anders dan anders, wat compacter, maar zeker met de alom gekende stagevibe.

Dit jaar kunnen we enkel de ingeschreven deelnemers toelaten tijdens de stage, dus geen bezoekers. Door de geldende maatregelen zijn we gebonden aan een beperktere capaciteit om alles veilig te kunnen organiseren.

We volgen tijdens de stage alle COVID-19-maatregelen die op dat moment zullen gelden. Lees meer over de specifieke voorzorgsmaatregelen.


Accordion Jazz Chords

40th Milwaukee Irish Fest - USA

by Diatonic News
40th Milwaukee Irish Fest  - USA
2021 is the 40th anniversary of the Milwaukee Irish Fest, which will be held at the Henry Maier Festival Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, from August 20th to 22nd. This year's theme is "Celebrating the Spirit of Irish America."

This year’s event will include live concerts, lessons & classes, displays on Celtic art, history, genealogy, Gaelic language and more, Irish-inspired cuisine, a Sunday morning Irish breakfast plus much more.

The event will also feature an online Irish themed program which will include musical performances and cultural talks recorded straight from Ireland.

Those who worked on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic will be honored at a special ceremony during the Irish Fest. They will receive free admission on August 21st, from 2pm to 3.30pm.

The Frontline Workers Recognition Ceremony will begin at 3.45pm at the Miller Lite Stage. Special commemorative coins will be given out at the gate ticket windows, while supplies last. Organisers are extremely thankful for our frontline workers and their service!

For details email: info@irishfest.com

Cancelled: 2021 Bretelles Festival - France

by Diatonic News
Organisers of the 2021 Bretelles Festival, due to be held at the Château de Bertholène in Bertholène, France from August 3rd to 8th, regret to announce that the festival has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The recent worsening of the epidemiological situation and the alarming spread of the virus broadcast by the Public Authorities, the National Public Health Agency and the media unfortunately force us to cancel the third edition of the Bretelles Festival."

People who have purchased one or more tickets for the festival will receive an email from the Festik platform within the next few days concerning the refund procedure.

For details email: bretellesfestival@gmail.com

Titano Accordions

Future events / Concerts

Die GRABENLAND BUAM im August: Austria/Deutschland/Schweiz

by Diatonic News
13/08/21-7.30pm/Meisterswil – Hünen/Meisterswilerfest/Switzerland
14/08/21-8.30pm/Kleinveitsch/Privatveranstaltung Kleinveitsch/Austria
20/08/21-8.30pm/Schrick/MV Schrick Fest/Austria
21/08/21-7.30pm/Ottersbach/Privatveranstaltung Ottersbach/Austria
28/08/21-7:30pm/Sinntal/Sinntal Fest/Germany
30/08/21-7:30pm Bad Griesbach im Rottal, Volksfeststraße 1./Karpfhammer Volksfest/Austria

Weiteres auf: http://www.grabenlandbuam.at/

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 hat jetzt ein fixes Datum - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

eSheet Music Titles

concerto Finale della Masterclass di Bandoneon - Sardegna/Italia

by Diatonic News
concerto Finale della Masterclass di Bandoneon - Sardegna/Italia
La Masterclass Internazionale di Bandoneόn è l’unico corso intensivo dedicato al bandoneόn che si svolge continuativamente sul territorio nazionale nell’ambito di ARTango&Jazz Festival.
Sede dell’iniziativa è la Sardegna, dove ogni anno durante l’ultima settimana del mese di agosto giungono bandoneonisti da tutta Europa per seguire le lezioni e i seminari dei grandi maestri di volta in volta ospitati. Al termine del corso i musicisti si esibiscono in un concerto finale frutto del lavoro svolto durante le giornate della masterclass.

Chiostro San Francesco, Iglesias
28 Agosto 2021
sabato, 21:30 - 23:00
Associazione Anton Stadler
09016 Iglesias
+39 342 580 5156


Titano Accordions

Concerts sous les Arbres - Belgique

by Diatonic News
Concerts sous les Arbres - Belgique
Pour tous les informations consultez:
http://www.concertsouslesarbres.be/ e clickez sur les dates!

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Sharon Shannon at Cropredy Convention – England

by Harley Jones
Sharon ShannonVideo: Allow a few seconds for this large video to load. Sharon Shannon Live From Dolans in February 2021.

Sharon Shannon (picture left) will perform at the 2021 Cropredy Convention, held in Cropredy, Oxfordshire, England from August 12th to 14th, 2021.

The free, three-day open-air festival includes a variety of musical entertainment such as rock, pop and folk, headed by British folk-rock band Fairport Convention.

See poster for details.

Voci Armoniche

St. Bartlmäe Kirchtag und 11. Musikantentreffen - Österreich

by Harley Jones
22. August 2021 - 22. August 2021

St. Bartlmäe Kirchtag und 11. Musikantentreffen
beim Messnerwirt, St. Bartlmä Nr. 15, 9212 Techelsberg, ab 11:00 Uhr

Gasthaus Messner ist ein Familienbetrieb für Veranstaltungen und ganzjährig verfügbaren Zimmern. Die Lage und die wunderschöne Aussicht von der Gaststube und der großen Sonnenterasse wird sie begeistern.

St. Bartlmä 15 - Plan
Ort:9212 Techelsberg
Telefon:04272 - 65 19 & 0650 - 391 80 54

Sounding Out the Accordion

ROBERTO POMILI TRIO concerto - Italia

by Diatonic News
👉18 AGOSTO - ORE 21
link evento: https://www.diyticket.it/.../5024/concertan


DANÇAS OCULTAS performing in Selters - DE/Portugal

by Diatonic News
am 28.8.2021 in der Festhalle in Selters/Deutschland

Hinter dem Namen Danças Ocultas verbergen sich vier Akkordeonisten aus Agueda in der Nähe von Porto, die zu den innovativsten und spannendsten Vertretern zeitgenössischer Klänge aus Portugal gehören. Seit einigen Jahren erobern sie die internationalen Bühnen mit einem beim ersten Hinhören unspektakulären Konzept: ruhig, lyrisch, mehr oder minder traditionell, mit nur vier diatonischen Akkordeons.

Artur Fernandes – Diatonisches Akkordeon
Francisco Miguel – Diatonisches Akkordeon
Filipe Cal – Diatonisches Akkordeon
Filipe Ricardo – Diatonisches Akkordeon

Weitere Info auf: https://www.cultureworks.at/dancas-ocultas/

Voci Armoniche

Fantafolk in Agosto - Sardegna/Italia

by Diatonic News
Fantafolk di Vanni Masala e Andrea Pisu:
1/08 "I suoni dell’identità. Concerto di mezzanotte" ad Alghero.
3/08 "Shopping sotto le stelle" ad Oristano.
8/08 "Festival delle launeddas" concerto e diretta tv Videolina con altri artisti, a Villaputzu.

Reduci dai recenti grandi successi, dal videoclip da milioni di "views" e “like” ai vari concerti nei luoghi più originali della loro Isola, saranno in scena il duo Fantafolk, con le launeddas di Andrea Pisu e l’organetto di Vanni Masala, e Valeria Carboni, che darà voce ai canti della Sardegna.Saranno spettacoli sotto le stelle al quale si potrà assistere liberamente, nel pieno rispetto delle norme sanitarie.

Far conoscere ai turisti i suoni e le voci della nostra identità. Ma anche permettere ai giovani di prendere consapevolezza del grande tesoro rappresentato dalle musiche della tradizione della Sardegna.


Friedrich Lips Book

Alessandro Gaudio concert in Mons - Italy/Belgium

by Harley Jones
Alessandro Gaudio
Alessandro Gaudio will hold a concert on the 28th of August 2021 at the 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗼 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗱𝗶 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘀 (𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗴𝗶que) during the 7th international Festival and Masterclass.

For more information visit: https://www.accordeons-nous.org/7th-festival

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Die SEER spielen im August - Austria

by Diatonic News
Die beliebte Band ist im August auf Österreichtour zu sehen und zu hören, versäumen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, wenn Sie sich irgendwo in der Nähe aufhalten sollten:

Die SEER live @ Hoamat Haibach
Aug 13 um 21:00 – 23:00

A-3932 Limbach (Verschoben) @ Open Air
Aug 14 um 21:00 – 23:30

A-7122 Gols (Verschoben) @ Messe Gols
Aug 17 um 20:30 – 22:30

A-8225 Pöllau @ Open Air
Aug 20 um 21:00 – 23:00

A-8931 Landl (Verschoben) @ Festzelt
Aug 21 um 20:00 – 23:30

A-8010 Graz @ Graz Messegelände
Aug 26 um 20:00 – 22:30

A-6330 Kufstein @ Festung Kufstein
Aug 28 um 20:00 – 22:30


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

“Poor Man’s Gambit” Performs at Musikfest 2021 - USA

by Diatonic News
“Poor Man’s Gambit” Performs at Musikfest 2021 - USA
“Poor Man’s Gambit” will entertain at Musikfest 2021, held at the Americaplatz Stage, Levitt Pavillion Steel Stacks in Bethleham, PA on August 11th, 2021.

The Traditional celtic band will play a free concert from 7pm to 8.30pm. The trio includes Corey Purcell (accordion, cittern, vocals & bodhran), Federico Betti (guitar & fiddle), and Deirdre Lockman (fiddle & vocals).

Building on their roots as traditional Irish musicians, the trio's repertoire is also influenced by traditional music of other cultures including France, Scotland, England, and America.

For details email: poormansgambit@gmail.com

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Titano Accordions

CD "Calabria Orchestra Live" - Italia

by Diatonic News
A fine Giugno, Calabria Sona e Italysona hanno presentato presso il Museo dinamico della seta, in via Scivula a Mendicino (Cs) l'esordio discografico della Calabria Orchestra dal titolo "Calabria Orchestra Live". Un progetto fortemente ancorato al territorio, in cui linguaggi musicali diversi si incontrano tra tradizione e improvvisazione.
Sono intervenuti: il sindaco di Mendicino, Antonio Palermo il maestro concertatore Checco Pallone , il produttore Giuseppe Marasco e i musicisti della Calabria Orchestra

Accordion Jazz Chord

CD "die Herzen zum Himmel" Marc Pircher - Österreich

by Harley Jones
CD Jetzt das neue Album von Marc Pircher "Die Herzen zum Himmel"

Kontakt & Autogrammadresse
Bachauweg 9
A-6273 Ried im Zillertal


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